Acting Differently



Later that evening when Mira got home she did not say anything to her daughter about her outing and waited for her husband to return home.

"Hey baby," Jay called out upon entering the room.

"Hey dear. Welcome back. How was work?"

"Stressful as usual. I met with this business client today. He was hilarious I give him that but his proposal, not so enticing per se, but something about this man gives all the vibes."


"You know what I am saying? I just think perhaps I can agree to a smaller business deal with him but now before anything, I need to consider my business deal with the Jackson's for Shining Star Empire."

"I understand, then simply do not do it."

"Okay, but then again, meeting this man would change your mindset about your answer," Jay said convincingly.

She let out a sigh and dropped the comb in her hands on the dressing table she sat in front and turned to face her husband.

"He is simply doing his job, I tell you he is a marketer and he knows how to cajole hearts like yours. You know it is not being funny you need for business."

"Then how about I get him to work for us? He can convince just anyone for a business deal."

"I believe we should let Jade decide on that. If she can, she should take up seeing him."


"Yes, Jade your daughter."

"But, she is you know, she is not fully recovered. Do you think it wise to allow her back to the company at this state?"

"I think she is. About that," Mira stood up from where she sat and made her way to her husband who was busy undressing. "I think she is acting differently."

"In what way?" Jay asked, turning around to look at her. "You know a lot of things are just too much for her to take in, so her usual happy behaviour may change and go down for a while."

"I know, Jay, I know."

"Then what is the matter?" He placed his hand under her chin and brought her face to look at him as he moved in to kiss her lightly on her lips.

"I…" She sighed again. "Her movement today. It is just, you know suspicious."

"Why would you be suspicious about your own daughter?"

"She did not know I asked one of the men to tail her when she told me she was going out."

"You what?!" He was shocked by her actions. Tailing their daughter was the height.

It showed they did not trust her and if she were to find out it would not be a good thing and would most definitely not end well.

"You know how Jade is with all of this. I most definitely know that she found out and she would be mad. How could you do such a thing to her?"

He pulled away from his wife, his displeasure clearly showing and his anger rising. He may not be around always to stay with Jade but from what little he knew, she hated being tracked by them.

"I am sorry, Jay but in my defence, I did it to protect her. I just almost lost my daughter and might I remind you, she is our one and only child."

"Have you forgotten her last warning? That if you were to ever do so again, you would lose her indefinitely and would never see her again. Have you forgotten?" Jay half yelled at her.

He may not have time for his family but that did not mean he wanted them to break or lose their only child.

"I know and I am sorry. It never should have happened like that. Forgive me."

"It is not me you should seek forgiveness from. It is her. And if you do not want to say that to her so she doesn't know if she has not figured it out, then I assume you would end this nonsense right now and promise not to let it repeat itself."

"But I…"



"Good." His face softened and he drew closer to his wife, gazing down into her eyes. Luckily for him due to the presence of the blue coloured bulb radiating in the room, he could gaze into her lovely eyes some more.

"I know you wish the best for her but let's not let our overprotectiveness make us lose the only child we have."

"I understand. I am just scared," Mira confessed.

"Scared, yes I know. I am sorry about my outburst earlier too."

He pulled her in for a hug and placed his chin on her head as he hugged her cute frame to his body, allowing his hands to rub up and down on her back.

"It would be alright. Jade would be fine."

"I am sure but I wonder why she went to the house of that Aria. I find it strange but she went there still. Although she did not come out it was still something."

"Wait. She did what?"