Escape from Prisca

"Oh, I'm going to die."

Hearing the curse of the girl he was embracing made El turn his head, his eyebrows raised when he saw Nusa's cheeks turn red. "Why? Do you have a fever or something?" he asked in surprise as he stretched out his free hand, holding the girl's forehead to check her temperature.

Receiving such treatment, Nusa's face constantly blushed, even more, embarrassed by her heartbeat which was like running a marathon.

"What's wrong, Bara? I don't have a fever, but I'm just a little nauseous because your body stinks," replied Nusa with a series of sentences full of compositions, she only changed the situation.

Yes, you can say even though you just woke up, and went straight to school. Especially on this sunny morning, of course, the smell of El's perfume that bursts even makes the girls reluctant to divert their sense of smell to breathe in the air that is polluted by that one man's perfume. Of course, El doesn't smell bad.

Changing the look on his face with an even expression, El wasn't angry, he was just… how dare someone say that his body stinks. "Go there yourself," he said as he let go of Nusa's shoulder. Then quickly turned around, letting the girl who was now silent, did not respond quickly or usually said that her brain had been loading for quite a while.

"Eh eh, Bara! Don't be angry with me," said Nusa. No less fast, she ran towards El, then grabbed the boy's arm, she winked with an innocent face.

El rolled his eyes, he stopped which automatically Nusa also stopped the body beside him. "What's wrong with your eyes?" he asked, afraid that something bad would happen to Nusa's condition that Rehan would surely hold him accountable, which he could guess by using the formula length x width x height when he spoke.

"You are a handsome man," replied Nusa with a small chuckle, instead she smirked beside El as if the man would also chuckle like her.




Even up to 5 seconds, there is no cheerful expression. There was only a flat and scary stare, which made Nusa snort, and after that, his funny expression turned into one of anger.

"Let's go to class, why did you turn around? You wanted to take care of me, now suddenly change your mind."

"You're crazy and weird."

"Crazy and weird? In which part? Besides, when I talk about smell, it means something that stings my nose, right? I don't mean trashy smell."

"Oh, unfortunately, I didn't ask for an explanation."

"You've become a very annoying person!"

No, it wasn't just a simple tantrum but a scream that rose a few octaves from Nusa's usual volume. Of course and impossible if now all the students around them immediately turned their heads curiously, and if those who were earlier paying attention, strained their ears to listen to the conversation.

Usually, not a single person missed the news about El. If anything was left behind, only the lineup of men wanting to feel much better than El was also impossible. Because of what? El is second to none, really like the parable of the Greek Gods.

"You're noisy," said El who realized the result of Nusa's shout which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Nusa had time to reply, but suddenly...


'Unlucky.' El cursed in his heart.

Okay, you don't have to guess who the excited human is screaming in the corridor to El, it must be Priska.

Nusa was silent, she shifted her body behind El, hoping that her body was covered so that Priska couldn't see her. "Bara, help me, Priska is coming towards us." She said slowly, subconsciously holding the strap of the bag El was using.

El was silent, but he heard Nusa's words. Come on, it's still early in the morning, and it's not natural for a bright morning to be disturbed.

"What is it?" El asked when he saw Priska who was already standing in front of him, not seeing the two girls' friends who liked to follow her.

Priska reached out her hand to stroke El's jaw. "My dear, let's take me to the bookstore today. I heard you were looking for a biology book. Then, let's go together, I also want to find a novel." She said in a contrived tone like spoiled. Okay, she hasn't seen Nusa, who turns out to be behind the body of the man she was talking to.

El brushed off Priska's hand. "How many times do I have to warn you? Don't touch my face, understand?" he said firmly at the end.

Patting her forehead, Priska immediately took a tissue from her pocket. "Geez, sorry I forgot your face is sensitive. I'll--"

"I can not," said El who cut off Priska's words.

Rather than defuse the situation, Priska attracted more attention. Now the students didn't even hesitate to watch them.

Priska looked at El with a sad look, a hundred times rejecting since she fell in love with El. "Why? You never have time for me, El. Why are you so distant from me? I want to go somewhere with you, let alone walk side by side with you."


"Yes, and what's the answer? Don't just say no, what does the word 'no' mean? I need a more specific explanation." said Priska, she bent a smile with a face trying to look cute.

"After school, I want to go with Nusa," El replied, his voice even sounding flat.


Like the sound of a bomb that could make everyone excited or shocked, the sentence flowed very smoothly from El's mouth. It made the person who heard it immediately reflexively say the same thing which is 'huh?'.

This is the first time El admits that he is going out with a girl, usually the girls are hallucinating to be able to go with him.

Priska shook her head, of course, she didn't accept what El said.

As for Nusa, she felt like she wanted to drown El at this very moment. The man didn't get her out of trouble, El pulled her into deeper trouble instead. "Psst... if you want to defend me at least give a reason full of truth, Bara." She whispered in the lowest possible voice.

But unexpectedly, Priska heard it. "Oh, so this is a girl who doesn't know herself who just entered school but has already taken El from me?" She asked in a judgmental tone, she walked around El to see Nusa.

There was applause from Priska, her hand quickly wanted to pull Nusa's hair tightly but the movement was no less fast than El's hand which immediately grabbed her wrist.

"Dare to touch Nusa, I will be angry with you."

"Let go of my hand, El! She is an arrogant and impudent girl, a new student who has no sense of politeness."

"Apologize to Nusa."

"No, I'm not going to apologize to Nusa or do anything lowly just for that girl. Your request is like a fairy tale, aka IMPOSSIBLE."

Hearing that, Priska was reluctant. Hey, who wants to apologize to someone who is already considered an enemy? There is not any.

"Tch," Priska squeaked while stomping the hand that El gripped tightly. She looked at Nusa with appraising eyes, then approached the girl and brought her face to her ear. "You're safe this morning, honey. But then, no one will ever know." She continued.

Nusa didn't move, her face was pale.

Priska straightened up, then patted Nusa's shoulder twice in a gentle motion. "I wish you a nice day," after saying that, she just walked away.

El rubbed his face, then looked at Nusa. "Let's go to class," he said as he helped Nusa walk by holding the girl's wrist so he could walk and be guided by him.

A few minutes earlier El was embracing Nusa, but now holding hands even though El only held Nusa's hand instead of intertwining her fingers.

El managed to defend and protect Nusa from Priska, who did have a negative attitude, according to the responsibility he had promised to this girl the previous day.


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