Chapter 8 | To Diamond Kingdom

3rd person P.O.V. :

"I don't feel any difference after the merge, it feels like I got reborn, it feels nice too" Asta said as he stretches.

"So... what are we gonna do now? The magic knight might already reported to the wizard king and they might send more magic knights, probably the magic knights captains, to kill us immediately" Liebe said

"We will stay and wait for them here. We are powerful enough to kill them!" Asta said while Liebe and Lucifer sensed him released his blood lust.

'He has changed so much after the merge, so that's how his demon side's personality like. But why does he want to kill the magic knights?' Lucifer thought "What happened when you were merging with your other side?" He asks Asta "Nothing really happened, it is just the magic knights were using me as a weapon instead of think about me as one of their comrades. They planned all these events, including the execution. All the magic knight knows, even the black bulls." Asta said in monotone.

Suddenly they heard some rustling noises near them "So the magic knights came. I haven't even see what kind of spell do I have in the grimore" he sighed then he got up and walks out of his little shelter. Then he saw some magic knights from the other squad, Yuno, Klaus and the black bulls are standing in front of him.

"What do you want now?" Asta said calmly but his hunger for blood is noticeable for the magic knights. Yuno and Klaus stepped out among all of the magic knights.

"So you have fully healed your wounds that you got yesterday. I'll injure you more or even kill you! But I'll wait for you to say what you are going to say before I kill you" Asta says carefreely which made the knights underestimate him. When the magic knights were going to attck him, Yuno spoke up which made all the knights stop what they are doing.

"Why did you not leave this place when we found out your hideout. You know we all will come here and kill you?!" Yuno said with pain and sadness in his voice "Because you won't defeat me, even with all these magic knights." He said

"I found out what you all were planning to do to me, if I deny what you all order me to do or turn against the kingdom, I will be killed immediately right? And if someone tell me about this, they will get killed. Am I right?" Asta glared at the black bulls, especially Yami who is standing there in shock. "Kid, how did you find out about it?! Who told you about that?!" Yami demanded

"I found it out by myself and I told myself about it too" Asta said with a playful tone that annoyed Yami. "Well, enough talk for now." Asta said as he went behind the magic knights and he pulled out his grimoire. "I'm gonna try my new spell on you all" he said with exitement as he put his hand out.

Demon attribute magic: kuroi kaminari

A black lighting came out of Asta's palm and it hit the ground. The ground cracked which made the magic knights lost their balance, Asta starts killing them before they could react and balanced themselves.

A minute later, he killed most of the magic knights except the black bulls, Klaus and Yuno. Yuno and Noelle immediately went into spirit dive and valkyrie armor as the others flips their grimoire to a certain page or went into a fighting stance, preparing to fight their friend.

"So you want to fight me seriously right now. Then, I'll end this faster" Asta said and the next thing they knew is Asta is above them with his grimoire out and it flipped to a certain page.

Demon attribute magic: kuroi honoo

A black flames started to surround them, not letting them to escape but then the flames starts to get closer towards them. He sent a big compressed high speed arc-like wind at them.

Dark magic: black hole

Yami sensed it with his ki and managed to nullify it with his magic. "You managed to erase it but how about this?!" Asta said as the dirt and debris around them starting to float and went towards them at a high speed.

Yuno use his wind magic to slow down the speed of the debris while the rest are using their magic to destroy the debris. When they almost cleared all the debris, suddenly Klaus yelped in pain as he felt something stabbed him. He looked down and saw a rusted sword pirced through his stomach, the sword is covered with blood. When he look back, he saw Asta standing behind him with an evil grin on his face.

"KLAUS SENPAI" Yuno shouted when he turned back and saw the scene. The others' attnetion immediately went to them when they heard Yuno shouted"This is what the rest will get too. Hope you will enjoy your life in hell, four-eyes" Asta whispered in Klaus's ear as he pulled out the sword and Klaus's body dropped on the floor.

"You all saw what happened so now leave me alone or else you will end up like four-eyes." Asta warned "Don't come back or else you will die here. Even you come hete, you won't find me here after today" Asta mumbled the last sentence

"Fine kid, we will leave you alone for now. But we'll still come back soon" Yami said and he tells them to go back. Yuno carried Klaus with his wind magic before leaving.

After the black bulls and Yuno left, Asta went back to his shelter and starts to pack his things as Liebe and Lucifer came out of the grimoire. "So where are we gonna go now?" Liebe asks curiously. "We are leaving this kingdom. We can go to diamond kingdom for now because we know someone from there." Asta answered him in monotone "Let's go. The border wouldn't be too far away from here" he said as he stretches out his wings to fly towards the direction of diamond kingdom.


With the black bulls, after they left Asta alone, they rushed towards the royal capital to bring Klaus to the hospital and report to Julius that what happened during the mission.

Yami told the members to stay oitside of the castle before he goes into the wizard king's castle. They went to the hospital to wait for Dr Owen to finish checking Klaus. "What happened to Asta? His personality suddenly changed..." Finral said "Yesterday he wasn't like that, he warned us not to get him back before he attacks. But today he is... out for blood. I felt there's immense mana radiating off from him yesterday too." Noelle said softly while she is shaking.

After awhile, Dr Owen came out and told them that Klaus's life isn't in danger which made them sighed in relief.

In Julius's office, Yami reported to Julius about the whole event. Including Asta's ability which Julius kept asking about what Asta's ability for more than 10 minutes, but then they went back to the report.

Julius clears his throat before talking "You can't even sense his ki because he is too fast?! We should announce it to everyone that he is now considered dangerous. I wanted to talk to him but it seems that he know about him being a weapon. I guess he wants to get his revenge for using him as a weapon and everyone betrayed him. I think we need to arrange a captain meeting as soon as possible" Julius said to himself and he told Marx to tell all the captains to gather for a meeting. Hours later, they decided to let it aside first because they are going to focus on the upcoming war against spade kingdom with heart kingdom.


Asta arrived at diamond kingdom and he saw Mars who is patrolling. He called Mars then Mars noticed him. "What are you doing here?!" Mars asked Asta told him the whole thing, even about his revenge. He also told Mars he need a place to live.

Mars took him to a cottage that no one lives and let him stay in there. "If you need any help, just use this device to contact me." Mars said as he hands a communication device to Asta before he leave.

'I can't wait to get my revenge' Asta thought as he smirked.