Who is Young Master?

Nusa watched Alvira leave with a boy whose posture she knew very well, they had already left and left her alone. She was sure, it must be El. But still, she is curious about the relationship between the two, ah basically she is a girl who has high curiosity. This is very annoying because usually because this curiosity will continue to imprint in her mind until she finds an answer.

Nusa swings her legs while looking at the roads that are passed by private and public vehicles. If possible, she prefers to take public transportation rather than wait for her brother who is very busy but still tries to pick her up from school. Moreover, her brother is very stubborn with an overprotective attitude.

"Huft... it's going to take a long time, maybe I'll get lost until even the snails seem to come much faster to me."

Nusa looked up at the sky which was now starting to be covered by dark clouds. She was sure, in a few minutes it would rain and wet her body if she didn't come home soon.

"Where's Rehan? I've been waiting a long time and he hasn't arrived yet to take me home!"

Start exhaling hard. This was her daily routine, waiting for her super protective older brother to take care of her. About ten minutes had passed, she saw a white car starting to approach her.

"Finally the one I've been waiting for has arrived, the brother I've been waiting for the most. Ah no, I'm lazy to see it."

Nusa saw a boy who got out of the car and smiled sweetly at her, his face looked innocent as if he had done nothing wrong even though he was late, not according to the promised hour.

"It's good that you didn't have any thoughts of going home alone before I picked you up, I'm so glad to know you're so obedient to everything I say," said Rehan while stroking the top of Nusa's head affectionately.

Nusa bent her smile, then crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Why did it take so long to come here? Looks like the weather is about to turn to rain! What happens if I get cold? I'm allergic to cold… later if I'm sick, I'll be the one to lecture, even though it's your fault for being negligent." She said in a tone like sulking at Rehan.

Rehan chuckled, then scratched the nape of the neck that didn't itch. "Yeah, sorry, I'm sorry… Oh yeah, do you want to stop by the coffee shop? If you want, I will take you there, later I will treat you to the most delicious drink." he said as he rubbed Nusa's sharp nose, he knew what to do if his sister sulked.

At first, maybe Nusa was angry with Rehan because it took her so long to pick her up. Called, not picked up. In chat, there is no response, and if she goes home first, Rehan will be furious. It's always wrong.

"Want! Let's go there!" Nusa shouted excitedly, she immediately opened the driver's side car door and got in, and immediately fastened the seat belt properly. Seeing Rehan still chuckling at her behavior, she immediately looked at her brother with pleading eyes. "Oh come on sis, it's going to rain soon! It's going to be cold! Dreamy walk, the timing is not right."

Rehan nodded then got into his car, buckled up, and stroked the top of Nusa's head. "Thanks for always doing what you say, after a while you don't want it if you meet the wrong person," he said as he drove the car, leaving the area in front of the school that was already getting deserted.

With a lopsided smile, Nusa turned to Rehan. "Well, I only have this dear brother. If I disobey, how will I behave without a brother's upbringing? For you, I will behave as best I can, I promise, and start trying!" She said while kissing Rehan's cheek for a while. She felt lucky to still have someone who cared about her. She is lucky to have Rehan, the only person she cares about.

Rehan feels guilty for bringing up a topic that invites sadness to Nusa. Maybe the girl was smiling, but she knew for sure that her heart was hurt because of a very bitter past. "I'll introduce my friends later. They are cool friends, I guarantee a thousand percent you will feel comfortable talking to them. But don't put your heart on them, they are more fun being friends."

"Who is your friend? girl or boy?" asked Nusa as she threw her bag into the back seat of the car. She turned on her cellphone which was now connected to the earphones in her ears.

"Male, Nusa. I have no intention of dating and making love with another girl. It's impossible to have a girlfriend, taking care of you is already complicated." Rehan said with a chuckle. He knew very well that Nusa didn't like being around other girls he hadn't introduced, so safe mode for now focused on taking care of his little sister first.

"Cool isn't it? If things don't turn out as you say, I'll advise you."

"I want to pinch you so it hurts, feel it! Even though I know if it's true I can't pinch you," said Nusa proudly. She feels she always wins if she has issued a pinch for Rehan. If I'm honest, being pinched doesn't hurt at all. But yeah, Rehan was just pretending, he didn't want his sister to feel defeated.

"Oh no, it hurts! When I look handsome like this, I become the target of your pinches, don't I?"

"Who are you calling handsome? Handsome wolf, as the title suggests."

"Can't believe I'm handsome? Huh, even like a wolf..."

"Yeah, that's why you didn't--"



"Rehan, your phone is vibrating," said Nusa while pointing at Rehan's phone on the dashboard, she decided to keep her mouth shut. And in the end, she was swallowed up by the busyness of singing the songs she heard from the earphones, directly connected to the songs from her cellphone.

Rehan, who was focused on driving, didn't even pay attention to phone calls, according to him, if he was driving, he was not required to play with his cellphone even if it was only to pick up the phone. Surely his focus will be disturbed later, afraid of causing things that shouldn't happen.

Because Rehan didn't pick up the phone, Nusa couldn't help but remove the earphones from her ears. Then she took Rehan's phone with the name 'Young Master' on the screen.

"Hello? good afternoon," said Nusa who had already picked up the phone.

There was no answer from the other end of the phone, so Nusa checked the phone screen again, and it still showed the call. "It's still connected." She mutters in surprise causing Rehan to glance at her.

"Who, Nusa?"

"I don't know, it's written on the phone screen named young master."

In that instant, Rehan immediately pulled over to the car and immediately grabbed the cellphone in Nusa's hand.

"Hello, young master? Why? Sorry, I'm late in answering your call."


"Oh, the two of them? They're still at the coffee shop, usually looking for free internet while talking and flirting with girls passing by." Rehan said with a chuckle, already used to the attitude of the people they were talking about.

For some reason, now Nusa sharpened her hearing. She was very curious about the 'Young Master' meant by her brother, she was only curious because her curiosity was always high.


Unfortunately, Rehan's cell phone volume was too low so Nusa couldn't hear what the person on the other end was saying.

"Yeah, I'll be back later, don't worry. It's easy to take care of, as long as you pay all the bills." Rehan chuckled.


"They are chatty, young master, they are talking and would like to talk a little longer."


"So be it, to be more polite. After all, you are right, young master."


"Yes yes...."


Rehan puts his phone on the dash and starts the car back onto the highway. Driving safety was the number one thing he always held in high esteem, so even picking up the phone had to pull over.

Nusa who could no longer contain her curiosity, immediately raised an eyebrow while holding her chest. "Who is it? What is calling is your boyfriend?"

"Jeez, no, Sa. You always think negatively, if it's a girl who calls me, why do I call her Young Master? I feel gay, even though I'm still a normal guy who likes women."

"So, who is that? I'm curious, tell me, you are stingy!"

"Uncle Bram's nephew,"

Nusa increasingly raised her eyebrows. "How come I never knew? I've never seen it either."

"Yeah, what do you know? You want to be close to him, right? After all, he doesn't have the taste to be close to an innocent girl like you, Nusa." Rehan said with a chuckle. He likes to make fun of Nusa with light jokes like this time.

Nusa pinched Rehan's waist. "You're annoying! It's okay not to have a boyfriend, do you mind?" She said annoyed.

Rehan pretends to wince in pain. "Okay, I'm sorry Nusa, it's okay. I'm driving, danger, release your pinch?" he asked in a dramatic tone.

Annoyed, Nusa pulled her hand back and smiled. "I always love you, Rehan!" She exclaimed.

"You need to know one thing. Being alone without a partner is a choice, not a matter of liking or disliking. I still want to work, I can also earn income for you, some for you, and savings for our future. " said Rehan in a serious tone. According to him, currently, he can't divide which time to work and which one for his future lover. It's better to just focus on taking care of Nusa, it's easier.

Nusa laughed. "Options? That's just an alibi for single people." She said.

"Try to remember, you are also alone, Nusa. Don't insult your fellow choices. A match will come naturally, just wait."

Nusa stuck out her tongue. "I am alone because I am still looking for a suitable one because my heart is sincere, so I can't just make toys."

"You act so maturely even though you seem like a baby and spoiled." Rehan laughs.

Now, Nusa and Rehan are laughing. This simple thing can make Nusa's old wounds slowly fade. She once thought that the destruction of a family could destroy her life as well. But in fact, she was wrong.

Rehan is always there for Nusa, so at least that's what this innocent, curious girl has.


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