Continents of Pangea

Imperium: This is the Central and largest Continent of Pangea. Pandemonium, the Capital City of Pangea itself is located in The Southeast region of the continent; and whosoever reigns over Pangea's current Era resides there for a multitude of reasons which will be revealed through the course of the story.

The Daybreak Continent: The Daybreak Continent is located directly East of the Central Continent of Imperium. It is shaped similarly to Greenland and covers around a hundred million square miles. It has been the domain of the Faea for all of recorded history, and consists mainly of deciduous forests and high mountain ranges, with several large rivers and only a few grasslands whose ownership are the frequent causes of war. It is highly dense in Life and Earth attribute Mana which proves to be to the benefit of those specializing in the Life/Plant/Wood and Earth attributes. Besides the Daybreak Empire which controls around 70% of the continent the remaining 30% is divided by seven large-sized Kingdoms and 2 small Empires.

The Ironblood Continent: This is the continent directly south of Imperium. The Continent covers 1.5 times the area of the Daybreak Continent and is very dense in Earth, Metal, and Blood attribute Mana and Mineral depositories. It is covered in a wide array of cloud-piercing volcanoes, mountain ranges, and cliffs, as well as deep valleys and gorges, with most water deposits being underground reservoirs with very few surface-level rivers and lakes. There also exist only a limited number of forested areas. Its main inhabitants are Giants, Dwarves, Gnomes, Dark Elves, and all manner of demonic beasts that thrive in earthen environments. Due to the difficulty of agricultural development, this is a very chaotic continent as the main source of food for most Humanoid species is Demonic Beasts, and the few areas conducive to long-term crop production are often fought over.

The Samsara Continent: This is the Continent located directly North of Imperium and is one of the relatively smaller continents, being only half the size of Daybreak. It is perpetually surrounded by dense belts of wind carrying countless particles of Darkness Attribute Mana that limit entry into the Continent. It is the homeland of Darkness-Type dragons and Wyrms, Umbras, and some other lesser-known species. Countless Undead inhabit the Continent as well, as the entrance to the Underworld is located at the center of the Continent. The Continent is filled with a seemingly limitless amount of Death, Darkness, Shadow, Chaos, and Metal Attribute Mana and Mineral Depositories.

The Verdun Continent: This Continent is located Southeast of Imperium situated between the Daybreak and Ironblood Continents, and it is around 50 percent larger than the Samsara Continent. Possesses an overwhelming amount of Wood/Life-based Mana and its resultant Mineral Depositories and by-products. Yet, unlike most of the other Continents ruled by only a select few of the elements, Verdun also possesses an abundant amount of the other elements. It is mostly populated by Elves and Elementals, yet a significant portion of its population (around 30 percent) includes people from every other race currently in existence. The Verdun Empire which is headed by the Elven Imperial Family lays claim to around 60 percent of the Continent.

The Skylark Continent: This is the Continent located Northwest of Imperium sitting adjacent to the Manchester and Samsara Continents, and it is roughly the same size as the Ironblood Continent. This Continent possesses extremely dense amounts of Air, Lightning, Fire, and Dimension Attribute Mana and Mineral depositories. It is considered to be the domain of wing-typed creatures, such as Dragons, Griffons, Harpies, Angelic-Cretures, and other Bird-type Demonic Beasts (I feel that now would be a good time to explain that Demonic beasts are creatures that have some semblance of intelligence and possesses the ability to cultivate Magic Cores through the absorption of Mana and Astral Energy). It is covered in long Mountain Ranges and widespread Deciduous Forests. Kingdoms and Empires don't really exist as the land is simply divided into different-sized territories based foremost upon the relative strength level of any given Species' current ruler.

The Lotus Continent: This is the Continent Southwest of Imperium sitting adjacent to the Ironblood and Manchester Continents, and it is slightly smaller in size than the Samsara Continent. It possesses an extremely high density of Water and Wood type Attributed Mana as well as the resultant Mineral Depositories. It mainly consists of Large Lakes, Rivers, and Deciduous Forests, with a small number of relatively large grasslands. It is mainly inhabited by Wood and Water Nymphs, Dryads, Trolls, Centaurs, Sprites, Water and Wood-based Elementals, and Astral Spirits that chose to descend from the void and intermingle among the creatures of the earth. Kingdoms and Empires don't exist here. Instead, there is a single Super-large alliance made up of countless cities, towns, and villages, led by a Council of Elders who have lived for countless years.

The Manchester Continent: This is the continent located directly West of Imperium being roughly the same size as Daybreak. Although it doesn't have the extreme density of any specific Mana Attribute as seen in the other Continents, it does have a relatively high-density level of all Mana attributes and Mineral depositories. It is mainly dominated by grasslands and deciduous forests with a relatively low number of mountain ranges. 60 percent of all Human life resides on this Continent accounting for over 90 percent of its population reaching upwards of 100 billion in number. As such this is commonly referred to as 'The Human Continent'. The Manchester Empire occupies the central region of the Continent, laying claim to approximately 50 percent of its land. And as a result of both this and Humankind's rate of reproduction, even though the Continent is superabundant in all manner of resources, Countless Kingdoms and Empires participate in deadly competition as they seek to expand and develop their territories so that they better suit their constantly growing populations.