Not In



"Fine, I would limit it all."

"Good. There is no rush. All you need to do is remain pretty and get ready for your wedding."

She was expecting to see the joy and smile radiate from her daughter's face, rather the smile that first decorated it dissipated slowly, prompting Mira to ask. "Jade darling, are you okay? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, mum. Nothing."

"Are you sure?" she probed still.

Releasing another sigh for the second time, Jade finally voiced out her disturbance. "Mum, about that. Don't you think it is soon?"

"Soon?" she was taken aback by her daughter's statement, causing Jade to wonder if she had indeed said the wrong words.

"Darling you were the one who was so eager when you met him. He was everything to you. You said you must marry him. Your dad and I decided to push through seeing the opportunities uniting both companies would bring. We have talked about this before darling. This is more than just marriage, it is business."

"I know and I am just saying."

"Hmm, if you have forgotten, then let me remind you in your exact words."

Jade took in a deep breath as she waited to hear the nonsense that had sprouted out of Jade's mouth before her death.

"Mum, guess what," she began by mimicking her daughter's high pitched tone when happy. "I met him. I met the all one number one bachelor today and was introduced to him, by dad. Jake is perfect and handsome. My friends say we look good together and I think so too. Gosh, I would do anything to have him as my man."


Her eyes widened as her jaw dropped from hearing what was said by the supposed her now.

Did she sound so desperate? Gosh, what a girl. She could not believe her ears.

"You see," Mira changed back to her own tone. "You might have said it being happy, but I took it up to your dad that we should get you married and then we picked him. He really was the most suitable and you deserve the best."


"Yes, this should tell you the things your dad and I would do to make you happy anytime and day, Jade, so make me proud and stop chasing after that family before they come and taint your life with their poverty-stricken mindset."

She had said the last part so fast, if not that Aria was super good when it came to listening to those who spoke fast she wouldn't have caught anything her mother said.

Taking in a very deep breath, Jade watched as her mother inhaled deeply, her chest rising with her, repeating every motion before releasing the breath and smiling at her.

"I am sorry about that but my decision remains. This should be the last time you go after that family again. Let them be. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, mother."

"Good. Now that is my pet. Do the little you can do and not stress yourself. Later today, we would be going shopping. We haven't done that since before the accident and I am itching to do so with you again."

"Me too mum. Me too."

Honestly, that was the last thing on her mind when she said me too mum. She was so not looking forward to this. Alas, it was doing to take her the effort to blend in with this family.


Meanwhile, at Alexander's company, he refused to go to work as he was still mourning the death of his dearly beloved girlfriend.

He had seen and hoped and built a better future with her in his mind and all he needed to do was to work extremely hard at his job, get a worthy promotion and save up enough money to buy them a house and get married.

He really loved Aria with all his heart and now, it felt like a part of his soul had gone too.

So when Jade called from her company, he was not around and they needed to start making the business proposal plan and prepare all the necessary marketing slides needed to be sent to Jade.

He was one of the best young talents they had but he chose not to come to work for a week now and although they knew what happened, they also knew that his work needed to continue and if not for the fact that he had a promising future with the company with his talent, his supervisor would have fired him.

"Hey," a man in his late thirties walked into a big office with four different tables and some wooden blocks separating them, giving each one his workspace.

Instantly his eyes flew to the table close to the window with an empty chair.

"Supervisor," all three of them stood up and greeted. "Good morning sir."

"Morning," he answered without looking in their direction. "Where is he?"

They looked at each other but no one dared to answer. They were already scared for Alexander. He was going to lose his job at this point but even the latter did not acre.

Heaving a sigh, the only lady among them raised her head to speak. "Sir, I am afraid it has not yet resumed."

"Why? It has been what? We gave him a few days off to relax after his travel but what did he do upon returning? He took an extra week."

"Sir," it was one of the guys that spoke. "He just lost his fiancé."

"What fiancé is that huh, Darion?"

"Well the one he wanted to marry, Aria Flame," Darion explained further.

"I know her. I mean did you see a ring on her finger? She is or was his girlfriend. Period."

"But sir," the second boy chipped in. "They loved each other and if not for funds, they would have been married by now."

"Then lucky him, Cory, else he would have been a young widower."

All three of them glared at him secretly. Though he was their boss, Alexander did put in all he had to the work and did his best. How could he now take the matter too lightly and brush all the boy and his girlfriend had done?