Learning techniques

"Alright master please teach me" Jude continued with teasing Toph but as he saw her annoyed expression he quickly stopped

Toph Ignored his comment and said " Well to be honest Im surprised that you could bend so many rocks at a time…and yet not know how to do simple earth-bending" said Toph as she looked at him weirdly

seeing her expression Jude said " Well I just learned how to bend earth so don't look at me like i'm a failure "

" You just learned earth-bending?!" Asked toph with widened eyes which showed her light green pupils which made her already attractive face even more attractive

Jude blushed as he saw her surprised expression and said " uhmm yes, I just found out few days ago that I could bend "

Toph furrowed her brows and suddenly said " What's wrong with you?"

Confused Jude replied " Huh? Nothing is wrong with me, why do you ask?

" I just felt your heart beat quicken suddenly "

' Fuk I forgot she had that ability' Jude thought and said " Haha… I just got excited about learning new abilities "

" By the way can we start the lesson" continued Jude

" Well Im not a teacher so I can only explain how I do it and it'll depend on yourself how good you can copy it" replied Toph

" That's fine, just tell me how you normally do it but with a demonstration " asked Jude

" Watch closely" saying that Toph bended the nearby rock and shot it straight at Jude but as it was about to hit him she waved her palm sideways which made the rock they an arch before targeting Jude again but this time she stopped and said

" Did you see? I bended the rock sideways, now try doing that"

Jude said " Alright " Then copied Toph, He bended the rock then focused, He shot the rock straight at toph but now he used his mind to try and think of bending the rock sideways which made the rock go from its straight path to take a sharp left and target toph, he tried to stop as it was about to hit her but she stopped it herself and crushed it

" Wow, Impressive " she said

" Haha you're just a great teacher and it was pretty simple anyways"

Hearing Jude, Toph grinned wide and said " That's right Im the best!"

" You really are the best teacher! But Master, could teach me another one of your great techniques? " Asked Jude as he continued to stroke her ego

Toph touched her chin as the said, " hmmm…..let's see, I do have another one but I use it to tra… Uhm I used to play around when I was smaller " She corrected herself

" What technique is it?" asked Jude quickly

" hmm, I guess you can call it a movement technique, I don't really name them" replied Toph

' Is it the one she used before she escaped the metal cage?" Thought Jude

" Oke then, For this technique you'll have to focus and try to bend the earth under you like as if you're trying to run with it" After saying that Toph bended the earth as it lifted her up from the ground then she moved her legs which made the earth move her forward

"If you master it enough like I do, You'll be able to go anywhere very quickly " said Toph proudly

Jude stroked his chin and thought ' Oh it's that technique she used before she escaped from that metal cage '

" You try it now" replied Toph

Jude nodded and said " alright "

He put his legs firmly on the ground then used his bending and will to try move with the earth

Gradually he saw a small hill form underneath his legs which he then tried to move with, He first bended the earth slowly but as he got familiar with it he gradually started to walk and the earth beneath him followed,the feeling of the wind hitting him although he just moved at walking pace made Jude amazed and thought ' Ahhaha this feels good'

Seeing Jude master another one of her techniques she said" wow you're almost as talented as I am"

Hearing Toph Jude chuckled and said " Of course no one can beat my Master! she is the best after all"

Toph ignored him and said " Now that you have learned two of my techniques I think we should call it a day" After saying that she walked back to her room

Seeing Toph leave Jude replied " Alright see you tomorrow"

' what the hell does she even do at mornings? No way she's inside her room the whole day' thought Jude

Jude bended the earth he was on back then moved towards his postion

After half a hour Jude cursed ' without someone to talk to guarding is really fuking boring, I dont even know how people like to guard'

' I guess I can still train my earth proficiency' with that Jude bended a small rock towards him and tried to make few shapes with, first he made a square which was pretty easy then made a square, a rectangle and finally with difficulty he shaped a star ' Seems like complex shapes take much more focus and energy

But since he was bending a hard material Into shapes it made sense

Jude continued practicing which was a good method for killing time and also learning bending

At break Jude went eat food then went to his room to rest for a bit

Inside the Beifong house there was a long dinner table with delicious food prepared, Lao beifong sat at the head and his madam at other end with Toph at the side

" Do you like the new guard we got In our garden?" Asked Lao beifong as he looked at Toph

"He's alright" she replied

The madam smiled and said

" He's your age and really tall"

Toph smiled and replied " Hah I noticed he was tall"

The madam laughed and continued since you need new clothes " If you want you can go and shop for clothes with him and some other guards tomorrow "

Acting like she was happy, Toph said" Alright thank you mom, I needed some new clothes"

Meanwhile Jude got back from taking a wee before heading back to the garden