All About You.




The moment the call ended, Mr Drake picked up his cell phone and failed the supervisor's number.

He knew Alexander was going through something. At least he was informed he had lost someone. Whether or not he had reported, he wasn't so sure.

So only one person could clarify this to him. "Hello. Supervisor."

"Big boss sir."

"No need for greetings. Answer me this. Is Mr Chase back in the company? No, even if he is not, make him at all cost and give him a reason to push forward. He is needed for this project."

"Yes sir. He resumed work already and is amongst the team handling the proposal. Is there any problem, sir?"

Just hearing what the supervisor said, he felt calm and okay. Yes, now he could face Jade Jordan. Earlier on he had lied because he wasn't so sure. Turns out there was no need.

"No. Everything is good. Keep it up and pump them up some more. This must be the best proposal yet. The marketing teams must do everything possible as well and come up with great things."

"Yes sir, most definitely."

"Okay. If there is any problem, ensure you contact me quickly."

"Yes sir."



By the evening of that day, Jade got all that she needed to know concerning her family's business and felt as though heaven was standing by her side through it all.

"Yes. This time I would watch as you cry. You would weep and wonder why the heavens have abandoned you, Debbie and Amelia Flame. I would crash all of your hopes and dreams and take from you that which you desire."

Her eyes flamed with burning passion as she glanced through the files in her hand.

She was not going to initiate attack in them just yet.

She was going to study them and then later start acting that they would not know what hit them until she brought them down.

She knew that anything she did now would have her mother's eyes pock nosing into it. She needed to be careful lest she get another yell from her but she told herself she was going to give them a wake up gift and then after they had managed to recover, she would begin her plan.

While her own plans were in motion, she least expected that her soon to be husband was going through her file to know everything about her.

It was already evening but Jake did not leave his laptop screen. Normally he would have gotten off work by now but he chose to keep it up.

He too was tasking his workers to get better results from them. Their company was almost coming down from their position and that was why his parents felt this would be the best. They never wanted to drop below the Jordan in business so they proposed the business deal between their families, using marriage.

He hated them for doing that knowing full well that they could try harder and get good investments to hit top but they wanted to use his life to get there.

While he was still working, an email dropped in and he immediately went to check.

He was too busy working that he actually forgot that he had requested details and information about Jade.

So when the email opened, delivering all if the information he needed, his eyes widened and a small smile spread across his lips.

"Here we go Jade. Time to know all about you."

He spent over an hour on her files, reading and going through everything from when she was born till now, the time of the accident and even presently.

In all for the most part of her twenty three years on earth all that he saw was true and the same. It followed a pattern. She was a rich and an only child. She was spoilt by her father and loved by her mother.

Though the latter did try to correct her daughter, her father's spoiling prevailed and in the end she became the way she was.

But things changed right after the accident.

Her actions after were different. Though, for now it was safe to say that she was like this for a reason and the accident did a lot of damage or in her case, repairs on her.

Somethings were still there like her OCD but when he held her, she did not flinch only till Albion laid his hands on her.

She was a mystery right now to him and one he was happy that he would solve.

And since it had barely been up to a month since the accident, one could say the changes would be temporary and only constant observation would tell if she is okay or not.

Till then he decided to watch and see who she really was.

If all of her actions since she was young till now were facades or it was her present action that was a facade and she was still the same old Jade.

He placed a hand on his head and the other on the table racking his brain for any logical explanation as to what might really be happening. Her change to him was just out of it.

"Perhaps I am the one over thinking this thing and also the stress from the wedding is getting to her or being given a second chance is really changing her. Regardless of which, I want to know."

He let his hand down and relaxed against his chai, gazing up into the ceiling of hos office.

"Such a mystery but like every mystery, I am always drawn to solving it. Tsk, if Liam saw me now, he would have said I should have gone to study thw sciences since i love finding facts behind things. Tsk, I might have been a doctor in my past life if there was one haha..."

He knew he was being illogical but if things happened that way then perhaps there would be a really reasonable explanation to Jade.

"Do not worry wifey. I would figure you out."