Auvenes is the city closest to the ocean. The ocean of dreams and also were the queen is rumored to have died.

it's always filled with tourists from all empires and islands, The beauty of the ocean is what attracts the people around the world. The ocean is filled with glowing shells at the ocean floor, it's glow can be seen from the surface. Deep sea mammals comes up at the time when the sun submerges into the ocean creating a once a life time opportunity to see.

'Lucifer decided to celebrate my birthday here, it's been nearly 1 year that I have been away from father. I would be lying if I said I don't miss him, I miss him more than any thing in this world. My father didn't love me but the mage does. My brother didn't even know my birthday but Lucifer does. I don't have a mother, I still don't. I thought about it since the day I got here, I can't feel safe here. I have lost myself, I don't remember me . It happened more after the session with Luca. He isn't helping nor is mother.'

She thought while she looked around the back yard connected to a forest. The yard was highly maintained. The grass was cut neatly and evenly, the bigger trees were groomed and left there untouched but they were clean, the fountain were place in the middle of the paths not taking too much space. She walked deeper into the yard to the point were the yard was not maintained at all as she thought about the illusionary world Henry talked about, she walked deep enough to see the fence that separating the forest and yard that was broken and rusty. Depending on her personality she would go under the fence to explore the forest. This forest was like any other forest filled with trees sunlight coming from the small spaces between tree leave, the smell of the tree barks and misty smell. The sound of leaf knocking against each other filled the forest as the wind blew. This forest is called the forest of Oak

The forest of oak is said to be the only forest that has the rumored green glorious butterflies due to the difference in habits and the flow of current it's cell reacts to the current waves creating a green cell.

a light mist and a wet climate is the speciality of the forest even though the weather of Auvenes is always clear and sunny.

she Takes each step slowly observing the the forest as the wet grass brush against her legs cold. the chilling wind blows from the west as she follows the east, turning around she sees what many would spend a fortune to see the infamous green glorious

she wouldn't know even if she saw but it wasn't something to ignore if not for the terrifying beauty, flapping It's wing as if calling to be heard.

kyoka takes each step carefully not to flee the butterfly away, with each step she takes it flys farther and farther. after a moment of following with a distance of a few inches she conforms from careful consideration or that she thought that it's making her follow.

she doesn't stop following even though it leads deep into the forest and farther.

" Not to complain but the forest is wide enough to get lost and never be found "

It's flies in a straight path as she follows cluelessly even if it did want her to follow it wouldn't be a surprise it's a world of magic after all. the long walk ends with the butter fly leading towards the ruin of a Royal house it seems roofless almost mixing into the forest. Pillars dug into the ground as moss grows over it, a lion statue welcoming at the inside. she walks in as she has been here before the building is ruined with pieces shattered around the butterfly leads off again as it leads to the end of the house landing on a sculpture of a beautiful women on her knees hair lose with sorrowful eyes covering what seems to be a child in her arms that was was protected with a great oak that fell above them, sunlight coming through the small gaps between leaves. she jumps on to see up close, it's much more like a living person she thoughts as she feels cold on her feet . looking down it was water, she looks up at sky but no rain was to be seen. She looks back to the statue hearing " Be Born again ", her eyes widen as the statue cries. something pains her as she cries out without knowing why. she rushes back to the palace. brushing her cheeks she runs away further and further as she gets out of the forest by the ocean side. she stares at it as she inhales and exhales in a rush, it was far from the palace that she could tell. Kyoka walked towards the main street as someone calls her she looks at the direction of the voice as she sees a old yet handsome man. he wore a formal yet casual cloths hair tied behind with a blue ribbon some strands falling on the front , asking her " May I help you?, you are crying young lady "

she replies " Can you show the way to the palace of Ava "

" with pleasure " he says.

Kyoka follows his lead as the pass by the carnival and stalls. he walks with his hand behind a cast in hand aqua blue. he asks as she stops at a antique store " why were you crying may I ask?"

this time she didn't avoid the question " The statue cried " looking up at the old man she says " it said to be reborn "

The old man shows a surprised reaction as his expression changes with a smile bigger and brighter then ever, he bends down and says " miss is there anything you want to eat? perhaps some candy? "

she shakes her head as she answers " I don't eat them, I don't even know you "

the man answers expecting that " Don't worry I won't do anything happens just shout the people here are very kind, I can show you something you may like " the go farther back as he goes in a small path between two large book stores and stopping at a open tea shop " please take a seat " he runs inside saying that. she settles herself in a near by chair swinging her legs while looking at the forest. The man comes back with something, he sits opposite to her as he tells " Keep this with you " handing a chain with the same aqua blue on this cast.

"what is this?" she says in a confused tone as she takes it from his hand.

" when the time comes you may know, for now shall we take you home "

" yes please "

they go o their way as he asks " please pardon me but are you a boy? "

she looks annoyed with the question as she says " what boy wears a dress " not a question.

after a while he drops her off in front of the palace leaving with " we shall meet very soon he " she goes inside to she the palace being decorated as the maid takes her in for dress up.