True Genius!

Time passed quickly as the students listened to Hank's lecture. It was supposed to be a difficult day, but many didn't get enough of it after their evening class.

Moss had a few questions to ask Hank, but there were already too many people surrounding Hank from all sides. Moss thought it was okay since Hank was a lecturer in the training camp, and there would be other opportunities to ask him questions.

Moss was even more excited because Hank was a knight and also one of the master theorists in the country. Moreover, Moss became more confident about the future because what he heard in the lecture was proof of what his grandfather told him before leaving for Black Dragon City.

The night's first half was silent when a series of urgent horns sounded. Then s voice came from the surrounding megaphones, "All participants, gather for an emergency meeting! Pack your bags in five minutes and come to the field!"