Curious about AlviraBara

Nusa jumps from her bed, dancing incoherently while humming in a deafening tone. Yes, how not happy? She managed to get El to agree to teach her to study math, it was a good thing she will never forget in her life.

Gosh, even though the 99.99% approval was forced from her, but still El definitely can't refuse her desire in the field of study because she intends to study and not fashion like most girls.

Take a chance? Of course not, she didn't have that intention. Why would she want to draw attention to the cold refrigerator? She wanted to learn mathematics because all her life the subject always tortured her brain, and was very difficult to understand. Created a puff of invisible smoke that made her wave her hand in surrender.

Yes, for some, math is a disaster. But for some people may like math because it is the same as a puzzle to get the right answer.

"Nusa, it's noisy. The house feels like it's about to collapse, why jump on the bed? Later if the mattress breaks, I'll have to replace it."

Nusa turned to the source of the sound while stopping her silly actions and getting up from the bed. Approaching Rehan with a big smile on her face while scratching the back of her head that doesn't itch. "Hi Rehan, what are you doing here?" Instead of answering, she asked another question.

"What are you doing, let's have dinner. Can't you see what time it is? So don't just stay in the room all the time."

Nusa almost forgot that it was eight o'clock at night, she was too busy imagining how to get El's approval and succeed. Not to mention the preoccupation with mathematical formulas that almost made her head explode, she forgot that she had not filled her energy with carbohydrates that the body needed, it was just that she couldn't think.

"Forget what I just did, make peace," said Nusa while hugging Rehan's arm, she became a different person when she was next to a man who was used as an excuse to lean on in all conditions.

Rehan chuckled at the behavior of his little brother who sometimes became spoiled like this, making the feeling of tiredness from working all day immediately evaporate. "Today, the dinner menu is economy steak."

Nusa raised an eyebrow. "Save? Love laundry soap at an economical price!" she said as she worked her body out, posing like someone in a television commercial said the same thing she said about laundry soap.

"What are you doing? Your actions are ridiculous," said Rehan while gently stroking the top of Nusa's head, his tone was soft, a sign that he was being entertained by his sister's behavior.

After all, Nusa is the biggest responsibility in Rehan's life. It is not easy being the head of the household when he feels that he is always lacking to support Nusa's life, even to take care of food and other needs, he has to think more than a thousand times. Even though his salary is always sufficient or even more and ends up in future savings for himself and Nusa, he still feels that he lacks love for his sister.

Lack of love? even Rehan is very sweet to Nusa. Overprotective and also very affectionate towards the girl adds real points of affection because he doesn't want anything to happen to Nusa.

"Yeah sorry, I forgot to buy the meat for the steak. So I just use chicken breast, but I'm sure it tastes good and tempting to salivate."

Nusa nodded her head, pleased. "No problem, whatever food you make is still delicious!" She pulled Rehan's hand out of her room, she really couldn't wait to fill her stomach which had been starving unknowingly since a few minutes ago.

Rehan happily followed Nusa from behind. Living in the same house with Nusa is not a problem, considering that the girl doesn't think about what branded things her schoolmates her age wear. Even Nusa is not too narcissistic and fashionable, she said, if you follow world trends there will be no end.

Now they are at the dining table, sitting pretty with Nusa who takes a serving of steak in front of her. "It looks good, it smells so good that my hunger evaporates." She said, reaching for a fork and knife.

Rehan smiled warmly. "Done, I've taken the time to cook dinner for you." He says.

"Yes, you are my best brother! Other guys in my eyes are no match for you, it's a different story if it's ice cubes, he is not the best or unmatched."

"Ice cubes?"

"Yeah, I call him ice cubes, a guy who rarely talks in class. His face is very flat, sometimes he's rude when he's uncomfortable. I sat right next to him, and you know how it feels? It's like sitting with the wind, empty."

Feeling recognizing the characteristics mentioned by Nusa, Rehan slightly stroked his chin. "Elbara you mean?" he asked to be sure.

Before she could put the steak into her mouth, Nusa stopped her intention. "How do you know? Could it be if you used a spy in my school?" She asked with narrowed eyes as if searching for an answer but could not guess.

"After all, who doesn't know the successor of the Adalard family? I'm too lazy to spy on you, it's better to work and earn money for both of us."

"That's right, and it sounds annoying if you stalk me. But El is famous, that's cool but it's a shame, he's cold."

Rehan decides not to tell Nusa that the coffee shop where he works now belongs to his uncle El. It would be more fun if the girl knew Elbara herself, wouldn't it?

"How's your school?"

Before replying to Rehan's words, Nusa chewed a small piece of chicken steak that was in her mouth, then drank cold mineral water to remove the fibers in her throat. "Nothing is interesting. There's no problem, after all, I'm lazy to get the teacher's attention, so there's nothing strange at school."

"Good, if something goes wrong, just tell me."

Nusa chuckled. "Starting with your possessive nature, I'm like a kindergartner just starting school."

"You have to be taken care of, tell everyone that you are the younger brother of a Rehan who of course never lets his sister get into any kind of trouble."

"Rehan, you don't have to be so annoying, the chicken steak tastes bland."

They laugh together. In this fairly large house, there were only two owners of the house and only two members of the household living in it. But never avoid greeting them. There is always Nusa's behavior that makes fun of Rehan or Rehan who always gives his full attention to Nusa.

If people are not familiar with their lives, many people will certainly judge badly about their closeness. Brothers and sisters look like lovers, that's normal.

Ah but, is your brother also as gentle as El and Rehan? You must be fighting a lot. But still, big brother is a very loving person!

"What about your grades, are you okay? How was the lesson? Is there anything different from what you learned in school before?"

Nusa shook her head slightly. "The problem is still the same, math." She said, pursing her lips in annoyance. She had been trying desperately to find out where the numbers had come from, but still couldn't find them. Difficult.

Rehan cleared his throat. "Looks like you have to take extra lessons, private lessons," he said who decided.

"Private extra lessons? No, I don't want to. Waste of money, you better buy me 10 boxes of ice cream because it's more useful than math."

"I'm serious, Nusa. Mathematics is still used until the next school level, you know."

"Am I kidding? Ice cream is indeed better than math."

Rehan nodded in agreement. Instead of continuing this topic, it might make Nusa's mood go bad and the girl ended up eating suddenly and went straight to her room and locked the door. No, he wouldn't let that happen.

Nusa reached into her trouser pocket, then took out her cell phone. She started to open the app that many people liked, then typed her username in the search field.


One of the names on Instagram that managed to steal her attention was based on the name 'Bara' behind it.

"What kind of relationship do they have with this? Until Alvira's username has the name Bara." She muttered while looking at several posts showing Alvira's face with El. There are also special story highlights along with El. Nusa's curiosity got even bigger when Reza with his poison told Alvira's account that he said the girl's followers had almost the same followers as El's followers on Instagram. It's like the boy who runs the school and the girl who is the belle of the school.

Gosh, now she thought they were such a perfect match. Even she became a little lower than Alvira, lest her mind wanders any further.

Rehan who heard Nusa's words just chuckled. How could Nusa not know Alvira's status as El's little sister? his little sister is very indifferent to the surrounding environment.

"Why are you so curious about that girl? What was she like at school?" asked Rehan pretending not to know. He liked the confused expression Nusa showed when the girl started to be curious about something. It's okay to lie and hide a little truth right?

Nusa ate her french fries, then looked at Rehan with a face that was hard to decipher. "She's very close to Bara, they both look cute."


"Yes, they look cute. Sometimes they go home together, Bara also behaves sweetly, only for Alvira. But when I'm next to Bara, he never shows a smile, he doesn't even talk."

"Is it right?" Rehan chuckled. If Nusa knew the truth, surely she would be ashamed of what she said right now. Alvira and El look good together? This statement invites laughter because it contradicts the facts.

"Why are you even laughing?"

"Noting," Rehan said while continuing his delayed dinner. He didn't care about the suspicious look Nusa gave him.

"You are my most annoying big brother!"

"But you love me, right?"


"Oh that's good, so tomorrow no one will give you extra pocket money to go to school."

Nusa widened her eyes. How could her human rights as a younger brother who always obeyed Rehan be revoked? "YOU CHEAT, ANNOYING! DON'T REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF MY SIDE MONEY!"


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