Plan in Motion.



Mira did not do anything yet. She waited for some time when she was sure Jade had gone to her room before she picked her phone from the table.

She spent a few seconds on it and soon found the person she was looking for then failed the number.

It had barely started ringing when the other person answered.

A lovely lady's voice came off in a low tone as she seemed please by her called. "Hello."

"Hey, good evening Mrs Jackson, it is Mira, Mira Jordan. How are you?"

"Oh Mira. I am fine. How did you do?"

"Great as well."

"I am sorry for not recognizing you sooner. Did you change numbers or something? I was sure I had your number."

"Yes. It is my second line. Personal though," Mira explained.

"True. Alright. So what is going on?"

"Ah yes. My apologies for calling at this time."

"No worries. We are practically in-laws already," Alexa chuckled lightly. "I am all ears."

"Well it is about what you mentioned just now. I am worried about the kids."

"I understand but we need to know they are not kids anymore. We are the ones treating then that way."

"I understand you, Alexa but hear me out. They make no effort to thrive with the preparations and it is more or less like they are not concerned or are not the ones getting married.

"I do understand you better now. Jake is even worse. He doesn't want to know anything concerning it. I never knew parenting children when it came to marriage was this hard."

"Me too. Anyways, I already threatened Jade today. Though I lied a bit but it won't hurt if we can make it work."

"Hmm, why do I feel skeptical? Fine what did you do?"

"I told her we spoke, you and I and we have fixed a dinner for them."


"All that is remaining now is for them to actually be told and they agree go it. lso we would plan the dinner date for them. I really wan to see them close so it doesn't look like we forced it on them."

Technically they were really forcing it on them but they were becoming oblivious to that fact.

"Yes. I concur with you, Mira. Okay I would speak to Jake of you do not mind and get things fixed and sorted out. He has no choice but to agree to the dinner."

"Oh really! She held her phone close to her ear supportively with her shoulders and clasped both hands together in glee.

"That would be great. Please do. I look forward to this wedding soon."

"Me too. Do not worry. Since they both seem shy, it is our job to plan it all and send the invites. I would have my wedding planner contact you and we get started."

"Oh sure. I am in all the way. Thanks. Have a lovely night," Mira bade her.

"You too. Bye."

The second the call ended, Mira felt like squealing for Joy. This was everything she wanted. Now there would be reasonable progress with the kids.


By the next morning, rather than their normal visitors at their company, Mr Drake was shocked when he was told he had an important guest waiting for his arrival since.

At the word important guest, he rushed towards his office briskly, hoping to not keep the person waiting only for his eyes to land in the young lady seated at the waiting area close to his office.

"Oh my goodness!"

His eyes almost fell out of their sockets at that moment but he was quick to compose himself and he put on his best smile, making his way to her.

"Good morning ma."

She lifted her head from what she was reading on her iPad and looked to her aide. It felt like thw world was on a stand still at that moment for Mr Drake, he was standing before such a wonderful presence and wished that he could capture this moment.

Well things were not meant to hold off for that long and after pushing the loose strand of hair that fell on her face to the side, she returned his smile.

"Good morning, Mr Drake."

"Ah yes. Good morning, Miss Jordan." He reached out for a handshake and Jade stood up, accepting it in good faith.

"Sorry for having your acquaintance waiting. Please come with me."

Together they walked over to h office and they both entered once he unlocked the door anf closed it behind them.

Once they were standing by hos desk, he smiled and gestured for her to sit down.

"Please do have your seat, Miss Jordan."

"Thank you."

Ever so gracefully, Jade sat down but not before running her gaze round his office and taking in the masculinity that it brought.

"You have a nice office," she complimented.

"Thank you, truly. Wow. I still cannot believe it. I have the Jade Jordan seated before me in my office. This must be a dream."

"Why? Is it so hard to believe in?"

"No. I mean yes. Sorry. Please, I wasn't told on time, so I was not prepared of your coming."

"I didn't tell anyone. Sorry to come unannounced and without booking."

"No nonsense. It is alright. You do not need ro that nor even come here. Anyways, what can I do for you?"

"I want work with you."

