[Bonus chapter] Apology.



She had let it go on and that was because she was a bit shocked with his being here and their marriage but that should not give him the right to take her that way.

She was not his nor was she Albion's. She was a firm girl. One who did not need a man in shining armour.

Now she felt nothing, no dance vibe, nothing. All she felt was anger. The last thing she needed was them fighting because of her.

Besides, since when did Jake care? Wasn't he indifferent to her before?

Everything was just so annoying and she was done.

In anger, she yanked her hand free from Albion's grasp and pulled her body away from Jake who left her at will to her surprise.

She glared at Albion. He had touched her again without permission. Unforgivable! So she was mad at him but not at Jake and she did not know why.

"Jade," Albion called out, his confusion registering on his face for her to see.

"Stop right there," she immediately cut in. "You two can fight or brawl for all I care. Don't drag me into it."

"You heard her," Jake chipped in, earning a glare from Jade.

"I belong to no one." With that, she snickered and walked off in anger.

This was all a mistake.

Everyone present was shocked, especially Liam, Ian and Zane. It was the first time they had seen their friend act jealous over any girl and it piqued their interest.

No one knew what came over Jake, he didn't as well.

Seeing her walk away in anger, he let out a sigh and walked away too, leaving Albion behind.

The idiot wanted to take it further but before he could get five steps in Jake's direction, he got blocked by three men in suits who glared daggers at him.

Without uttering a word, Jake went to his friends, looked at them, they quite understood and nodded their head.

They knew he was feeling out of it and so he was going home.

He turned around, picking his car keys and walked away.


The next day came quickly but Jade was thankful all she had as the memory was her anger.

Thankfully nothing happened lest she would have been on the headlines today and would have had a angry mother marching in to her room first thing this morning.

No one wanted that honestly.

Picking up her phone, she sae that she had over twenty missed calls and upon checking, found it to be Quinn and Liz.

Yeah she had ignored them as well snd returned home by herself and on time much to Mira's amazement.

Amongst others were texts messages from them asking if she was okay and them apologizing.

In all, only one of those text messages caught her attention and she rubbed on her eyes even more.

When she looked at her phone screen again. It had not disappeared. It still was there.

She read out after some seconds of staring.

"Hey, morning. It is Jake. I'm sorry about the club. I was out of it and crossed my boundaries. Forgive me."

Though she had not bothered about him cause she still had not figured out why her body did not reject him, she was not ready to see him at the moment.

Smiling to her phone she replied. "No worries."

Then hit the send button and responded to her friends.

It was a bright day. She still had plans and she was going to make things work the way she wanted.

If there was anything, her yesterday encounter had only made her make her mind up.

She needed to push through with other smaller companies and see what they could bring to the table in order to push her family's company up.

She really may not need the marriage if she could but time was not on her side.

Getting up from her bed, she made her way to her bathroom with a new resolve. She had the wealth, it was time to really try and see where it could get her.

Also, it was time for her to visit her old family and make them pay a bit for what they had done to her.


In the big living room of the young master...

Jake refused to go to his parents' house and enjoyed the night in his room and big bed wondering about what happened the previous night and how he lost it.

He was mot a virgin neither was he scared of girls, but in his life, he really had not found love but just enjoyed himself when he needed to.

In all his years, never had he been so jealous of any guy or girl before.

He had all he wanted, his parents made it so and so did his grandfather but he did not get their love, locking his own heart away.

But that night, he saw a different side to his usual cold self.

He spent almost the entire night thinking about what had happened.

The look on her face when their gaze met. How she looked so stunning and charming when he had her close to his body.

Her actions, her reactions. For a girl of her caliber she might have enjoyed it and flirted away, enjoying the dance further but she didi not.

She was tensed and lost it all. He knew she was ready to dance judging from how her body responded to the music on her own and he got jealous.

He wanted to be Albion at that moment and that was what happened.

Only to get to the dance floor and got what? She was stiff.

Once more, she succeeded in stunning him with her reactions and actions.

And he felt pleased if he was honest with himself. He felt pleased that she chose him before even though she walked away.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt the need to want to study her and this change.