


Seeing his message and reading it, Jade smiked a tad bit. He still wasn't bold to speak to her after that night. 

Though she found it funny how he used messages and wondered how long he could keep it up. 

At least they were going for dinner today, he did not plan on texting his way through, was he?

"Hmm, Good evening. Dinner still on? I would pick you up at 6:50 pm if that is okay with you."

She smiled again then texted back. 

"Still on. 6:50 is okay by me."

She hit the send button and dropped her phone. Whether he replied back or not, that wasn't her problem anymore. 

Looking at jer watch, her jaw almost dropped. 

"Damn it. It is already 5:25 pm and I haven't left."

She shook her head at herself and got back to work. 

Her mother was definitely going to scream at her. 


Luckily for her, she got home at 5:55 pm and quickly made her way to her room.