Lunch Box from Alvira

Now it's time for the students to rest, and the bell has been ringing since 5 minutes ago. El, Nusa, Reza, and Mario were already sitting on the cafeteria bench with their food in front of them.

This time the meal will be paid for by Reza and Mario, they both plan to treat El and Nusa.

"I'll pay for it myself, I have money anyway," said Nusa while looking at Reza and Mario who were in front of her, she was not comfortable with what the two men were going to do, which made her also treat the same.

Even though she is only close to El without having any malicious intentions, in the sense that she is not entitled to receive any benefits.

Mario did not respond to Nusa's words, not because he was lazy or angry at that one girl. But look, he was enjoying a bowl of meatballs while mixing it with a little vinegar and pepper powder as a flavor enhancer.

Reza who ordered the same thing as Mario immediately turned to Nusa, he displayed a smile that looked very charming. "Enjoy it, Nusa. After all, you only ordered chicken noodles and orange juice, the total is less than fifty thousand rupiahs, I can still afford it."

Nusa grimaced a little, it was true what Reza said. She doesn't like filling her stomach with rice, because she gets full easily and she's naturally sleepy.

"I just don't feel comfortable with being treated like this, besides that, I'm not used to it."

"If you don't want to eat it, I'll eat yours."

Nusa was surprised because suddenly her bowl of chicken noodles was pulled by the man beside her, El devoured her food very deliciously because coincidentally the man had not ordered anything. Her mouth fell open, almost making her unable to speak because she didn't understand what was being said.

"Hey El, you can order something else, sorry because it's Nusa food. And now the canteen looks crowded, maybe Nusa doesn't eat until break time is over." This is what Mario has to say, it's so funny that the guy is telling the truth.

Nusa who heard that immediately blinked her eyes, changing her expression to normal. "Oh, it's fine, after all, there will be a second break later." She chuckled crisply, yes actually quite hungry but never mind.

El looked at Nusa while chewing, their gazes did not meet because the girl was talking to Mario. He shrugged his shoulders feeling unconcerned after he returned to enjoying the chicken noodles that seemed to shake his tongue.


Wanting to disappear from the face of the earth, El has a very chatty friend.

They all turned to the source of the sound, there was Alvira running, holding what looked like a lunch box.

Nusa was silent, She watched Alvira who was behind Reza and Mario, but the lunch box was on the table, and hugged the two men.

"Hi, Reza and Mario. How are you guys?" asked Alvira very cheerfully, not realizing that there was Nusa beside El.

Mario turned to Alvira. "Here I eat meatballs, are you trying mine? But for goodness, El will beat me up later," he said with a chuckle. Let alone eating other people's food, the food touched by El fly is allowed to eat it.

Do you understand how Reza feels with Alvira? Yes, that's right, it gets a little awkward. "My food is the same as Mario's, you want? But I'll order a new one for you," he said in a tone so soft it almost made Mario nauseous.

"Huek! Looking for a chance! Don't want it, Alvira. Afraid of being poisoned,"

Hearing that, Reza threw a lump of dirty tissue at Mario. "It's better that I will poison your dirty mouth, if you speak you don't think."

Mario just laughed, then poked Alvira's arm. "That's an example of a guy looking for opportunities, he is very sensitive like a girl who has girls period." He says.

Alvira just chuckled, then let them both go. "If you want to find an opportunity, no problem." She said jokingly.

I don't know what's funny but Alvira, Reza, and Mario, but laugh at it.

Nusa pays attention to everything, how close is Alvira to El's friend whom many girls love? She quite understood where she was now, so there was no need to expect too high, especially from El.

"Eh, there's Nusa too? Hello!"

Hearing that, Nusa smiled sweetly. She tried to act as normal as possible because it didn't make sense that she was in a bad mood for no apparent reason.

"Hello, Alvira." who said Nusa?

Alvira nodded her head, then returned to reach for the lunch box she had placed on the table. Walking towards El who was still enjoying the chicken noodles without intending to look at him, Big Brother was indeed an annoying figure, but she loved him!

"Honey, I made toast this morning. This morning you just disappeared without saying goodbye. I was waiting for you, but mom said you were gone. Here's lunch for you." She said, putting down the lunch box.

El just nodded his head, reaching for the untouched Nusa juice. He turned to Alvira, then stuck out the juice. "Drink," he said.

Exactly, Alvira came over to El in the cafeteria like she was being chased by a demon, even her breath seemed to rise and fall.

"Wow, thank you very much, your sensitive treatment makes me like you even more," Alvira said while pouting, even her lips looked adorable.

El rolled his eyes, then continued chewing food when the glass in his hand had entered Alvira's hand and his sister took a sip of the juice he gave her.

Nusa was silent, not because Alvira drank the orange juice that was ordered for her. But she was silent because... because she heard Alvira make a lunch box, waited for the very obvious El to pick her up this morning, and again... Honey? How close are they?

"It's done, right? Please go,"

"Huh, you kicked me out of the cafeteria?"

"Yeah, it's getting closer,"

Alvira turned her face forward if El said that, she would give her a sweet treat that the opposite student rarely did in school unless their status was siblings and known throughout the school —with Nusa as an exception, the girl was the new student who doesn't know anything about El and Alvira's relationship—.

Kiss (one kiss from El landed right on Alvira's forehead)

"Thanks, now you can rest. I kicked you out of here so you don't focus solely on me."

"Ready commander, it's better if you throw me away with a kiss on the forehead like this. Okay, bye-bye all of you!"

Nusa just nodded her head, seeing that Alvira, who was so agile, had bolted and disappeared at the cafeteria door.

"Eat this as a substitute for your meal that I ate."

Nusa looked at something that touched her arm which was placed on the table, it turned out to be Alvira's lunch box. "No need, Bara. That's the lunch box that Alvira gave you, so you should eat it and not me—"


After that, Nusa turned to Reza and Mario who nodded his head at her, as if telling her to take the lunch box.

"Thank you, Bara."



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