Different Jade



Unknown to Aria, Mira had been watching her every move and seen that's he had started to meet with her office people.

For a moment there she was suspecting that her daughter really was well but when she brought it up to her husband, he made her realize that they could just be visiting her.

"Mora, I have told you, you need to give this girl the benefit of the doubt and stop acting this way. She is your daughter, you know. Might I remind you how Jade would get if she figured out you were not trusting of her."

Letting out a deep sigh, Mira moved back to the bed where Jay sat and climbed in. "It is because I am worried about her that is why I am like this. I do not want her doing anything she is not supposed to."

"And what is she not supposed to be doing?"

"Getting involved with that girl, umm what is her name?"

"Who?" Jay asked, looking more puzzled and confused.

"You know, the dead one umm I knew her name. It satred with an A."


"Yes, Aria, that is the one." Her face instantly became relaxed now that she had recalled Aria's name. "I do not want her feeling bad over nothing. In fact I prefer and love my daughter of before."

'The fact that she didn't care she hurt people's feelings?" Jay asked out fo the blue.


"And how can you say that? You are her mother and you know that attitude would affect her."

"Well, it is just her way of preventing herself from getting hurt and you know what caused that. You were never having her time."

"As did you," Jay pointed out.

"No, I was different. I tried to have her tome but it was always her father. Daddy this daddy that. But where were you when she needed you? Rather you spoilt her. So do not come blaming me for how she turned out."

"Tsk and I am trying to fix that don't you see. I am happy if she has changed. Perhaps she is just appreciating life and trying to fix her life. I suggest you leave her be. She is an adult."

"There you go again," Mira voiced out, raising her voice in the process.

She did not care how he felt at this point but now, it felt like the change her daughter was going through was just too much.

"Learn to welcome change, it is a good thing, especially when it is positive."

"But Jay," Mira threw her hands up, letting them fall down at her side willingly. "I…"

"No. Say no more," raised his hand in front of himself to stop her. "No more, darling, no more."


"Your fear is getting to you dear and you need to let go."

"Hahha," she chuckled lightly. "I am not scared at all."

"Yes you are. You are scared that if she gets too involved with them, they can try and cause trouble for us by bringing back the incident we covered up to light. Do not worry and trust her. If not for whom she is trying to become now but for whom she was. Jade can handle herself."


Days went on like that with Aria making good use of Jade's identity to her advantage.

Unlike before where she usually stayed at home and asked around, now she decided to step outside like a normal person and do things on her own.

Of course, she used shopping as an obvious excuse to also leave the house and today was one of those occasions.

Unlike Jade, she had different taste in clothes. Most of Jade's outfits were either revealing or too short for her liking.

And she also knew that with her new life she could not just wear anything anymore but still had to dress the part.

So going shopping was the perfect excuse.

As soon as she stepped into the store, the first shopping attendant that saw her, obviously knowing her well, rushed up to her and lead her to the latest clothes section.

As expected, clothes that were given to her were of the same brand.

"Okay," she let out a short breath. "Plans changed. I need proper cooperate wear and some casuals but not too short, knee level and a little bit above the knee, hmm?"

"Okay, yes ma, right on it."

Smiling at the girl, she watched as she turned around with the set of clothes and off to get a change of outft.

By the time she was done, she stepped out looking more pleased by her shopping and just as she got towards the road, close to where her car was parked, she saw a guy rush up at an elderly lady in her late forties, grabbing her bag and taking a run for it.

"Oh my!"


Unknown to the guy, eh was in a hurry not to get caught and failed to notice Jade standing close by.

Normally, most of the wealthy ladies would ignore it but not Aria who was now in Jade's body.

Not doing anything much, she pretended t be scared and ignored the guy.

However as soon as he got to where she was standing, she stuck her right foot out and a bit high enough to cause him to stumble and fall forward, crash landing face first onto the tiled ground.


A small smile appeared on her face and she stalked in a cat walking manner towards him, took the bag from his hand and stood up, but not before she smacked him hard on the head with it first and smiled like she had just done nothing.

At the same time, the whole scene had attracted the security men in the shopping area and they rushed at the boy, helping him up and securing him well.

Ignoring what was going to happen next, she smiled and walked up to the older lady that had fallen due to the push and force the boy used in getting her back.

The lady's eyes were still wide open with shock from the event she just witnessed. It wasn't until Jade spoke that she got herself back.

"I believe this is yours?"