Chapter 1 | The Beginning of Revenge

A person with ash blonde hair is standing on top of the roof. "Are you ready to go, Asta?"Lucifer asked him "Yeah, let's go to the spade kingdom. They are probably waiting for us now. Come to think of it, it's been months since we live here and had a deal with them " Asta replied him "But first, we need to kill the citizens in this kingdom"

'During these few months staying in diamond kingdom, all I did was just training to control and use my magic and ability with Liebe and Lucifer in diamond kingdom. Sometimes Mars stops by to visits me and give me some tips to control my magic, I kinda feel sorry for him to kill him but he always being kind to me...' Asta thought as he is hesitating that he wants to kill Mars or not

"Where should we start our killing?" Liebe asks which made Asta cut off from his thought. "Hm? You and Lucifer can start from here, I'll go to the capital of the kingdom. Then we can meet in the capital and go to spade to meet them." Asta told both of them. Liebe and Lucifer went to opposite direction and started their spree while Asta made a portal with his magic to go to the diamond kingdom's capital.

"Let's see how powerful my magic and ability is right now... will the eight shining generals defeat me or I am able to kill them? But first I'll make a mess here to attract their attention" Asta said to himself as he takes out his grimoire and flipped to a certain page.

Demon attribute magic: soul devourer

A magic circle appears in a part of the capital and started extracting the souls out of the people. The other people who saw it and started panicking, they start to run, trying to escape. But Asta use his flames, but it is blue flames to burn the people that is on the street instead of the black flames he used in clover kingdom. (yk which anime reference is it?)

"You won't be able to escape from a devil hybrid who merged with their demonic side, humans..." Asta chuckled. He started to use his blue flames to burn the houses in a few seconds.

From a far away, one of the eight shining general saw a part of the capital is burning in blue flames. He immediately went to report to the king who lives in the center of the capital. The king use one of his servent to use their commutation magic to inform the other shining generals.

All of the eight shining generals went to the capital to protect the king after while, they saw the destruction stopped, they think the 'intruder' retreated or got defeated. They let out a sigh and let their guard down.

Suddenly they felt a murderous intent above them, they look up and saw a person with a pair of wings and a tail flying above them and the capital, the person is putting his hand above and the clouds started to gather above them as the clouds darkens. Mars took a closer look and he is shock after seeing the person clearly. Asta made eye contact with Mars then he smirked.

Demon attribute magic: kuroi kaminari

Before he can tell the generals a black lighting hit the most of the shining generals unconscious. The only shining generals left are just him and Lardos when he wanted to attack Asta, he immediately bind them up with anti-magic.

Anti-magic: Chains of hell

Asta also bind the other shining generals with anti-magic and he left to kill the people in the capital who are freaking out.

After awhile, every street of the capital is covered in debris, blood and dead bodies. The shining generals who were unconscious start gaining back their consciousness and saw Asta walking out of the castle that the king is living in with the king's head.

They widened their eyes in horror as Asta is walking towards them with a sword in his right hand. He dropped the king's head and ran towards one of the shining general, the next second the others saw that shining general's head is gone, before they can react, Asta beheaded the rest except Mars.

Asta released Mars from the binding spell as he walked towards a survivor from his spell. When Asta is gonna kill the survivor, Mars immediately uses his mineral magic to stop Asta from killing the survivor.

When Mars created crystals on the ground to attack Asta, the survivor is already beheaded by him. "Why did you attack the capital!? What are your intentions the whole time?!" Mars demanded, he felt betrayed and disappointed while Asta gave him an 'innocent smile' but bloodlust is leaking out from him. "It's been a long time that I've created chaos or killing people. So why shouldn't I have some fun right now? I just come to kill all of you before going to the spade kingdom and get my revenge. Now you found my intentions and now I won't leave you alive cause you will inform clover kingdom or getting revenge." Asta said as he stab Mars at his stomach.

*Gore part starts here*

Asta take out his sword and took out Mars' intestine, he throw the intestines aside. Then he stab him on the chest " d...devil... w..why... should... I... trust... you... a..t th...the fir....first place....?" Mars said before his breathing stopped. "Yes, I am a devil, a devil that lies and betrays humans" Asta replied him, then he sat on top of a roof to wait for Liebe and Lucifer.

*gore part ends*

Half an hour later, Liebe and Lucifer reached at the capital. "Finally you've reached here, it sure took you a long time" Asta noticed them "it took us so long to kill so much people. Not like you having some awesome spells that can kill people instantly" Liebe said the last sentence softly, obviously he is sulking.

"Let's go to spade kingdom, they must be waiting for us to come for the final meeting before going to invade the other kingdoms." Asta quickly changes the topic as he went to the direction of the border that's separates spade kingdom and diamond kingdom.

*an hour of traveling by flying to the spade castle*

They entered a room that is only lighten with candles with a long tables with 3 chairs are occupied and the other chair is empty. "Sorry for waiting so long, we had some problems when we attacked diamond kingdom." Asta told the three members that are occupying the chairs as he goes sits on the empty chair. "So, have they found out about your group, Dante?"Asta asked "yes they have but they don't know about our intentions" Dante replied him.

After their meeting asta realized that they don't even need a meeting"Actually we don't need to hold this meeting don't we?" Asta yawns before he walks out of the room "we can just go to where we needed to go... but I want to take a nap for awhile before going to clover kingdom. We'll go there in a few hours later right? I'm just gonna confirm it."

*more time skip, I'm so sorry*

A few hours after Asta taking a nap, Dante and Zenon went to clover kingdom while Vanica goes to heart kingdom to 'play'. "I think we should better go now, or else we will miss the party~" Asta told Liebe and Lucifer who just appeared beside him as they fly to the direction of clover kingdom.

'You'll just wait clover kingdom, the former clover devil is coming to get his revenge. I'll let you feel my pain' he thought and he smirked without knowing about it.