INT. Inside the boss's office.
Gale, Robbie and the boss are inside. The boss is very upset.
Aiden Hall
(he is a tall man, wearing a suit. He is very upset)
How do you want me to run a business with people like you?... When the hell will you get mature and come in time to work...!
Gale Hughes
(looking at his shoes)
My car is broken. I can't afford a car like yours. Nobody will sell a good car to me... considering the money I earn...
Aiden Hall
(very upset)
Nobody sells. How about selling my car to you. Bring me 20,000 pounds... and it's yours...
Gale looks at his boss. Then he looks at Robbie. His friend is very calm.
Robbie Robinson
Boss... can you take these records from the table?
Aiden Hall
(very calm)
Sure, Robbie.
The boss puts them into a drawer. Robbie puts his coffee on the empty space on the desk.
Aiden Hall
(very upset)
Every time you come late! And you're the first one that leaves! At least... if you come so late... try to leave later...
Gale once again looks at his boss. And then at his friend.
Robbie Robinson
Boss... can you give me a pen?
Aiden Hall
(very calm, looking at Robbie)
Sure, Robbie. Take this one... I got it from my late grandfather...
Robbie Robinson
Thanks, boss...
Aiden Hall
(very calm)
You're welcome... Keep it...
Robbie Robinson
Thanks, boss...
Then he is looking at Gale.
Aiden Hall
(very upset)
You're the worst employee! Even for my enemies I don't want such an employee like you! So insolent... so...
But the boss is interrupted by Gale.
Gale Hughes
Boss... Robbie gets late too.
Aiden Hall
(very upset)
Which Robbie...?
Robbie Robinson
Gale Hughes
Robbie Robinson. The man next to you. But... it's true, every time we come at the same time. Both of us... And every time you... You yell at me. Only at me...
The boss says nothing else. He looks at Robbie. Robbie looks at his boss.
Robbie Robinson
Gale... is right, boss.
Aiden Hall
(very calm)
Yes... I guess... Why I yell only at him?
Both are thinking.
Robbie Robinson
Because I bring you the coffee, boss. This must be...
Aiden Hall
Yes...that's why... Because you're bringing me the coffee. How can I be upset on the one that brings me the coffee?...
Robbie and the boss begin to laugh.
Gale looks at them for a few seconds, then he interrupts them.
Gale Hughes
So... if I am the one that brings you the coffee...You will yell at Robbie?
Aiden Hall
No... Now get back to work!
Gale stands up. He looks behind him and sees that Robbie remains near the boss's desk and solves his sudoku.
Gale Hughes
Robbie... why don't you send him to work? Doesn't he have anything to work?
The boss looks at Robbie.
Aiden Hall
(very calm)
Robbie... do you have something to work?
Robbie Robinson
(without taking his eyes from his sudoku)
Aiden Hall
(very calm)
Ok... he doesn't have anything to work.
Gale Hughes
I also don't have anything to do so...
Aiden Hall
(very nervous)
Go back to work! Now... or else...!
Gale leaves the office.