Concerned Mira [Bonus chapter]



Soon days went by and she made contact with Alexander's company telling them about her funding if they could prepare her a business plan on how to improve the company and also, 5 years working plan in two weeks.

Though it looked like a short time, she did not have much time as well to waste or play with.

If she could get this company growing and in turn, they gain from their investment, it would simply mean she had all it takes to get their company to where she wanted it to be without the wedding.

Leon was right after all, but still, things boiled down to their ability to get things done the right way and get their base kicking.

That morning after placing a call to the organization, she sat back in her chair, crossed leg and began to envision the future without the stress of the arranged marriage.

'Hmm, it would be nice. I can try and get him going as well while also finding new ways to be happy in this new body. You can do it, Aria. This second chance at life, do not waste it.'

Just then a knock came on the door, pulling her out of her thoughts as she shifted in her seat, sitting straight and then responding. "Come in."

The door pushed open, revealing her mother. Instantly she stood up, ready to greet her.

It was a surprise to see the queen of their company pay a visit to her office.

On the other hand, Mira closed the door behind her and majestically walked into the office.

Each step she took, brilliantly showcased her stunning dark green short gown that came to a stop just around her knees with shimmering beads adorning the neck, waist, forming a flowery pull at the centre of the gown below her hips level.

She had a Gucci made black hand purse with her black matching necklace set and earrings. She looked like a stunning cold duchess, who just came out of from winning a dark game against her enemies.

"Mum." Jade gave her best smile to hide all of her feelings.

Down till then she was still finding it hard but managed to keep up with appearances.

"Hello dear."

"Pease come and have a seat."

She lead her mother to her adjourning mini parlour with a cushion and a big tv screen facing opposite it. To the side was another smaller cushion that could fit just one person and two tables at either side.

Though her office wasn't particularly very big, it was decently spacious and Aria had learnt that Jade made arrangements to be moved to an even bigger office.

For what, she couldn't tell, seeing as this one was already comfy enough.

Both ladies sat down facing sideways on the bigger cushion, with smiles that were heartfelt and endearing.

"Mother, what brings you here?"

"Well, I came to see how my baby is doing," Mira explained.

"Is that so? It has only been what? Thirty minutes since I left the house and now you came to see me. Tell me the truth. What is wrong?"

Letting out a sigh, seeing as she was effortlessly caught by her daughter she smiled. "Fine, you caught me. Although I did not lie when I said I came to check on you."

"Okay. I am all ears."

"You see," she turned fully so ade was looking at her keenly. "Ever since your accident Jade, I have noticed some changes in you."


"Do not panic or get me wrong. I am being concerned. You no longer party as much as you did, which I am not complaining about, your shopping reduced and then the last which is very much concerning is your involvement with that family."

"Whose? You mean Aria's?"

"Exactly. Why did you bother going back? You even went to her grave."

"So you have been keeping tabs on me mum." It was more of a statement than a question, regardless, Mira answered.

"Yes. You are my daughter, I have all the right to seeing as you just came out from a ghastly accident in which your mate lost her life. So forgive me I just had to, to keep you safe and that family, I do not trust them."

'Well even I do not trust them but that is not the point, Aria, you need to make her stop.' Arai noted in her mind.

"Hmm, I understand you mum. I understand your concern."

"You do?" It was hard for Mira to believe. The Jade she knew wouldn't agree to anything easily without making a fuss and making her agree to her terms.

It was one of the spoilt brat attitudes she had that her mother hated but she always had her way because of her father.

"Ever since the doctor said you may lose your memories at first and would slowly get them back, it was hard seeing you like that, behaving like you do not know things anymore."

"I am trying, mother," Jade cut in again.

"I know and I am not denying that fact. All I can say is probably take things slow."

"Slow?" Okay, Aria was trying to understand this woman but she was confusing her even more and she did not bother hiding it and allowed it to show through her expressions.

"I know you may think this hard but you weren't always one to kill herself with company work and now you have only barely recovered and you are coming to work, of course, I would come to check up on you."

Understanding where she was coming from now, Jade shook her head and smiled.

"I see. But you said so yourself, the doctor confirmed, I lost my memories and what I am doing, I am trying to familiarize myself with things again to ensure I recall everything."

"That is good progress but I want you not to push yourself too much and overwork your brain. You do not want to stress it even more and have brain damage do you?"

They both smiled at each other and finally Jade agreed. "Fine, I would limit it all."