


"I believe this is yours?" Jade called out, her angelic smile still plastered on her fine face as she shook her head a bit, her blonde locks shaking in response.

"Y-yes," she managed to reply.

"Great." Handing the bag to the lady, she assisted her in getting up before smiling at her and rubbing at her arm.

"Just be careful and next time," she looked around a bit before moving in close to the lady and whispering in her ear. "Knee them in the groin, hmm."

The lady was shocked by her words but after some seconds, her face relaxed and she smiled.

"Yes. Thank you for your help."

"No worries ma'am."

Turning around, she continued to her car and just like that she opened it and got in then drove away.

Not too far from the scene of the incident was a black jeep with well-tinted glasses.

Unknown to Jade, ever since she stepped out from the shopping mall, the car had remained there with the owner watching the scene unfold.

"Hey Jake, what are we still doing here," Liam asked.

They had finished with their business since and were about to leave when Jake refused them to leave without a cogent reason.

Apparently, Liam had waited and ten good minutes had gone by, yet his friend was still dazed staring outside.

"Dude, come on," he tapped on Jake's shoulder to get his attention.

"Huh?" Luckily for him, Jade had driven off, leaving him with a confused expression on his face as he turned to look at the worried Liam.

"What gives? Why the look?" Liam pestered.

"Nothing much, just that… I just saw something I cannot unsee and given who she is, this is strange."

"Huh?" It felt like his friend was speaking in gibberish. "Speak in a language I can understand. I do not get you."

"Do not worry about it. You wouldn't understand anyway." He brushed off the topic as he was not willing to start explaining anything to anyone.

"Try me," Liam argued.

Shaking his head, Jake gave the signal for them to drive away.

Why the whole thing was still perplexing the young man, he had seen Jade before aside their two-time meeting and then just like this time, someone had robbed an elderly lady like her mother's age and pushed the lady away, causing her to fall on Jade.

Knowing full well what had transpired, Jade did not help or assist her in not falling, instead, she pushed the woman away, causing her to fall on her hands and feet.

Back then she looked so disgusted by the fact that the lady's body touched her and felt irritated by her presence, in anger she stormed her way out of that place, ignoring the lady who had lost her bag and was humiliated as well.

Unknown to her, her prince charming saw all of this and that further had annoyed him. So, the second time when they met and were introduced, his dislike for her only skyrocketed.

To him, she was just a rich spoilt brat who had no regard for human lives aside from hers and probably her parents or those of the same social status with her.

Now his father was saying he would marry her? Tsk, playing with her heart would just be the little she deserves, Jake thought.

Now, not only did she intervene and get the lady's purse back, but she also helped catch the thief and aided her in getting up while acting friendly to the lady.

This was just wow and too much for Jake to take in.

"She is unbelievable," he subconsciously voiced out, still very much deep in his thoughts.

"Who and how?" There was no way Liam was going to rest on the matter. He needed to know what was going on and why his friend made that statement.

Jake arched a brow in his direction. He was not expecting him to reply nor did he know he was listening. "What?"

"Yes, you heard me. Who is unbelievable?"

From the look on Jake's face, he did not look like he wanted to spill the secrets but Liam was not having it anymore.

"Speak. Since we came out of the meeting you have been weird this whole time. This is not you."

Letting out a sigh he shifted a bit on his seat so he was looking at his friend in the face. "No, it is just Jade."

"What happened to her?"

"She... She seems so strange. Like her behaviour has changed. Even the air around her seems different."

"Different how? You would need to emphasize. But you know that you and I barely know her or have you done a proper investigation on her?"

"No. I have only met her twice that is before the accident, that is."

"I see. So what is the difference?"

"Her behaviour, she seems cool and collected as compared to her nasty behaviour of before."

"Just maybe the accident has taught her some lessons about life or she still has not fully recovered her memory and then she is finding things strange."

"Even at that, you do not just grow a new behaviour. Most times, when situations occur, subconsciously your true attitude show and you act in the same way because your body is already used to it. I do not know if you understand me."

"I understand. Anyways, perhaps she has this new attitude in her and might have always been putting on a façade of being harsh just to push people out or not to get hurt, you know."

"Perhaps you are right and because I do not know her so well, I cannot distinguish. All I can say, there is something odd about her. So I would go with the first idea you gave."

"Which is?"

"Perhaps the accident, near-death experience changed her for the better."

"Anyone you want. I just want my buddy to be okay, no matter what."

"Thanks, man."