Titles, Class Rankings, and Months


Ender - Someone Possessing the Sheer Power to Single-Handedly put an End to an Era if they so wished.

Quasar/GodKing - One of The World's Strongest Beings Alive and Ruler of The World. All other Dities and Godlike Beings Answer to them. Someone Possessing Unquantifiable Power.

Paragon - Someone with control over at least a single Principal, acting as one of many Current World Administrators.

WorldKing - The Current Ruler of Pangea. The Individual Bonded with the World Core and the ruler of all mortal life.

Paragon Killer - Someone who has killed a Paragon.

Reincarnator - Someone who has undergone rebirth, and is currently experiencing a new life.

Xanto - Those with the potential to become a new Paragon.

Yakira - Those of the U - Class.

Adventurer/Explorer - Those belonging to the said guild; completing tasks in exchange for various rewards and/or resources.

Mercenary - Pretty Self-Explanatory. Someone who offers prowess on the battlefield in exchange for something else.

Outlaws - Those who have been blacklisted by the various Guilds and/or have had bounties placed upon their heads.

Class Rankings are as Follows in descending order:

Paragon (Represents Complete Mastery of any Skill-Set. One must be a Paragon to achieve this level in regards to any Skill-Set.)

U (In terms of Magic this Corresponds to level Ten Mastery)









F (In terms of Magic this Corresponds to Level One Mastery)

Class Rankings can further be broken down into +, Basic or ( ), and -. Magical Mastery has been categorized into four groups Basic(1-3), Medium(4-6), High(7-9), and Peak(10).

Months are as follows from first to last:

Daybreak, Iris, Mars, Ares, Maia, Juno, Julius, Augustine, Sarah, Octavian, Nova, and Dune