To Separate Both of You

"Why do you take my passport away, Dad? What actually are you planning?" hissed Erito half shouting half screaming.

They had just arrived at Mr. Apollo's big mansion in Singapore. When the car got into the mansion areal, Erito began to feel suspicious as there were many of his father's bodyguards around the mansion. The bodyguards were patrolling everywhere around the mansion as if they had been told to keep more eyes on Erito while he was staying in the mansion.

Now, when they had reached inside the mansion and when Erito had just put his luggage in his room inside the mansion, he came out to the living room. He caught his father with his hands in the cookie jar when his father was stealing away his passport silently and put his passport into his father's own small bag he was carrying around with him.

Mr. Apollo stood still on his spot where he had been standing for quite a couple of minutes. He stared at his younger son. Since his younger son had found out what he had been planning to do, he thought it had been the time for him to reveal his real plan.

"I've heard from Delwyn Anderson that you and your brother got a kind of strange relationship, a kind of queer relationship which will be rejected and opposed by us as your parents, by the society followed by the complete norms and values inside this society. Is it true?" asked Mr. Apollo staring straight without any facial expressions to his younger son.

Erito kept silent. He threw away his face and vision to another side of the living room inside the luxurious mansion.

"Is it true, Erito? Do you love your brother?" Now, Mr. Apollo's forehead began to frown as his younger son didn't even deny the fact he had mentioned before.

"Yes, I do… I love Eriwan… When we were kids, I ever did evil things to him due to my misunderstanding. When we were teens, Eriwan fell off from the three-storey height to the swimming pool because he had defended me from some bullies who would put me in a dangerous situation. Since that day, I've promised to myself no matter what has happened between both of us, I'll always love him," said Erito coldly. Now he was staring back at his father with his sharp and a bit rebellious eyes.

"But you love him not like a younger brother who loves his elder brother, don't you? You love him… You do love him, like a man who loves his lover. You possess a kind of sexual love to him, don't you?" Mr. Apollo's voice began to rise up higher and higher.

Erito was still staring at his father with his sharp and deep eyes. "I love him a lot… I love him up to a stage that I can't survive any longer if he doesn't stay by my side. I love him up to a stage that I don't want to live anymore if he isn't around me."

One slap from Mr. Apollo's right hand landed on Erito's face. Erito's face turned 45 degrees to the right. He didn't say anything. He turned back his face to his father. He was now staring again at his father with his sharp and deep eyes.

"You must have been crazy! You must have gone off your head! Look what's happening to you at the moment! Okay… Tomorrow I'll drive you to a quite famous psychiatrist whom I've known for quite a long time around here. He's quite capable in helping you deal with your unnatural and irrational feeling."

"For God's sake, Dad… I don't need any psychiatrist… I know what I'm feeling right now. I love Eriwan. I need him by my side right now. I don't think I can't stand this situation in which there is quite a wide distance between both of us for quite a long time," said Erito starting to feel hopeless.

"Don't let me slap you once again, Erito!" screamed Mr. Apollo raising up his voice one octave at this moment.

Erito swallowed his own saliva which was choked in the middle of his throat.

"You love your brother sexually? Don't you ever think that's wrong, that doesn't make sense, that's irrational? He's your biological brother, Erito! He has the same blood with you! He has the same sex with you! What actually have you been thinking these days so that kind of relationship can grow between both of you?"

"I do love him like a younger brother who loves his elder brother. But, at the other time I also love him sexually. I want him to stay by my side forever. I want to stay by his side until I die. I want to be with him forever. Does that make any difference?"

"It's definitely different, Erito. Brotherhood and sexual love are indeed two different aspects and both of you have messed them up. You can love your brother as much as you like. You can adore him as deep as you like. But, that's until there… No more than that… No deeper than that… I thought both of you have ever got married and you now have kids. I thought it was impossible for both of you to develop that kind of irrational and illogical feelings, but finally I'm wrong."

"C'mon, Dad… Our marriages prove that we actually love each other. Those marriages prove that actually Eriwan and I don't really love those two women."

"I ever saw you feel jealous to Eriwan when he came back home together with Helen Angsani. You looked remarkably unhappy when he introduced Helen Angsani to all of us. I thought you were jealous of Eriwan because you'd also got a crush on that Helen Angsani."

Hearing that paragraph, Erito burst out in his crispy laughter. He also showed his skeptical smile to his father.

"At that time I was really jealous… I was intensely jealous, I was immensely upset and unhappy. But, I wasn't jealous of Eriwan… I wasn't upset and unhappy to Eriwan… Instead, I was remarkably and terribly jealous of Helen Angsani. I was dreadfully upset, unhappy and angry to that Helen Angsani because at that time she'd snatched away my elder brother from my side."

"What did you say?" Mr. Apollo's eyes and mouth gawked immensely wider and bigger.

"Yeah… Same thing also occurred to Eriwan in the past. I think you must have known it, Dad… Eriwan also got jealous when I went home on that day and I introduced Renata Limidius to all of you, didn't he?"

"Yeah… Your mom ever said that to me… So, at that time Eriwan wasn't jealous of you… He was actually jealous of… of… of…" Mr. Apollo really couldn't finish up his statements.

Erito solely simply showed his skeptical smile to his father without any qualms. "Yeah, you're right, Dad… He ever confessed it to me already… At that time, he was remarkably upset and greatly unhappy to that Renata Limidius. He was highly jealous of that Renata Limidius because he thought at that time Renata Limidius had taken me away from him."

"I don't believe it! This is ridiculously unbelievable! You can get jealous of each other if each of you is quite closed to anybody, can't you?"

"Yeah, of course… Love is always selfish and egoistic, Dad… I'll never let anybody else get closed to Eriwan and Eriwan will never let anybody else get closed to me either – including those Helen Angsani and Renata Limidius. However, that merely occurred in the past. Now, no more… There won't be anybody else like those Helen Angsani and Renata Limidius standing between both of us again…"

"What do you mean?"

"Now, Eriwan and I can give each other love. We can give each other affection and attention. I don't think we will need it from other people anymore."

"This is ridiculous, Erito! This doesn't make sense! So, you have done sexual intercourse already, haven't you?" asked Mr. Apollo at the peak of all his emotions which began to mix up one after another.

"I don't want to lie to you, but yes… We've done that several times… We love each other… We have and we enjoy each other…" said Erito in his full determination.

One slap landed onto his face again. His face turned to the right 45 degrees again. He turned his face back and he kept staring at his father again with his sharp and deep eyes.

"You've been very sick, Erito. Eriwan has also been very sick. You both must be taken to the psychiatrist and be cured as soon as possible. Just stay here first. You may not go back to Jakarta as long as I haven't cured this mind illness of both of you," said Mr. Apollo going away, bringing away his younger son's passport with him, so that his younger son couldn't purchase any flight tickets.

"Dad! Return my passport, Dad! Return that passport to me! You've lied to me! The GM here doesn't resign at all. We don't need any new GM right now. You've lied me here so that you can take me away from Eriwan."

"For a while, both of you mustn't see each other. Think properly what has been wrong about both of your feelings. I'll take time to bring you to the psychiatrist whom I've known for quite a long time around here."

Mr. Apollo disappeared behind the front door. The front door closed directly once Mr. Apollo had stepped his feet outside the mansion.

"Dad! Listen to me! Listen to me! I want to go back to Jakarta, Dad! I want to go back to see Eriwan, Dad!" shouted Erito at the top of his voice.

When he got nearer to the front door, several bodyguards appeared from nowhere and tried to prevent his further steps.

"Let me go! Let me out!" said Erito coldly with his sharp eyes to his father's bodyguards.

"Mr. Apollo has said you mustn't go out from this mansion before he comes back, Mr. Erito. Your food, drinks, and other daily needs will be provided by the maids in this mansion," said one of the bodyguards.

"Open the door! Let me out! Now!" Erito's voice tone rose up higher and higher. He screamed at the top of his voice so the muscles from his neck began to be visible. His eyes had turned dark as his anger was crawling steadily to the peak of his consciousness.

"We must obey what Mr. Apollo has told us, Mr. Erito. Please understand our position…" begged the bodyguard.

Yet, Erito who was at the top of his anger definitely couldn't control his emotion and behavior anymore. His eyes had turned dark. His previous begging and slightly pitiful eyesight had gone away right now. He began to destroy everything in the mansion.

Three bodyguard tried to put him under control by clutching his hands, but it was too easy for Erito to break down their clutching. Erito kicked the three bodyguards so that they fell off forwards. Valuable vases and exorbitant crystal chairs and tables around Erito shattered into pieces and pieces. Two more bodyguards approached him to put him under control. Yet, Erito who had mastered a few complicated steps of aikido and taekwondo could easily conquer both of the bodyguards. Erito jumped onto a big glass table and turned round his feet. His feet hit the other five bodyguards who got nearer to him. Many bodyguards fell down to the floor and were now lying down on the floor hopelessly.

"I want to go out! Open the door! I want to get out from here right now!" screamed Erito again at the top of his voice.

Erito's right hand had touched the knob of the door. Of course he couldn't open the door as the password had been changed without his notice. However, Erito had got his super strong power. He turned the knob of the door with his super strong power. The knob broke down instantly and the door got opened at once.

Yet, before Erito had managed to step his feet out of the big mansion, another bodyguard ran towards him from behind bringing an electrical shock. Erito got electrocuted immediately. His world burst out in a pitch black color. He couldn't see, couldn't hear, and couldn't feel anything again after that.

Erito's body was seen lying limply inside the bodyguard's stern embrace.