Mother's Message & Advice.



At the start of the day, she already had a warming reminder of her love for Alexander and though it remained, she could not deny that her actions were out of hand as like her mother said, it may come backbiting her. 

Regardless she was willing to take the risk and do what needed to be done. 

On getting to her office she brought out the file of the Flame family and checked on their recent activities. 

With the way snd manner in which the meeting went she was itching to bless them with a bit of bad luck. 

"Hmm, I see Crested Moon is planning on pushing in more to boost their fashion trend. If that happens, it would not bring them to the spotlight a bit. Tsk, I can have them all that powerful for now. I need to stop this."

Closing the files on her table, she placed a call using her telephone through to her secretary. 
