The Master of Theory!

It was the first day of training camp, and although it was just a theory class, the Guardians arrived at the lecture hall early. When they entered, seventy to eighty people were sitting in their seats.

"Everyone is so enthusiastic. There are already people sitting here," Alan said with widened eyes, his face full of disbelief.

Moss also looked helpless. It was as if he had returned to school.

"Moss, let's go sit in the back row. There are fewer people there. It'll be quieter," Mill yawned as she squinted her eyes.

It was her first time sleeping in the same room with a group of guys, so she didn't get much sleep. She felt many eyes staring at her. It was also the first time she wore so many clothes as she slept. Still, what made her unhappy was that Moss slept better than anyone else, even though he would protect her. But fortunately, the night was fine.

Moss nodded and walked to the last row.