Opposite Genders.

I stayed there, breathing a little too hard. It would be nice to have Kyran's approval on this, but if I can't, then that's all the more reason I have to win. If not, it will be kike I put myself in a position to lose him, and I lost.

I sighed and got back to training, stopping only once or twice in the span of hours.

I heard footsteps behind me and I turned, expecting to see Kyran cone back to hug me, and if not to give his blessings, then to kiss me senseless and beg me to stop. But it was Naomi, and she was holding a bat.

I watched her with cold eyes as she swung it, her smile unsettling me. Even the ay she held the bat was predatory. I just hoped she wasn't here to prove that Kyran was right, and I shouldn't have started this.

"Audrey. Pretty Audrey." She cooed in a sickly sweet manner, and climbed up the short stairs to the ring. I let my eyes follow her every footstep, till she was right in front of me.