Plan In Action



Regardless of whether he meant it or not, that did not matter to Alex because when he looked at her face, the look of shock plastered on her gorgeously beautiful face had him laughing.

"Hahaha…" he pointed at her face while he chuckled out some more laughter.

"What?" she asked furrowing her brows in confusion.

"Nothing. The look on your face just now was priceless."

"I see. Anyways, what do you mean by that? You want to take me away?"

"Yes but that would be a wrong thing to do. You deserve to be, besides your husband. I would not take that joy from you. Yet at least."

"What are you saying?"

"I love you."


"You are kidding right?"

"Haha, sure. I got you there again. Woe, you look pretty easy to prank," Alexander changed the topic quickly while wearing the best smile.

"I see. For a moment there I thought you were not kidding."