Love triangles

When I said fade, I actually meant fade. Like disappear gradually, into thin air. Like it wasn't there before. Not like it faded because I was so immersed in the kiss or that all I could see was Kyran, it actually faded. From that one kiss that was supoosed to lead to a steamy night with Kyran, I found myself back in a cab, my eyes closed.

I opened my eyes and sat up, looking around. We were not in traffic, just some empty road, and the driver himself was no where. I turned around, wondering why I was in a car. 

"Kyran? Kyran?" I opened the door and came out, just as Tony rounded the corner with another strange man walking behind him.

"There she is," I heard the strange man say, pointing at me.

Tony nodded and muttered something before he walked briskly to me.

"Don't you care for yourself anymore?" He said immediately he got to me.