
"We will see which team is stronger. The Super Whirlwinds, or the Youth Forces! Let the first match of the semi-finals begin!" Davis brought the atmosphere at the stadium to a new height with his relaxed and attractive voice.

The match between the Super Whirlwinds and Youth Forces began as Davis's voice faded.

The Super Whirlwinds stood at the north of the area in a pentagonal formation. Tom stood at the front with White and Miller on his left and right, while Deng Lun and Will stood in the back.

Meanwhile, the Youth Forces assumed a more conservative quadrangle formation. Captain Voss, the lightning mage, stood alongside Mace, the water mage, while their alchemist stood in the middle with the other two behind him.

"The Super Whirlwinds are the first to attack!"

The Super Whirlwind fans cheered and chanted crazily while the rest of the audience got into a heated discussion.