My hands were shaking. Freya all that pain she was dealing with on her own of losing our child! Then this was thrown in her face! If she was in pain I couldn't feel it! Aro was howling in pain at the lose of his pup.
Aro was angry with me after what happened with Aria..I couldn't blame him. I was angry at myself. I don't even remember half of it. I was dead drunk.
I found that I had wondered into the garden Freya's scent filled the air. I spotted her and my mother sitting on a bench. Quickly i move out of their line of sight. Freya was smiling?! What the hell? Had it really not bothered her? Or was she hiding it from my mother...
I watch as Freya looks around. A small smile tugs at the corner of my mouth. She could sense someone was watching her. Her senses were growing. I watch half surprised as my mother gets up and leaves Freya alone.
I stayed were I was and watched her. She title her head back and looks up at the moon with a somber smile on her lips. Why was she so okay with all this? Why was I so upset that she was okay?
'You're an idiot!' I suppress a groan at the sound of Aro's hoarse voice.
'You think I don't know that?!' Aro growls.
'She is okay with it because she knows she can NEVER give us a child! She's doing this for you! Why do you think she was so easy on Aria?! She doesn't wanna risk hurting the baby!'My heart ached.
She was doing this for me? Because she couldn't do this for me?
'She's so strong..'
'And you are not! You will make this up to her!' On my life. I would never do anything to hurt her again. I would make sure she wanted for nothing. She would know how much I loved her and how much I needed her.
"How long are you going to hide of there Astor?" I stiffen. I had been caught. I round the tree and give her a sheepish smile. She waves me over and I slowly walk over to her and kneel down in front of her.
She touches my cheek lightly. I close my eyes and lean into her touch.
"I am so sorry Freya..I shouldn't have.." She covers my mouth causing me to look at her curiously. Her cheeks were tinted pink.
"I love you." Her cheeks turned a few shades darker, but my heart was pounding. She said it first...She said she loved me.
I take her hand away from my mouth and lean up placing my forehead against hers causing her breath to hitch.
"I love you Freya. More than anything." She smiles and nods her head.
"I know."
******FREYA'S POINT OF VIEW********
I groan and peel my eyes open as something brushes against my bare skin. Astor's soft chuckle fills my ears. I could feel my cheeks warm and I tug the sheet around me and turn over to face him.
"Good Morning my love." I smile sheepishly at him.
"Morning. What time is?" Astor chuckles and shrugs Astor reaches out and tugs a piece of my hair playfully.
"After Nine. But if you need more rest then we can rest." I arch an eyebrow at Astor as he smirks at me.
"I also hear through the grape vine that you delivered a baby with white hair." Both my eyebrows shoot up. How did he hear about that?
"Her name is Nigeria. And yes I did. She's beautiful." Astor smiles sadly at me.
"Our daughter would have been just as beautiful." My heart clenched at the pain in his voice. I reach out and lay my hand on his chest. He inhales a deep breath sighs.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." I suppress rolling my eyes at him. I knew he'd need to talk after finding that out. But it wasn't something that I wanted to talk about.
The door bursts open and I shriek pulling the blankets up to my shoulders. Lily's laughter fills the air. I lean up to look at her.
"I thought we were going to see Nigeria today?!" My whole body was on fire. Astor groans and glares over at his mother.
"We will all go then. Mother will you please wait outside so that we can get dressed?" Lily giggles again before walking out the door and closing it behind her.
"We have a few things that we need to talk about once the visit is over." I climb out of the bed with the sheet draped around me loosely. I turn to Astor and he was just devouring me with his eyes.
"As long as we get to talk and you wear that." I groan and shake my head heading toward the closet.
I throw on a pair of jeans and a loose swest shirt. It was bagger than I thought. It must be one of Astor. I shove my feet into tennis shoes and throw my hair up into a messy bun and step out.
My mouth drops open in surprise. Astor wore a form fitting black shirt and light colored denim jeans. His hair was slicked back.
'Sigh. He's a god.' I snort at Shade's tone and roll my eyes. Astor chuckles at my face. An impatient knock sounds on the door. Astor rolls his eyes and walks over to the door.
Lily stood there with a frown.
"I want to see the baby! Let's go!" I giggle. I couldn't help it. I hadn't realized what a baby person Lily was. She seemed so excited. I rush to her lacing my arm through hers and pulling her along.
'Your adorable giving into my mother.' Astor's voice rang loud and clear in my mind and Shade purred at the sound. Causing Astor to chuckle. I ignore it. It wasn't going to ruin my mood. I wasn't going to be embarrassed about it. Plus it was Shade that did it. So it was on her and not me.
We practically ran to the Maternity Ward. I made my way down the hall way toward Astra's room.
The door was open and a young man stood at the bed side peering down at Nigeria. My. mouth drops open and I scoff.
"Arden? I had no idea your mate was pregnant." Arden looks up in shock. Astra smiles brightly at the sight of me. She bows her head at Astor and Lily.
I rush into the room completely forgetting about Arden. I smile down at Nigeria who has her eyes open. My eyes widen at the silvery color they are.
"Look at how beautiful she's gotten!"
****Astor's Point Of View*****
The light in Freya's eyes as she stared at the infant made my heart skip a beat. Astra giggles and clears her throat.
"Luna you just saw her yesterday!" Freya's laughter filled the room She gently strokes Nigeria's cheek and smiles softly.
"True but I didn't get to see her eyes yesterday!" Arden chuckles. He seemed more relaxed now than when we had first come in. He may not have liked Freya but she had earned his respect and he seemed worried after he found out what had happened to her.
I watch my mother walk around the bed to where Freya stood. I groan as my mother begin to gush over the baby. I frown slightly. She was always like this.
"Luna...would you like to hold her?" I could hear Freya's heart stop for a fraction of a second and her heart ache reach me. She forces a smile and nods her head.
Mom lifts Nigeria up and places her safely in Freya's arms. I could see her smile. But she was trying hard not to cry. It broke my heart that she was so hurt. But if she needed me she knew I was here. She needed this to heal.
"Alpha?" I turn my attention to Astra and Arden and they are looking at me with serious expressions. I arch a curious eyebrow at them.
"Yes Astra?"
"I want the Luna to be Nigeria's Godmother." I look at Freya and she is just staring down at the baby. Completely consumed by her. Nigeria held tightly to one of her fingers as Freya swayed back and forth completely unaware of what was just said.
"I have no objections to that." Astra beams and nods her head at me. Turning her attention to Freya and Nigeria.