About Alvira's Trauma

"Hold me."

El grabbed Alvira's hand, hugged her tightly so that the girl wouldn't fall or something bad would happen. Look how protective he is of the only sister he has.

"Yes, Bara. Let's start your motorbike!" Alvira shouted with her sweet smile, she leaned her chin on El's shoulder. Now they look more like they are in a relationship than brothers.

Before El could start the motorbike, he saw Bian walking towards him, alone without his usual friends. It was quite late in the afternoon, considering that she was taking part in the basketball extracurricular, accompanied by Alvira who was sitting on the sidelines with a small towel and mineral bottle in her hand, the girl became an encouragement.

"Bara, just run your motorbike." said Alvira who felt a sinister air emanating from El's body, a bad omen. She touched and shook Bara's arm excitedly hoping that the boy would comply with her wishes and leave the school grounds instead of talking to Bian.

But El is still El, he feels he still has an unresolved relationship with someone named Bian. The man chose to remove the helmet from his head and got off the motorbike, he signaled Alvira to stay on his motorbike.

"What do you want? You have a lot of courage to come to me." he asked to the point when he saw Bian who was right in front of him, a razor-sharp eagle gaze that didn't escape the surface of his face when he looked at his interlocutor.

Bian chuckled slightly seeing El who looked very emotional with his arrival. "Relax, I just want to take your little sister which means I have nothing to do with you." he said with a lopsided smile while looking at Alvira who was now looking at El worriedly. However, El and Bian are not the perfect combination. Like fire meets fire, then everything will heat up.

"Alvira no longer has any relationship with you, so stay away." El said in a cold tone, his hands clenched into perfect fists, staring at the boy in front of him with hatred.

"But she's the one begging me if she takes me out for a walk this afternoon, so where did I go wrong?" Bian answered without the slightest guilt, even his current tone sounded very relaxed.

El looked at Alvira with one eyebrow raised, looking at the face that unfortunately always looked adorable and made him unable to bear to succumb to Alvira. He knew very well that his sister still loved this jerk. "Your dreams are too high, Alvira has never chased trash like you." he said with a disdainful smile.

Alvira who heard those words was a little more sarcastic than El couldn't help but smile a little, feeling that Bian shouldn't have done what she wanted.

Bian shrugged, feeling that El's words had no impact on him at all. "Not the other way around, right, if it's Alvira who deserves to be called trash, she never--"


Bugh (El's punch sound for Bian)

El punched Bian in the jaw so hard that the owner fell to the ground, he hit him with all his might. He grabbed the man's neck and hit him again. "YOU'RE TRASH!"



Alvira closed her eyes, feeling the warm tears that fell on her skin. This time, El and Bian's fight happened because of her again. Again, just because girls like her were in bad shape and out of control, moreover she couldn't convince El that he couldn't stand it if she wasn't with Bian.

Bian who is not good at fighting El's strength finally chooses to give up, falling to the ground. He likes to provoke El's emotions, and if the man is provoked then the consequences he gets are always like this.





El kicks Bian in the stomach to end his hatred. He sighed, looking at the man who was already coughing from the pain spreading throughout his body. Because this was nothing new to the two of them, and of course he was quite satisfied.

"You're a monster, El." Bian muttered while wiping the corner of his bleeding lips.

El ignores Bian's words to him. He immediately ran to Alvira who had been crying so much, and immediately hugged his little sister's body. "Do not Cry." He said as he stretched out his hand and gently wiped away the tears.

Alvira hugged El back very tightly, feeling scared because she was witnessing her brother's brutality again. "I love you, Bro. It's very bad, if Bian is beaten like that." She whispered weakly.

This time El didn't completely blame Bian, after all he was also at fault for hitting the boy again for some unknown number of times. After all, who would accept and be willing when a highly guarded sister was said to be trash to someone? No one is willing, including El.

"Sorry." He immediately released Alvira's body from his arms and got on the motorbike and put his helmet back on. "Hold on to me, I'm afraid you'll fall."

Alvira tightened her body on El, she hugged the man hoping his feelings would get better because a few minutes ago she cried. She closed her eyes remembering the incident that made El and Bian like this.


That night at Bian's evening party to celebrate his seventeenth birthday, it was a very lavish event. With a white shirt combined with a black coat and bottom, he looks very charming, as if Bian is the man who is the center of attention because he is not only the host of the party but his appearance is also very good and becomes the main attraction.

"Happy birthday, my beloved boyfriend who looks much more handsome in your tuxedo."

Bian smiled happily, then kissed the top of the girl's head who was now wearing clothes that matched hers. Alvira's hair in a bun made her long neck add a sweet yet charming impression, the luck of having Alvira was something that the boys at school wanted and she managed to get it.

"Thank you darling." Bian said while cupping Alvira's face, he looked at the girl's beautiful lips with very deep eyes.

Alvira felt her heart beat fast. After all, she had never kissed before. Absolutely never, Bian was the first boyfriend she had after he tried so hard to convince El. She closed her eyes, as if ready to accept the kiss that would be given by Bian.

Suddenly, Alvira felt a springy object gently touch her lips. Feeling fascinated for a few seconds, accompanied by thunderous applause that filled the outside area of ​​his house.

Alvira opened her eyes and smiled sweetly. "I have a surprise for you, wait a minute, okay?" She said as she left Bian, feeling ahe had to take something she had prepared and surprise her boyfriend.

She walked into Bian's house, because she was also close to each of the men's families so that she could freely enter and leave the house. She started looking for the gift she had placed right on the table next to the large television in the living room.

"Oh, where's the prize, huh? Did I forget?"

Frantically, Alvira looked for the gift with a worried face. However, the gift he had prepared carefully. Not expensive, but there is a lot of memory in it. And that... means a lot to her.

"Looking for this?"

Alvira immediately turned to the source of the voice. There was a man wearing a black party mask holding her silver gift box.

"Yes, please return it. It's a present for Bian, mine." Alvira said excitedly, she would be very happy if someone found the object and immediately gave it.

"Not that easy."

"You mean?"

Quickly, the man grabbed Alvira's hand. He hugged her and immediately kissed Alvira's lips roughly.

Alvira who received such treatment immediately rebelled and screamed for help, she was frightened and very surprised. Unfortunately, the screams were not comparable to the booming music played by one of the DJs as performers.

"Argh, let go!"

Very rudely, the man broke their kiss and immediately tied Alvira's wrists with a cloth that she had gotten from out of nowhere. He began to touch Alvira's forbidden part with lust.

"You are beautiful, but your brother is too naughty."

Alvira was crying, she was still trying to ask for help.


The man who was playing with Alvira's body immediately ran away leaving the girl alone. He immediately darted out of the house through the back door. El wanted to chase him, but lost quickly.

"Bara, help me..."

With a worried face, El ran to Alvira who was already lying on the floor. He quickly untied his sister's wrist. He immediately hugged the girl's body which was shaking violently and cried loudly, knowing that this incident would be a trauma for his sister.

"I'm afraid..."

El's chest heaving up and down indicated that he was in a very angry mode, feeling like a failure because he couldn't take care of his sister. He stroked Alvira's back affectionately. "It's me, I promise this incident will not happen again and will not spread widely."

Alvira's eyes caught the figure of Bian who was standing right in the corner of the room with both hands, in each hand holding a glass of orange juice, his gaze blank. She immediately got up from her seat leaving El who stared at her in surprise.

"I beg you, Bian, don't misunderstand."

Bian smiled, then put the two glasses in his hands on the desk. "I saw everything, Alvira. How that man's hand touched you, even I was desperately trying to resist the urge not to be presumptuous with you. But what happened? You're broken, Ra."

"But I'm a victim, Bian. I have absolutely no desire to do more, I don't know who he is."

"To me, it's the same, Ra. I was disappointed, what should have been mine and for me when I married you but was touched by another man."


"I want to break up, thank you for the most beautiful surprise gift, I will never forget it."

"Bian, you misunderstood! Don't break up with me, I love you so much. Please Bian, don't be mean."

"Get out of my house, NOW!"

Throwback off

Alvira's breath hitched, she remembered the incident one year ago, which felt very humbling for her. She hugged El tightly. "Bara, is it okay if I want to take another sedative?"


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