A Walk through memories.

"Wh..what are you?" I said, stammering.

He had been elegant with just a shawl wrapped around him, and now with a full kingly regalia, he was breathtaking. I literally didn't have the breath to push him away, or disbelieve him. I knew my life was about to start on some roller coaster ride, but I was kind of ready for it.

"Walk with me." He said , extending his hand to me. His face held no expression at all, and the pace at which he gave me his hand made it look like something was helping him carry it to me.

"Where are we going?" I asked, but still gave him my hand. His fingers tightened around my hand.

"We are taking a walk through my world." He offered. He pulled me gently towards him and I willingly walked forward as he pulled me, then suddenly as I walked forward, he wrapped a robed arm around me and I closed my eyes as everything erupted in white light.

"Open your eyes." He said and i did, slowly.