More Shock 1



The second they got to the party, Jade was lead to their usual booth and sat down watching as the girls took over.

"Worry not honey, we are going to make this one hell of a night for, so much so that you would remember us. Just chill out here and be prepared to have the time of your life," Liz encouraged.

Though they called it that but honestly, she did not even want to begin thinking of what they met.

"I would go request for our usual. Be right back girls. Meanwhile, get us some nice hot looking big whales to play with. I need to rock some dick," Quinn announced. She was on a whole new level than the girls when it can to things like this.

She wasn't yet high but she looked like one who was already on the verge of reaching the stars.

If not that Aria had grown accustomed to acting, she would have shown her irritating face but all she did was keep a neutral poker face and just relaxed.

'Well, Jade this is your life. I might as well just learn.'

Far of at the sides were the guys. Jake had just gotten to the party about five minutes before they did and though he was with his friends have a seep of some classic drink, his mind wasn't there.

"Hey Jake, you are taken up b this marriage proposal stuff. The Jake we know would by now be happy and checking out a girl he was going to have a drink with and probably dance. What has gotten into you?"

"You say it like that has been my life style. You know I get a drink with one of the hotties when I want to cool off from work and most times I do so drinking with you guys. I ain't a player, I am just the Snow King."

"Yes and it is sad Liam that though he is that so may girls want him but he pays them no excuse. I think he should loosen up a bit. You would soon get married, there won't be any of this then," Zane advised.

"Hey, my being married or not have nothing to do with my sexuality. Even if I am married to her, I have no intention of touching her. So that when we would go apart, there won't be any attachment whatsoever."

"And you believe that the Jade Jordans would let it slide that way? You never told us you wanted to be a Reverend father," Ian teased, causing all of them to burst into a real of laughter.

"That was classic," Liam praised. "Truly," he added before lifting his glass cup. "Cheers to classic sarcastic Ian."

"Oh please, he wouldn't be classic when a babe comes sauntering his way," Jake joined in the teasing as he too lifted his glass and hit it against theirs in a happy display.

"You are right. Now that isn't the Jake we want. Give jokes and be merry. You only live once to let so many worries tie you down, man," Zane advised.

"Thank guys."

Suddenly Ian who was seated facing the door saw Jade and her friends walk in but he did not bother with them until they sat down and Quinn left, paving more light towards Jade.

He rubbed on his eyes with both hands after dropping his glass and peered far.

"Ya see, even Ian has already spotted his prey and is ready go flirt, naughty boy, hahaha." They all looked at Ian when Zane let out his words.

Truly he looked like a guy captivated by a young beauty. Jake could only shake his head at his friend and continued sipping his drink.

Tapping on Jake's leg, Ian still did not peel his gaze away and continued looking as though if he did, his prey would disappear.

"Yeah?" Jake was not in the mood for all those flirting and stuff so he was not bothered.

"Man, look."

"Not interested man. Any girl here, they can just get lost for all I care."

"Not this one," Ian half-whispered.

"Then be my guest and have her."

"Heaven knows I would if she was not someone's soon to be bride."

At the mention of soon to be, the other guys' interests were piqued and everyone followed his line of sight but not Jake.

His eyes only popped open and he cast his gaze on his friend who did not look like he was joking.

"Bloody hell. They are hot," Zane let out.

"Dude," Liam smacked his head. It was one thing to check out a girl but not when she belonged to one of their guys.

"Well I am sorry but she just is so damn cute and looks so innocent."

Jake could not believe his ears. Finally, he gave in and turned around halfway to see what the ruckus was about.

At the same time, his eyes locked on Jade who sat down a bit lonely while her friends moved about enquiring things got ready.

His mouth fell open. She wasn't what the news painted her as or what people said she was with one look at her.

She looked calm, like it was her first time and though looking hot, showing those creamy thighs, her open back gown was not that short.

It came to a stop midway below her thigh, with a side slit giving a lovely view of her delicious skin when she sat crossed leg.

It was truly a sight. Her hair was let down to cascade down her shoulders and her simplistic make up was just another killer.

She was not hiding behind the facade of make up but everything about he stood out.

The next thing they knew she stood up, smiling as she took the hand of one of her friends and made her way to the bar counter.

Every step she took, brought out her lovely figure which was accentuated with how lovely she-cat walked, making her look like the Queen of the day in her sequence red gown. A flare of the night.