El's Smile Because Nusa

"I'm out, lazy to continue the card game."

El threw the poker cards back on the table with a straight face, already tired of this card game which he thought was very boring. He put his hands in his pants pockets, looking at Candra who was now enjoying his black coffee. He sat right across from Candra, then took the man's cell phone with a sudden movement.

"Eh? El? How long have you been here?" he asked with a nervous tone and a panicked expression on his face. Even now that there were a few beads of sweat on his temples, he was afraid that El would be angry with him.

"Since you saw Alvira's Instagram," El answered in a tone that was always even, but this time it sounded a little dangerous.

Candra with his innocent face just chuckled a little, suddenly his fear ran aground. El had figured out what he was doing when he saw pictures of El's cute little sister. "I'm sorry El, I was just looking at me. Your sister's Instagram. Besides, I already have a girlfriend." he said calmly as he took another sip of his black coffee.

El rolled his eyes, then returned Candra's cellphone after deleting the display of Alvira's account from the cellphone screen.

"Speaking of Alvira, your beautiful sister already knows the reason why you are always late for school every morning?" asked Candra who immediately changed the topic.

El shook his head. Then he ate fried bananas filled with chocolate which was Candra's order, of course, no one dared to prohibit or protest. "Not yet, why?"

"I think she should know that if she finds out that her brother is a member of a motorcycle gang, she will pull your hair with a funny expression, of course, that makes all the boys jealous."

"I'll kick your ass."

"Relax El, I'm just kidding, don't take it seriously," Candra said with a chuckle because he knew the man's life the best among the rest. Because he is the head of a motorcycle gang that El is following, and as a leader, he should at least know a little about the problems that plague the lives of its members. Candra is a very responsible leader, therefore he does not want things to cause division.

"Your joke doesn't sound funny," said El, then took a bite of his fried banana which suddenly only had the last bit left.

"Okay, then we make peace, El!"



El widened his eyes when he saw Priska who was very excited running towards him, especially the girl's screams which caught the attention of most of his friends. In the two girls' hands, there were several shopping paper bags from some famous places. The girl in the knee-length skirt combined with the crop sweater sat beside him without permission.

"Go," El said sarcastically. I don't know why suddenly the girl is in this place, a place that girls rarely step on because of the many boys who fill ENCIKOPI.

Once he doesn't like someone, then El will never try to like him because he is fed up with Priska's behavior which he thinks is too much.

"Geez, I just came here and I was immediately ordered to leave by you. At least give me greetings to my handsome future lover, namely you," said Priska again with a frown, she looked at El as if she was sad to be treated like this even though she was already very happy.

Hearing that, El rolled his eyes. "No one asked you to come here," he answered with a sharp look.

"Oh, don't you know something?" Priska's hand reached out to pinch El's nose, but before she could hold the nose of the man beside her, El immediately pushed her hand away roughly.

El raised one eyebrow. "Don't talk too much, who sent you here?"

"Candra, who else?" Priska answered very casually while placing the paper bag in her hand on the table.

In that second, El immediately looked at Candra sharply as if asking for further explanation. Look, this is all getting complicated, and he's getting lazy to come here again.

Candra, who always understood the code given by El, immediately cleared his throat awkwardly. "El, this is Priska, my sister. I told her to come here because my mother was away. There was only a maid at home, afraid she would be lonely." he answered who gave an explanation with his voice slightly lowered.

"You jerk." curse El hard.

He immediately got up from his seat, then went straight to his big motorbike without saying a small greeting as a farewell.


Ignoring Priska's screams that drew people's attention to him, El immediately put on his helmet and started his motorbike. For whatever reason, as long as Priska is in his environment, he will never feel comfortable. I don't know, he thinks the girl is too arrogant to win his heart, to the point that she forgets that love can never be forced regardless of the conditions and circumstances.

The mood that had previously subsided and calmed a bit now felt even more chaotic. He just wanted peace, so El decided to go to one of the parks he frequented with Alvira.

After arriving at the location and parking his motorbike, he sat on one of the park chairs, then opened his cellphone, which had been ringing for a long time.

| message room |

Elbara fans!

Mario: Reza, help me to tag El, please!

Reza: What do you do? Don't be in a hurry, El will reply later.

Mario: It's an emergency, idiot. This concerns the interests of the people, nation, and state.

Reza: It's a lie, I already know it. Gosh Mario, surely you want to borrow money from El, right? There is no girlfriend anymore, the hobby is borrowing money.

Mario: Hey, doesn't that tell you too? buy snacks just owe in the canteen. Your wealth is useless but stingy, not willing to spend money to pay for fries!

Reza: I am not stingy, but frugal.

Mario: Save your brains!

El: What's wrong?

Reza: What I've been waiting for has finally arrived @Mario

(Message read)

El raised one eyebrow. See, how obscure are these two best friends? Group of 3 people, but felt like a two-person message. That's the model of their friendship, he rarely chats in group chats.

Mario: El, please stay at home because I want to go there. I was kicked out by my mother because I dropped her ring and I threw it in the toilet, she was angry with me.

Reza: stupid to keep to yourself! I support your mother

El: Yes, just come


Reza: That's cheating!

Reza: El, I also want to stay at your house... Please allow it!

If Reza was right in front of El, he might have thrown a shoe at him. Just imagining Reza's pleading face made El nauseous, for him, he was a gentleman and shouldn't beg.

El: Yes, nag.

| message room ends |

After that, El put his cell phone in his pants pocket. Letting the flat object ring due to message notifications from Reza and Mario combined to send messages, which of course we're talking about things that weren't too important.

El looked up at the sky that had turned orange, a sign that the day would turn tonight but he didn't intend to leave and go home. He didn't even care if Mario and Reza came home earlier than him. He just needs... ah, he doesn't even know what he needs.



(phone vibration)

Just as he was about to close his eyes, letting the wind brush against his skin, the phone vibrated from the phone.

Without looking at the caller's username, he immediately picked up the call.


"Hello, Bara."

And maybe because of that, El should be more careful if he wants to pick up the phone from someone because right now he feels like he's taking the wrong step. "Hmm?"

"I-- Where have you been? I need you right now."

"Need me? We don't have any relationship, remember?"

There was no answer from the other side, making El immediately raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's fine, then let's eat out." After a long time, there was finally a reply from someone on the other side.

"Mario and Reza want to come over to my house, and I'm busy."

Wait a minute, why is he telling this to someone on the other side? whether Mario and Reza came or not, he shouldn't have said that to Nusa.

"Really? Sounds fun. I wanted to come over to your house to play too, but I don't know yours."

"You're a foreigner, scram."

"But I just wanted to play with you guys, wrong?"


"Okay, if you refuse, it means that tomorrow at school you have to teach me Mathematics. Deal! Bye Bara!"

El stared at his phone screen which was already dark, he didn't even have time to reject the girl's words. Nusa is a strange girl, likes to be unclear with her. And what is it for? Calling him just to make small talk asking to be taught math?

El just wants to pray that Nusa will not become the second Priska to complicate his days. Hoping it wouldn't happen, this was the most cursed dream he'd ever imagined.

Talking about Priska, he doesn't know anything about the girl who is Candra's sister. Yes, it's not entirely Candra's fault, but why should Priska?

The girl who confessed to the whole school that El only belongs to Priska. The statement immediately made El angry, because the confession had made a scene in a school. He just didn't want to be around a girl who was too obsessed with him.

Girls with excessive makeup, tight clothes, wearing expensive things to school, make Priska considered a spoiled child by some students.

But one thing to note now. Nusa has started to enter El's life which looks very flat. Invited him to get acquainted with situations he had never experienced before.

And maybe, after this is the most thrilling thing in their entire life.

So many girls came into his life, but it was Nusa who managed to make his defenses fade in an instant. It is evident from the smile that is present on El's face at this time.


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