Been There



"Wait. She did what?"

"She went to her house."


"You mean the girl with whom she had the accident?" Jay asked pulling away from the hug to look at her face.

"Yes. And what is worst was she following the car that brought someone else there to the cemetery."

"Hmm," he placed his hand on his chin and gazed up, "I may be wrong, but it feels as though our daughter is overcome with guilt."

"But she did nothing wrong," Mira argued.

"To you, she did not but we cannot argue with the facts that she pushed the said girl into the road when they had the accident. If not that we used hour influence not to blow things out of proportion, I suggest we leave her be."

"But I cannot have her feeling guilty over an accident."

"You need to understand this, Mira. She may feel bad that she is left in this world and the other girl is not. Yes, they might have hated each other and all but our daughter is not a terrible person. She is still good, our little Jade."

"But Jade did nothing and it is only fair that she gets a second chance in life than that low birth."

His eyes dropped. This was one attitude that Jade had learnt or gotten from his wife and he hated it.

"Shhh… Do not speak ill that way. We should be grateful that we have our daughter, they do not. You better change your mindset, Mira."

"Fine. I am glad I got my daughter back.

"Very good. Just let it be. I believe Jade is changing been given a second chance in life she is starting to view life in a different way or just trying to process things."

"She should move on."

"It doesn't just happen that way and it is not easy. Perhaps she wanted to see how the family were doing and wondered if she had anyone who would miss her as a way to feel less burdened by the truth."

"I do not want her being this way. It breaks my heart," Mira blinked, her eyes dropping as she tried back to hold back the tears.

"She has her whole life ahead of her and a wedding. We cannot let her be like this. We can't afford for the Jacksons to see her this way. They may change their mind and do not want our daughter. She needs a firm grip. She is strong, I know Jade is."

"I know too. I am not arguing that part. She is and we need to also give her time. Let us watch her for a month and see. If by then we see more improvement, then we can proceed with the wedding."

"Fine, as you wish."

"I would talk to Jeremy Jackson about it that the accident wasn't easy for my daughter so we need time to ensure she gets herself back and then we proceed as planned."

"Okay, thank you."

"Relax and worry not. I would speak to her myself. Do not bother. I would try and get her to open up about her fears."

"Okay but do not be too surprised she won't open up still. You know you haven't always been there."

"I know, please do not rub in my failures in my face."

"I am not. I am just stating an obvious fact. You weren't always there, so take this chance to start afresh again with her."

"Do you think she would want that?" He tightened his grip around her waist, his fears showing through his eyes. "What if she pushes me away and it is already too late?"

Mira let out another sigh! "You have always been too scared of that for a while and she is not getting any younger. At this rate you may lose her totally."

"Fine. I would heed your words but for tonight, I just need my wife."

'Go and shower first then you can have your wife to yourself."

"Aye aye captain." He made a show, saluting her and then both of them burst out laughing at each other. "I miss you," Jay confessed.

"Missed you too, now hurry. I would make everything ready for you when you finish."

"I like the sound of that. Scented candles and roses."

"Hahhaa, you make me wonder if you are a girl."

"Nah, it is just the smile on your face when tose are there that I thrill to see when I take my wife again and again."

"Naughty old man."

"I am very young Mira. See, I have the muscles and stamina." He tightened his arm and showed her his strength.

"What a man. Now hurry the night is not getting any younger."

"Yes, captain." Before leaving her, he planted a peck on her lips and rushed to bathe, leaving her behind.

As soon as she was sure he got to the bathroom, she let out another sigh for the umpteenth time and made her way back to the bed as she jumped on it and spread her arms in exhaustion.

"Jade, please be okay."