Fabian Ex Alvira

Enthusiastically, Alvira took every step towards the proud cafeteria of Adalard High School. Even though their school is an elite school, canteen food is still affordable and cheap, this is a positive point that is eagerly awaited for students who want to fill their stomachs but want to set aside money for other things like themselves to buy branded goods from their savings. It's like having pocket money and earning 500 thousand rupiahs (Indonesian currency) per day, she can buy as much food as she wants.

"Dance, one sweet iced tea please," said Alvira while standing right next to a woman who was maybe four heads. She was used to going in and out of every food stall in this cafeteria. The others were busy queuing up, but she could freely get the main access to each canteen.

Tari turned to Alvira with a thumbs up in the air, as if she had understood. "It's ready, Miss. Just give it an ice cube so it's cold, it's ready to drink." She said as she took a cup of tea and put some ice cubes in it as if she already knew the arrival of Alvira who likes to order cold sweet tea.

"Wow, you are amazing!" Alvira said cheerfully as she took the teacup when Tari stuck it out right in front of her. She spent twenty thousand rupiahs to pay. "Here's the money, Tari." She continued, handing over the money.

Tari shook her head and smiled warmly. "Don't worry, it's just iced tea and ice cubes. No need to pay, it's free for you." She refused. Alvira has often bought iced tea at her stall, so consider it a free occasional.

Maybe someone else in Alvira's position would be happy, but it was different from the girl herself. She carefully placed the glass she was holding onto the table, then looked at Tari with a sweet smile, very dazzling. "Here, money to pay for my order, I ordered sweet iced tea for me to drink. Which automatically reduces the inventory in your stall, so I have to pay." She said as she forced the money in her hand into Tari's. "Please don't protest, just get the change for you. See you later!"

Without waiting for Tari's words, Alvira immediately sped away leaving a middle-aged woman busy thanking Alvira with money from Alvira in her hand.

She walked with a small hum, occasionally sipping sweet iced tea. The fresh taste of the drink begins to greet the walls of the throat, feels delicious, and provides a cool sensation to release the heat of the day.

Her eyes looked at the group of boys sitting in their proud seat --they said it was the seat of power, no one could place it except for the boy, as if it had been crowned as the domain of power--. Who else if not Fabian and some of his friends who are chatting and laughing?

Alvira decided to run there immediately, without even the slightest fear.

"Ekhem, I'm sorry for interrupting you guys," Alvira said while clearing her throat a little to interrupt the atmosphere.

Those who were at the same table as Fabian including the man immediately turned around and gave a teasing whistle to their boss, who else if not Fabian? —usually called Bian—

"Dare to tease Alvira, I will elbow you," said Bian looking at one of his friends with very sharp eyes.

Alvira smiled sweetly, then looked at Bian with her cute face. "Hey my ex-boyfriend, after school let's go for a walk." She said as she leaned her body right on the head of Bian's chair, she was very spoiled even though the man had become her ex.

"I'm busy, Ra," Bian replied with an unpleasant look in his eyes, of course, he couldn't accept the offer.

Alvira chuckled, then shook her head. "But I'm not busy, how about that?" She asked.

Bian pulled Alvira's hand to sit right beside her, trying to give the girl understanding. "Listen, beautiful Alvira, we've broken up, which means there's no relationship between us anymore. Do you understand?" he said in a soft tone.

Alvira drank her sweet iced tea again, she shook her head. "No, I'll be waiting for you in the parking lot, okay?" She said stubbornly.

"Ra, we broke up. Should I spell break up so you understand better, hm?" Bian looked at Alvira with tired eyes. He had tried many times to get Alvira out of his life, but he couldn't.

"But I just want to take you out for a walk, is that hard for you to accept? I don't mean anything to you anymore?" Alvira looked at Bian's eyes with hope, she missed him so much but someone she missed didn't feel the same.

If someone asks who doesn't like Alvira? The answer is Bian.

"So you want me to be rude to you?" Bian asked in a slightly higher tone than before.

"Calm down mate, don't be rude to girls." said one of Bian's friends in a rather cynical tone. I don't know, maybe he doesn't like it when someone is rude to women so he reminded Bian like that not to act stupid.

"You're noisy," Bian responded then looked back at Alvira, who unfortunately never removed her sweet smile from her cute little face. "You can get out of my sight, Ra. Now."

"Okay I will go, but there is one condition." Unbelievable, it seems that Alvira wants Bian to immediately confirm her words.

Bean raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Alvira smiled sweetly, even a row of neatly clean teeth could be seen. "Go with me later after--"

"Yeah okay, Alvira…"

Alvira placed her teacup on the table, then clenched her right fist and punched the air. "FUN! I'LL GO WITH FABIAN!!" She shouted in quite a loud voice as she darted away from Fabian's desk, causing the man to widen her eyes.

"Besides, Alvira is a sweet and kind girl, but you ended up breaking up with her. If I were you, I would never let Alvira go."

Bian turned to Yanes who was playing a game on his cellphone, although his eyes were focused on the flat object in his hand he was also listening to everything that was happening. "You don't have to interfere if you don't know what problem Alvira and I are in," he replied sarcastically.

"We are your friends, we know what is best. And Alvira is good to you, even very good. The only man who can be close to Alvira is only you. You are the person El is allowed to be close to that girl. Only you."

Bian rolled his eyes as if he was lazy to discuss this topic of conversation. "Stupid, that's the past. The present is different. Alvira and I have broken up, and El already hates me."

On the other hand, Alvira was running with a big smile on her face. She ran to the School Health Unit room hoping El was still there.


El turned his head to the right, towards the source of the sound, as well as Nusa who had woken up from his sleep.

"What is it?" El answered in an even tone, his face the same as a flat object.

Alvira, who saw Nusa awake, immediately waved her hand. "Hey, Nusa. I'll borrow Bara for a bit, okay?" She said she was really happy.

Without waiting for Nusa's answer, Alvira pulled El's hand eagerly to get away from the confused Nusa.

"You know something or not?" asked Alvira as their conversation starter.

El raised an eyebrow, not knowing what she meant. Alvira's wide smile became a question in his mind. "Not." the answer, short and clear of course.

"Well, that's why I came here to tell you now!"

Alvira brought her face closer to El's ear, then whispered something about the incident in the cafeteria earlier in a very low voice.

"WHAT?!" El glared at Alvira angrily. "I'll give Bian a punch," he growled with his hands like clenched fists.

Alvira crossed her arms in the air, disapproving of El's intentions. "Eh, I didn't mean that, Bara!"

"Why? You want to be hurt again?"

"Who was hurt, Bara?"

El tried to keep Alvira's body away from him as slowly as possible. "Excuse me, Alvira. I want to talk to Bian, no one will allow him to go with you."

Alvira changed her face to a sad one. "You don't want to see me happy, do you? Then can I not be happy again even with the same person?" she whispered as she looked down, feeling sad because since that incident El had become very angry with Bian.

El who saw that immediately rubbed his face roughly. Gosh, he feels guilty for his sister who does have very sensitive feelings. He immediately hugged Alvira's body tightly. "I just don't want you to do anything wrong, Vira. I love you, the feeling of love for a sister."

On the other hand, for the first time, Nusa saw an expression other than flat on El's face. It's all just because of an Alvira? For some reason, she now turned her face uninterested in seeing the two people hugging, she didn't hear their conversation but one thing she knew was El's truly sincere love for Alvira.

"Hey, I did make a mistake."

"I know you're spoiled."

Alvira let go of El's embrace on her body, then immediately pinched the man's waist. "How annoying! It's always like that everywhere!"

El once again turned his face flat. "You come home with me."

"No! I'll stick with Bian, period."

El looked at Alvira flatly, a sign that her words did not want to be refuted by the woman.

"I'm sulking with you!"

"I'll accompany you for a walk, understand?"

But suddenly, Alvira's face brightened again. She didn't expect it because, during this time, they almost rarely went out together.

"FUNNY!" Alvira shouted while kissing El's right cheek.

"Now I'll walk you to class."

El stepped towards Nusa who was looking in the opposite direction from him and Alvira. "I took Alvira to class first, Nusa." He said as he took back his jacket which was being held by Nusa making the girl immediately turn to him.

El immediately returned to where Alvira was standing, then grabbed the little girl's hand.

"Nusa, I'll go back to class first, see you later."

Nusa nodded briefly, then looked at her hands that had been holding El's jacket.

"Actually, who am I in El's life?"


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