Night of Confession



"Let go, Cory. She needs to get told. How dare she?" Claire struggled against him but he just would not budge.

"No, Claire. You would only be the one getting told. Alex is old enough and knows what he is doing. Let it go."


"Urgh, you are too stubborn. Stop this."


"Do not blame me for being rude."

"What?" He did not give her a chance to figure out what he said when he spun her around to face him and picked her up, taking her far away from there.

"Damn you, Cory let e down."

"No. You are in pain. Stop it and just be still."


Unbeknown to them with what had happened, the two of them had normal chats until Jade began to see him droop to sleep.

"I am sorry, Alex."

"No. What are you sorry for? Let us... D-Drinkk hehhehee…"

She shook her head and signalled for a waiter.

"Have the bill sent to this number is I make your transfer."