The Queer Supernatural Power from Crudus' Violins

The next morning had come. Eriwan got up at seven o'clock. After taking his bath, he tried to activate his telepathy and tried to contact his younger brother again.

Erito… Erito… Are you okay? Are you okay, Erito?

Slowly, Erito also woke up from his long slumber. He woke up due to the telepathic call from his elder brother. Erito got up quickly and went down from his bed. He looked around and he then realized that he was still in his bedroom in the big mansion in Singapore.

Yeah… Yeah, Eriwan… I'm okay… Dad and Mom have known about us. They've known everything. There isn't any GM resigning over here. Dad has lied me here so that he can separate both of us.

Yeah, I know… But, are you okay? Why didn't you answer my calls last night? Why didn't you answer my telepathic call either?

I got electrocuted by one of Dad's bodyguards. He used the electricity shock to put me under control. I tried harshly to get out of here, to fly back to Jakarta and to meet you, but they just didn't let me out. Erito replied ferociously and hopelessly at the same time.

I also tried to get out of here to fly to Singapore to meet you, but Mom and her bodyguards just didn't let me out. Eriwan was sitting at his desk at the moment. His telepathy was still working.

Are you okay? Erito asked a bit agitatedly. He was sitting weakly and hopelessly on the long sofa in front of his bed – still inside his bedroom.

I jumped out of my bedroom window. The bodyguards saw me. They chased after me and they managed to drag me back into the big mansion. I'm still in my bedroom in the big mansion, Erito. I can't get out of here. But, I have to find a way to get out of here.

Erito was really and really depressed. He combed his hair with his right hand and sighed a long breath.

Can't we see each other again? Must we give up in struggling for our togetherness and our future? Erito cried bitterly.

Don't be so miserable, Erito. I'm sure we can still see each other again. They can't keep us away and apart for too long. I'm sure they'll give up with their thoughts that by putting us separately can keep our feelings to each other down and can throw our feelings away. I'm sure they'll soon realize that they're wrong. Eriwan actually wanted to hug his younger brother, but of course he couldn't.

Not sure, Eriwan… I become very weak now… I don't have any power even to walk to the bathroom and take a bath.

Don't force yourself too much, Erito. I'm sure I can see you soon. Are you okay?

Without you by my side, I'm definitely not okay, Eriwan. You've known that, haven't you? Erito sighed and then sobbed bitterly again.

I'll soon find a way to fly to Singapore there and meet you. You trust me, don't you?

Yeah… I hope you can manage to find me here… I'm weaker and weaker now… I think I begin to be sick… I don't want to do anything today… Please find me as immediately as possible, Eriwan. There are so many bodyguards around this big mansion. Some of them are bringing electricity shock with them. Whenever I struggle to get out, they'll use that electricity shock to put me under control. Please help me out of here as soon as possible, Eriwan. Erito replied and then he cried bitterly again.

Eriwan began to be more and more panicked. I'll go there soon. Trust me, Erito. As soon as possible, I'll find a way to obtain a new passport and fly there to get near you again.

Yeah… I trust you… I trust you can find a way to get near me and we can be together again.

Erito tried to stand up although the dizziness kept hitting his head. He began to feel his world was turning and turning around. He began to be unable to distinguish which one was right, was left, was front, and which one was behind. He suddenly fell to the floor and became unconscious. His world slowly turned from grey to a pitch black surrounding decoration.

Eriwan didn't know what had happened to his younger brother because he had turned off his telepathic communication. He then walked out of the room. He went downstairs and went directly to the dining room. The maids had got his breakfast ready on the dining table. He saw nobody there besides his breakfast – chicken noodles with a glass of chocolate milk on the side.

"Where is my mom?" asked Eriwan a bit frowning his head.

"Madam has gone out early in the morning. She said there's something she has to settle back there in Frias main mansion. She said she'll be back at six p.m. this evening," said one of the maids.

Eriwan nodded his head. He suddenly got a plan to slink out of the big mansion later on in the afternoon. He would meet his friend who could get him a new passport and then he could fly to Singapore as immediately as possible.

Eriwan finished his breakfast in 15 minutes. He was about to be back to his bedroom again. When he was on the middle of the stairs, the bell of the big mansion suddenly rang. He stopped instantly and waited by the stairs to the second floor. He wanted to know who was coming early in the morning like this. One maid opened the front door. Later on, the maid came to Eriwan and said,

"Mr. Eriwan… There is Mr. Delwyn Anderson wanting to have some words with you… Are you meeting him?"

Eriwan considered for a while and then he nodded his head. Then, there came Delwyn Anderson who was sitting in front of Eriwan Rocky Frias in his living room. The maid served a cup of black coffee for Delwyn Anderson.

"It's such a surprise I can see Mr. Delwyn Anderson in my living room early in the morning," said Eriwan a bit cynically. He began to be fed up with the vicious, sly and cunning hypocrite sitting in front of him.

"I don't see Erito Ricky here. Usually both of you stick to each other. Oh, I forgot your parents must have known about your special relationship," said Delwyn Anderson cynically.

"I also know it's you who has told them about our relationship," said Eriwan staring straightly and sharply at his conversation opponent.

"If it's me, what can you do then?"

"Nothing… But, one thing for sure for you to know here… By revealing our secret to our parents and later to the public, I bet you won't attain anything…"

"What do I expect to attain? Do you know that?" asked Delwyn Anderson in his somewhat challenging body gesture, but he was also feeling slightly jumpy and nervous at the same time.

"Of course I do… Crudus' violins… One of the most valuable ancient artefacts found by our father when he was at the Alps in France. You've ever asked Helen Angsani and Renata Limidius to help you steal the Crudus' violins from our Frias & Friends Museum, but unfortunately you couldn't find them because there's nobody knowing to where our parents have moved them."

Delwyn Anderson was incredibly astonished and immensely startled. He'd easily been provoked by Eriwan Rocky Frias' cynical words. He began to feel furious. He hardened his jawline and clenched his fists.

"Am I right?" Eriwan sipped his warm milk from his glass in his relaxed fashion. He was still staring at Delwyn Anderson and continued his words,

"I ever heard that Crudus' violins were buried in the Alps by an ancient musician called Crudus. He loved his wife very deeply. Yet, his wife died at the early age due to a particular cause. Based on his love and sincerity towards his wife, Crudus created those two violins. Based on what I've heard, those two violins can be very exorbitant with their fantastic prices if they're sold in an auction."

"How can you figure that out, Eriwan Rocky?" said Delwyn Anderson coldly. He was still hardening his jawline and clenching his fist.

"You're actually a very transparent person, Delwyn Anderson. Your steps by asking Helen Angsani and Renata Limidius to help you steal those twin violins away have been figured out earlier. But, I haven't got enough proofs to drag you to the court… Moreover, Helen Angsani and Renata Limidius didn't want to say a thing when we confronted this fact to them. Having no eye-witnesses at all and no adequate evidence, we were forced to stop this case until there at that time. As long as those twin violins are still safe in my parents' clutch of hands, I think it's still okay."

Out of a sudden, Delwyn Anderson smiled in his relaxed manner and cynically.

"You know me well, don't you? You know me well and you definitely know that I can always obtain what I've been targeting for, don't you?"

"Yeah… I know… But it's solely my parents who know where those Crudus' violins are."

"I can offer to your parents I can separate both of you away so that you can't be gays. But, for a change, they have to hand in those twin violins to me. I think it's a nice offer, huh…"

"If that's the case, it means you haven't known my parents, in particular my father really well… He won't exchange those twin valuable violins with anything else, even with his two sons' mental sickness – that's what he has called our condition. He himself has offered to take us to a quite famous psychiatrist in order to cure this mental sickness of ours. He definitely doesn't need you to help him. And one more thing…"

Delwyn Anderson got silent right now. Yet, he was still staring straight and sharp to Eriwan Rocky Frias.

"I've heard… I've heard that… This is what I've heard, okay…? I've heard that those twin violins are a bit queer and mysterious. They've got such a queer and mysterious supernatural power…"

"What do you mean?" Delwyn Anderson's forehead frowned spontaneously.

"If they aren't played by two people who are in their deep and sincere love towards each other, those violins can't produce any sound. Many people have tried to create the fake Crudus' violins and those fake ones are scattering around in many places. The fake Crudus' violins can't produce any sound either. So, it's really difficult to distinguish the real and the fake ones."

"You're lying to me! You must be kidding me!" Delwyn Anderson's voice turned to be one octave higher.

"There's no need to raise up your voice, Delwyn Anderson… Just fancy that… Suppose you really obtained the real Crudus' violins but those violins didn't produce any sound when they were played, I think it would be really an uphill struggle to prove whether they were the real ones or the fake ones. Am I right?"

Eriwan sipped his warm milk again from his transparent glass. "I don't know what your purpose to obtain those Crudus' violins is, but the first two things you have to do are finding out where the original Crudus' violins are and figuring out what the real Crudus' violins characteristics are… Have I said the wrong thing? I think I don't, Delwyn Anderson…"

Eriwan then leaned his back onto the long sofa.

"You're telling me lies! I've never heard of that! I've never heard that the Crudus' violins can't produce any sound when they're played by two people who aren't in their deep and sincere love. Do you mean Erito and you can play those two violins and they can suddenly produce the sound?" taunted Delwyn Anderson sarcastically.

"Perhaps we can… We've been learning violins since our early childhood. Perhaps we can play them and based on our feelings of love towards each other, you can then listen to some beautiful and melodious songs. Perhaps…"

"I don't believe you! You're just creating a fake story about those twin violins to trick me!" said Delwyn Anderson in his high and squealing voice.

"You can't prove that inasmuch as you don't have the twin violins with you now. End of story then… The front door is over there, Delwyn Anderson… Excuse me… There's still something I have to settle…"

Eriwan left his empty glass on the living room table in front of Delwyn Anderson. Delwyn Anderson's nose grew smaller and then bigger because he was trying to hold his anger inside his brim of mind.