Jade's Friends [Bonus chapter]



He had healed himself back from stating more hurtful words due to the presence of the wedding planner. Not that he cared but he did not want to ruin their family reputation with an outsider.

Without waiting to hear any nonsense, he turned around and walked away, leaving his mother stunned.

Immediately he got to his car, he wasted not another minute in the driveway and drove out of the compound.

Once on the road, he could not get his thoughts straight and decided to place a call through to his friend.

"Hey, Ian."

"What's up Jake?"

"Good I think. Where are you? I am coming over to your place for a few drinks."

"Umm cool then, I am with Zane and Liam at Alpha's. You want to come?"

"You betcha. How come you guys are hanging out without me?"

'Hey, it wasn't our fault. We called you earlier to invite you but you busied our call and did not think to call us back."

Yikes. He was guilty as charged. He had indeed seen the call but was in a crucial meeting. He planned on getting back to them after but once he stepped out his secretary bombarded him with lots of documents waiting for his signature and proofing.

He had been too busy he forgot and from there, he had other appointments and meetings to the point he forgot to have lunch and now it was already past seven in the evening.

"Hmm, about that. My apologies, I was in a meeting and after that got even more tangled with work. I'm beat actually."

"It is okay. We know how it goes. Anyways, where are you?"

"I was on my way to your place would soon take the turn and head straight for Alpha."

"Alright. You know where to find us okay."


He ended the call and placed his full attention on the road. He wanted to relax but his mind was already angry with the whole wedding coming u and with each day, hour, minute passing by he came face to face with the day of the marriage and that choked him.

"Get it together, Jake. Just one year. It would be like a flash, do not worry."


Meanwhile, until now, Aria had not reached out to any of Jade's friends because she knew them not and they had not called because according to her mother, she needed rest.

But they felt they had given her enough time and decided to call her out.


She had just stepped out of the bathroom and was drying her hair when she heard her phone begin to ring. Stopping, she dropped her towel and made her way to her bedside table, picked her phone up and saw the caller.


At first, she hesitated, not wanting to pick up the call and still play the memory issue cared but she knew she could not run away from life forever. It was only a matter of time.

Picking her phone up, she answered the call and placed it on her ear.


"Hey, baby. Guess who is on the line?"

"It's Liz."

"Ohh... Wrong!" The girl giggled from her end, causing Jade to pull back the phone from her left ear and stare at the scene. She sure was sure she saw Liz. How come she said it was wrong.

"Take a wild guess babe."

"Just tell me."

"Where would be the fun in that, huh?"

"Hey, gimmie back my phone," she heard another girl yell out and then someone else was with the phone.

"Hey babe, do not mind Quinn. That's how she gets but seeing as you didn't quiet the joke, you really did forget."

At that time a flashback hit her mind so hard and memories of these particular girls flooded her memory.

Sigh how could she had missed them, they were Jade's minions as well as friends.

"Okay, sorry we haven't called but your mum informed us to let you be for some time and get yourself back. She told us she would call us when you get better and start mobbing around but my info saw you on different occasions shopping and going to work."

"Oh, mum said that." She sat down on her bed and waited for her so-called friends to carry on.

"No hard feelings though, we believe she forgot and got busy spoiling your sorry behind. Okay babe, here's why we called."

"Why?" By now Aria's interest was piqued. From what she could recall, these two were on a whole new level when it came to Jade.

The three were almost inseparable hanging out together.

"We thought, as a way to help you recall faster, how about we take you to enjoy a part of your life you literally could not do without?"

"And that is?"

"Secret. Just get dressed in something hot and sexy and wait for us to come to pick you up."


Aria did not know what she was getting herself into agreeing to be with these girls. Usually, Jade loved to party. So Friday nights were usual for her and sometimes during the week also. SO they weren't lying when they said it was a part of her life.

A couple of minutes later, Aria found herself in one of the cars of girls. It was a red Ferrari car, which showed just how much Jiving the girls loved and the wealth their families had.

Soon enough she found out it was Quinn's. She had just recently got it for her birthday after Jade's accident and had not gotten the opportunity to show it to Jade.

So for tonight's outing, she took it with her.

"How do you like my new baby, Jade bear?"

"She's cool."

"Sigh this accident did you a number. The Jade of before would have been screaming none stop. Anyways, when we get to the party and you get high, I bet you would get a taste of that vibe and life back. Get ready to shake some bootyy!"

At that point, she really understood what her mother meant by being happy her partying had stopped. This was crazy.