[Bonus chapter] No Plans.



Before long, a week had already passed but Mira was beginning to get worried for Jade.

She was going to marry Jake and she had hoped that by now she would be seeing some hanging out between the couples but nothing.

Especially from Jade's side. She was the eager one with the marriage before. So how come she wasn't even trying.

Letting out a deep sigh, she paced about in the living room. Something needed to be done.

Even the bride to be was not bothered about any arrangements concerning the wedding.

At that moment all she could think of was what kind of daughter she had raised.

This accident had done more harm than good to her daughter. While she paced, she kept on checking the gate from time to time to see they would pry open to announce the arrival of her daughter but no matter now she checked she got nothing.

Finally, she got tired and was about to call for one of the maids in her house to get her a drug when she heard the from of a car and she turned around swiftly.

Her chest rose and fell as she once more checked and saw that it was her daughter's car. Placing a hand in her chest she waited close to the window till she saw the door open and Jade come out of it.

She let out a sigh and waited till she got into the house.

Before Jade could even make it past the living room, Mira called out her name, shocking the young lady who was not expecting to see her mother there.

"Mum." she smiled, turning around and heading into the living room. "How are you?"

"Fine, I guess." the saddened look on her mother's face had gotten her worried and she knew something was wrong.

Dropping her handbag on the cushion close to her, she made her way to where her mother stood and went to hold her by the arm.

"Mum, what is wrong? Why are you like this? Talk to me, I am here for you."

"Well, it is you," Mira reluctantly let out after a long pause.

Jade did not know what to say at that time and only waited for some time, hoping her mother would explain.

Right now in her mind, she knew she was guilty of a lot of things so not knowing which and just speaking out of turn like that could get her into more trouble than she had anticipated.

"Ars you going to tell me, mum?"

"Well yes. Let us take a seat."

She took the first step in the direction of the cushions and sat down with Jade joining her.

"Now can you ease my heart mother? I am bothered. Tell me the matter."

"Honestly, perhaps I should not be telling you this but I am honestly scared, Jade. You wanted to be with Jake so much and now I made it possible but I cannot even see any sign of you liking him or even wanting to push for this marriage."

"Perhaps mum, have you thought about this. It feels like soon for me. Maybe not for you but I just had a major life-threatening accident. Marriage is not the thing for me to be thinking of right now."

"It is and it should. Had we lost you, that was it. But if you were married and had a child, there would have been more hope."

"Oh, so you are saying my kid is who you want and not me."

"You know that is not what I meant, Jade. I am just saying. You have your whole life ahead of you my love. It is high time you see that. Do not let a major setback like this accident keep you from living your life."

"Yes, and I would love to live it as I see fit."

"Jade! What has come over you? Can you just stop and for once think. This marriage is happening whether you like it or not. It is your duty. You cannot make your father and I look like fools. After we made arrangements we would be pulling out, no."

"But my."

"No. It is high time you start taking responsibility for your actions and words. You are not a child anymore and your father cannot keep spoiling you for me. This has to stop."

Mira was angry and Jade could see it loud and clear but she was trying, honestly, really trying to accept a life that wasn't hers in the first place.

"You would start behaving well. The wedding is around the corner. This is not the time to have cold feet. You need Tobe a woman and stand up and accept your responsibilities. Do I make myself clear?"

Not wanting to argue with he mother further, she nodded her head and let out a soft sigh. "Fine. I will."

"Not just that. I called Mrs Jackson a while back and it seems you and Jake are out of it but I know you two would understand later in future. Anyways, we arranged a dinner for you two. And you would go. That is final."

"Mum!" Jade stood up, staring down at Mira with disbelieving eyes. "When would you stop?"

"Till I see a secured future for you. You need to change and lead a better life. You can freshen up and prepare your mind. The dinner date and time would be communicated to you by you know who."

Jade shook her head and quickly excused herself.

Yes, he agreed to go with the flow on this life bit not to have her whole life ordered like this.

At that moment she made up her mind. If she wanted to get out of this marriage she needed to join Alexander's company and help them out to achieve her goal.

'Time isn't on my side anymore, time to take this to a new level. Mum won't change her mind. Maybe when she sees what I can do, she would have a change of heart. This may well be my last fight against this. I have to give it my best.'

As much as her thoughts were made up, so was her resolve.

She had a chance to try again.