El Possessive Boy

Early in the morning is the right time to fall asleep, especially when the classroom atmosphere is not too crowded with the morning conditions still feeling very cool. And yes, that was the intention of a girl who was now yawning widely because sleepiness had begun to take over her.

Nusa pulled another stool near her seat. Last night, she really couldn't sleep well. It was very difficult even to enter the dreamland. This time she planned to fall asleep in the three rows of chairs she had arranged, maybe ten minutes of falling asleep would be enough to shake off the drowsiness. El wasn't here yet anyway, so she had a chance to fall asleep.

Just like at home, she stuffed her ears with earphones connected to a cellphone that played songs of various genres as a sleep companion so that she wouldn't be disturbed by the sound of people joking with each other.


She immediately closed her eyes, feeling sleepy made her very unmotivated to go to school. If it wasn't for Rehan, she would never want to go to school when she was feeling sleepy like this. Better to skip school because of lack of sleep than to have to go to school and end up like this.

"Wake up."

Nusa squirmed in her sleep which hadn't even touched ten minutes. She knew that there was currently someone lightly kicking the chair she used as a bed to fall asleep on, but yet again the drowsiness made her prefer to drift off into her sleep, ending up not responding to that person.

Who else besides El? He stared blankly at Nusa who was sleeping peacefully in an uncomfortable position in the already crowded class. He sighed when he heard the soft snoring that came out of the girl's breath.

Troublesome, one word for Nusa.

He put his bag on the table, then looked at Nusa's face which now had black eye bags under her eyes. Is this girl sleepy? because usually Nusa's eye bags are never seen, and now she looks like someone who is sleep-deprived.

"Something's wrong? Why don't you sit down? Don't daydream in the morning because ghosts will follow you and scare you,"

El turned to Mario and Reza, who had just arrived at the chair that coincided with his chair. It was Mario who spoke earlier, a rather obscure man.

"Hey, Nusa why are you sleeping there? Oh my God, you're wearing a skirt above your knees. Aren't you afraid the boys will bully you?" Reza said excitedly, making all the attention in the class turn towards them curiously. His mouth is like a tattered can, eleven twelve with Mario.

As a result of Reza's words, Priska excitedly walked towards El followed by her two ladies-in-waiting.

"Honey, why don't you just hit her? This is a school, a place to learn, not to sleep," said Priska when she saw Nusa who was sleeping very soundly. She was sure this girl turned up the volume of the music so that there would be no noise in this class. She hugged El's arm, fearlessly at the man who was now showing a very cold face.

Mario who saw that immediately nudged Reza's waist, making the boy turn his head in the same direction as him.

"I'm sure El's hand is infected from being held by a demon slug, I'm still amused by Priska," said Mario while looking at Priska in horror. Her super splashy make-up made her quite well known by the juniors at this school. Yes, who does not attract attention when someone wears a lot of colorful accessories in her hair with a wash of make-up that is more suitable for use when coming to a party than at school.

"I thought your hands were going to get moldy, like expired bread, I swear El," said Reza, shuddering in horror.

Priska looked cynically at Mario and Reza, she heard the two boys' conversation. "I heard what you two said!" She shouted sharply.

Mario moved his mouth imitating Priska's words in a girl's tone. While Reza looked at the girl with a nauseated look. Look how the three of them don't get along.

El sighed, then moved away from Priska's hand which touched his arm roughly. "Stay away, you have a bad smell," he said with an even expression, though this was just a ploy to get the girl to leave.

Instantly, the whole class burst into laughter hearing what El said to Priska. The reason is, no one can insult Priska as El did. Adalard High School has a prima donna, namely Alvira. And of course, this school also has the most wanted girl for being naughty, namely Priska's camp with two other friends named Adhisty Pamela who is usually called Disty, and also Kaily Ronica who is usually called Nika.

At that moment, Priska immediately ran to her desk excitedly. Take perfume from her bag, then apply perfume to the body as much as possible. Gosh, the smell of this class is so fragrant, it spreads to every corner of the classroom.

"TOO SMOKE FOR YOUR PERFUMES, PRISKA. CLASS BECOMES LIKE A BOARD ROOM!" Mario shouted while covering his nose, his breath now completely interrupted.

Reza covered his nose, feeling the same as Mario. "MAKES NAUSE, STOPS THE RESPIRATORY TRACT!"

El ignored all the noise in his current class. He stared in surprise at Nusa who was still fast asleep. He moved to remove the earphones from Nusa's ears, then turned off the song on the girl's cellphone and put it in his shirt pocket.

"Next time, don't bother me," El muttered as he lifted Nusa's bridal style. He walked out of the classroom making the whole class that was previously rowdy into silence thinking about one thing.

"Is that El? He didn't have a fever, did he?" Mario asked surprised, he represented the hearts of everyone who looked at El who calmly carried Nusa's body without paying attention to the envious stares of many girls inside and outside the classroom.

El walked past Alvira's class, who happened to be the girl sitting outside the classroom.

"Bara? What happened to Nusa? Why are you carrying her like that?" She asked curiously. Because this was the first time in her life seeing El touch another girl besides herself and their entire family. What's more, her older brother is carrying a girl, lucky if she knows Nusa. If El carried Priska—yes, this couldn't be— of course, she wouldn't and would burst out laughing.

El glanced briefly at Alvira. "Faint," he said indifferently, then continued on his way. He simply answered casually, and didn't want to continue their conversation which should have been the center of attention.

"Bara! I haven't finished asking you, why did you run away?! That sucks!"

Alvira's screams were not too loud but El's senses of hearing could still catch him, he was confused when asked. Even he didn't know why he was doing this, holding Nusa. Ah, he just wanted to sit quietly in his chair. If Nusa is constantly asleep, how will he sit if the number of seats in the class matches the number of students?

Yes, he was sure that was the only reason for this.

El immediately went into the School Health Unit room and put the girl on the long gurney that was provided inside.

"You are troublesome, too heavy," El muttered while looking at Nusa who now showed a very peaceful face.

But he was no longer interested in looking at Nusa's face, I don't know, it felt a little different when he looked at a girl like that.

He quickly walked out of the room without looking back at all. Finally today he sat alone again, even if only for a day, it means a lot. Because Nusa is very chatty and always asks what makes him curious, he couldn't help but have to answer it with a cold intonation.

Sometimes Nusa can be very disturbing his calm that has been around for too long every day.

This time he decided to take the stairs past the twelfth grade because previously he passed the tenth grade which is parallel to the 11th grade of science 1, Alvira's class.

"El, who did you bring with you a few minutes ago?"

El glanced slightly at the boy who asked him, then he stopped walking at the same time with a sneer.

"None of your business," El answered in a very flat tone, he was not interested in responding to this one man.

"That's my business. I can tell if she's very beautiful, I want to know her." said the man while raising and lowering his eyebrows, even now a crooked smile was evident on his face.

El glared at the man even more, not liking what he was saying. "How dare you touch that girl, I will make you regret it, Bian," he said with a sharp look.

"Don't be fierce, your soul mate will be afraid of you," Bian replied with a small chuckle, looking El up and down then locking their gazes as if inviting a war of words.

"What do you know about matchmaking?" El's question sounded casual, but there was something implied like a condescending tone to the boy in front of him.

Bian raised his eyebrows, he felt El quipped something about him. "Know what? Just ask your little sister." the answer is no less flat.

El shook his head, a grin plastered on his face. "Why? I don't have time to ask about you, trash."

"So... who is that girl? If you don't want to tell me, then I'll find out myself."

"Don't you dare threaten me?"

Immediately, El turned around and walked back to the School Health Unit room intending to accompany Nusa until the girl woke up from her sleep.

For some reason, he would never let Bian touch the people around him.

Bian looked at El's departure with a crooked smile. "Turns out you're still a very possessive guy, El."


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