Chapter Twenty-Three:

I excused myself from the mess hall and grabbed Gemini and Jade hauling them with me. I quickly found the office that Astor was talking about to be mine. I lock the door and turn to them. They both looked rather confused.

I begin pacing infront of them.

"Freya?! What's wrong?" I look at Jade and try to think where to start. This was utterly frustration and it made no sense! There hasn't been any record of a descendent of Drago in seventy years. They were all executed if my memory serves right.

Raph couldn't be a dragon-borne but he carried the blood and any female born from his blood could be a Dragon-borne.

"Gemini. I want you to go to the dark forest. Speak to The Dark Elven King. I want everything on Drago and his descendents! Raph has the pendent of Drago. Now!" Gemini nods and I watch as a purplish

smoke surrounds her and she disapates into thin air.

"Maybe it was a token of affection. He may not have Dragon's blood running through his veins.." I begin pacing again.

"Astor Alpha tone didn't work on him. He asked me if I could project Shade yet. No one outside of Dragon-bornes know that! My mother told me a thirteen that I may be able to do it when I was older."

Jade sighs and runs her fingers through her hair.

" And this is bad thing?" I felt my eyebrows draw together. They don't one would ever understand...I was terrified now..knowing what my father had done to my mother..I shake my head and place both my hands on the desk.

'It doesn't make any sense..He can't be Lily's son..'My eyes widen at Shade's words. She wasn't wrong..I groan and drop my head looking at the desk.

"Jade...I want everything you can find out about Raph. Be cautious about it." She nods and disapates the same way that Gemini does. I round the desk and flop down in the chair.

This was insane. Maybe I was over reacting about the pendent...But I had a bad feeling that I wasn't and that meant that there was a survivor of Drago's clan..The Order had no idea about it either.

If they did...they'd kill him. I squeeze my eyes shut and inhale several deep breaths to keep from losing control of myself. It almost felt as if Shade was pacing around in my head. She wasn't helping anything either!

I dig through the desk until I find a piece of paper and a pen and begin trying to connect the dots.

'Someone's coming.' I shove the paper in the desk and get a clean piece and scribble scribble random things that I 'wanted to change' about the office. There is a light knock in the door and I look up as it opens and my stomache drops. Raph strolls in with a smirk on his face.

'I want to punch his stupid face!' Shade snarls. I felt a small smile tug at the corner of my mouth.

"What can I help you with Raph." He chuckles bitterly before sitting in a chair infront of my desk and props his feet up on the top of the desk. I arch an eyebrow at him.

"Your 'Mate' is quite protective. Apparently I'm your new body guard." I felt my eyes shift then and flames danced across my entire body. Raph gives me an amused look. Which only made me angrier.

"Go to hell Raph. Get out of my office." He chuckles but doesn't move.

"You know princess you have quite a temper." I let out a warning growl.

"You don't know anything about me! You don't get to mock me by calling me princess! You don't get to be a sarcastic dick when you speak about Astor and you DONT get to disrespect me!"

Raph was unphased by my outburst but I does get up and leave.

'He is literally dragon dung!' I let out a small laugh at Shade's comment. She wasn't wrong. But she said things weird sometimes. She didn't cuss much..She found it distasteful. But me...when my anger gets the best of me it comes out whether I want it to or not.

'We need to be wary of him.' I nod in agreement. I wasn't about to let someone else I cared about Die because I was to niave to see the evil that was infront of me..

'Wanting to see the good in people doesn't make you Niave Mistress.' I shake my head. I knew she was trying to make me feel better..But it wasn't going to help. I needed her to just let me work this out and figure out what the hell was going on.

I needed to take my mind off of all of this..I could talk to Astor. He would be a good distraction from my mess of a Brian. But it wouldn't take long for him to figure out that something was wrong. So that was a no go. I stand up and walk over the bookshelves skimming over the titles of some of the books.

An instant thought hit me.

What if Lily was his mother but he and Astor didn't share the same father? Dragon's blood can be carried by males but it can't be actived by a male. So the blood would keep getting passed down until a female was born..

A strange ache filks my chest. But that would mean that Lily would have had to cheat on Astor's father. Crimes like that weren't taken lightly so how was it possible that she was even allowed to live? Was the mare bond that strong between them and if it was wouldn't he have known she cheated while she was committing the act?

Groaning I turn in a circle and falk back laying on the floor. All of this was so complicated. And it wasn't like I could just straight up ask anyone about it....or could I?

Would Lily open up to me about any of this? I close my eyes. I highly doubt that. She probably regrets it even happening. I'm sure that she wouldn't want to relive any of it.