Steal You



This was her chance to escape and go meet Alexander as her last goodbye hang out with him.

It wasn't like she was cutting all ties with him, that would be ridiculous considering she needed him in the future but she was cutting their frequent meetups.

All the while when she left the balcony and headed for her room, one thought remained in her mind and that was the fact that's he had been kissed by the young Ice King.

It wasn't out of love she could tell but it was indeed lovely.

AT that moment, she was having mixed emotions. If she was going to enjoy her loveless marriage and find hope in love later or were things always going to be this way?

"Ahh!" Once inside her room, she was happy and amazed by how spotlessly clean it was after the makeup artists and fashion designers were all gone.

She took a moment to relax on her bed with her hands spread out.