Wakeup Call [Bonus chapter]



"Fine. I am not a wicked person and I know what you mean but he lost her, that is not the end of life. How about spouses who have their partner cheating on them and want them dead? Would they now forget about life and say they want to commit suicide?"

"No," the girl answered.

"Good one, Claire. If that is the case, then he needs to brace up. The dead are dead, the living must go on. If he truly loves her he would carry on her memory and move on because she wouldn't want him wasting away. I know Aria was a good girl. Her charm and kindness were top notch."

"You see why it is hard for him. Even you are feeling her death," Cory added.

"Why you small rat. Tsk. Anyways, we just got a big-time investor but before funding are agreed on, they want to see a future plan up close and now the big boss has called. We need to get our ass working and produce that which was stated. We have just two weeks to get the proposal for now and the next five years running."


"Don't just stand there. He who has the money controls the work. Get your fingers and brain working. I would call Alexander myself."

"Yes sir."

Turning around as the others immediately placed their butt on the respective seats to begin work, he brought out his phone, scrolled straight to Alexander's name on his contact list and placed a call.

It rang for the first time but he did not pick. At the second calling, Alexander finally answered the call.

"Hello." The tone from his voice alone showed how much of a waste he had become.

"Young man, where the heck are you?"


"Do not sir me when you are not at work. I give you thirty minutes to drag your ass off that bed and come to work. We have got a big project ongoing and I think it is high time to pull your shit together and carry on with life."

"Sir. I do not think I can."

"You do not what?" Can you hear yourself? Do you think if Aria could see you now, she would be happy to see you wasting away like this?"

Alexander could not answer. In fact, the mention of Aria's name made his heart clench so tight and before he knew it, the clear translucent liquid began to form a pool in his eyes as they threatened to fall and break free.

At that moment, his supervisor took in a deep sigh and calmed down. Y now he had succeeded in walking away from where people were to his office.


He sniffed hard, letting the tears he had been holding in, fall. "Sir?

"I am truly sorry about your loss. I know how much she meant to you and how much you two loved each other. It was fucking clear to even the blind that you were meant for each other but life dealt you a heavy blow son."

"It is okay."

"No. It is not because you are not pulling through. Rather you are allowing life to weigh you down. You are better than this."

"Life means nothing to me without her, sir. Absolutely nothing. She was my life and my light. Now I am left alone in the darkness."

"No, since she is your light, find your way again through what you two shared before and fight to survive again. I am not talking to you as your supervisor but as an older friend. You need to pick yourself up again Alex. The world needs you. Now, are you going to make her proud or not?"

A small sad smile formed on his lips as his gaze fell on their picture on his bed.

"So what is it kiddo? You taking my offer or I should hire a new..."

"I'm in. You need me right? I would help and also I want to offer my apologies, sir."

"No need, Alex. Just do you and come to work today, please."

"Yes sir. On it."


Though he could have given him the day off too, he did not want Alexander wallowing away in self-pity. Rather he needed him to come out of his shell now and even if he cannot do much at work, he needed to see him live at the very least.

Dropping his phone on the table in front of him, he brushed through his brown neck-length hair with his fingers and let out a deep sigh.

"Kiddo, just be good and keep moving, you would find love someday again."


In the residence of the Jacksons, Jake had just recently returned from work and decided to visit his parent's home since it was closer than his own house.

All he wanted at that point in time was a good sound rest.

Recently with the rise in stocks and some new investment, the business had been so busy for him to handle and rather than his father helping out, he and his mother just seemed out of it with preparations for the wedding.

Immediately he walked into the house, he was greeted by the sight of his mother and another lady, one much younger, about his age, going through several magazines on the table.

"Evening mum."

That was all he uttered as he made his way past them, ready to take the stairs and head for his room.

But instead of receiving his greeting, he got something else and the next voice he heard was his mother's. "Wait a minute Jake. Come and take a look at the wedding plan."

Gosh, he really wished she did not say anything and just let him leave. They knew he was not in for the wedding yet they kept on pestering him.

It was one thing to leave him to handle the company at this time but it was another to bug his brain with such nuisance.

"Mum, I do not want to."

"What nonsense. It is your wedding. You would behave better."

Jake drew in a deep breath, walked back to the living room and stared at them with boredom in his eyes.

"I thought coming here I could rest. I guess I was wrong. Goodnight mother."