As she enters the palace she is greeted by a group of maids, who wore a rather odd uniform with almost no hint of white. The colour of the grand mage's palace. The palace of the mage looks rather odd, without any sight of anyone around. As she tried to go past them, she was stopped by a rather tall and lady-like person. Among them they wore an all black uniform with white cuffs at the end of the sleeves. She was old, wrinkles under her eyes. Her extremely long finger brushed Kyoka's shoulder, brushing off the dust.

" a lady shouldn't behave like a bird or else her wings would be gotten rid off ''

She backs off as she tries to escort Kyoka to her room. Not knowing what happened she follows her. The elderly woman opens the door for her to enter, which she does. She catches the smell of a burning fabric as she enters. She enters without suspecting anything or anyone, before she would have the time to process the situation, the woman closes the door behind her. Accompanied by maids that greeted her in front of the door.

" we should get ready for the big event "

The woman says, clapping her hand. Maids bring a rack of clothes, those all look expensive enough not to touch but a certain one had been more fabulous than other gowns. She couldn't contain herself as she went ahead and grabbed it. A royal blue that doesn't compare to any other. An off shoulder neck, the upper body tightens at the waist with a dramatical wave from her waistline that makes it look like it's floating. Patterns in blue have surrounded the lower part of the dress. She takes another look at the dress as she can't get enough of its beauty. The elderly woman has already noticed her way of looking at the dress, she went forward and took the dress form the rack.

" Would you like to wear this? " She holds the dress on her back to see the fit. She seems disturbed about something as she puts the dress back on the rack and says " looks like we will have to wait for the sleeves to be attached. We shall get you freshen up while we wait for the sleeves to be attached."

Kyoka sits on the warm bath water with her legs folded, everything below her nose submerged under the water, hair floating on top of the water. She moves without making a noise as the maids take her hands and apply fragrance oil. The smell of mint filled the room from the oil. She comes out of the bath water as they wipe her arms, legs and hair as gently as possible. They separate her hair from her face with a towel. The maids apply an almost foamy substance on her face that smells like lime and woods. That they wipe right after they apply. They bring the same royal blue dress now with cuffed sleeves attached to them. She waits as the maids bring over the dress and put it on her, not giving her the time to look in the mirror. They drag her in front of the dresser with three large mirrors attached on top side by side. She looks in the mirror to see herself surrounded by the maids that dry her hair while the others fix her dress. She stairs as the elderly woman brushes her hair braiding the front portion of her hair left at the front, she holds the braid back as she does a small bun at the back. Finishing with placing a hair jewellery on her braids. They don't paint her face in makeup they leave right after she is finished dressing leaving the elderly women and Kyoka in the room as she leans forward towards Kyoka and says

" Whatever happens just give in or else there is no saving " she left after saying a rather curious sentence.

' Just give in, I have nothing left to give in to' she thinks to herself as she is disturbed by the knocking on the door. She answers the knocking as she hears Feng's voice. " Little miss, they are waiting for you desperately."

She opens the door to see Feng in a navy blue coat as he gives his hands forward to her leading the way to the banquet hall door. In front of the banquet hall door she is greeted by Lucifer dressed in a formal black suit with a white shirt and blazer underneath and two guards standing beside the door. His hair combed sideways, he looked fabulous with that ruby earring drop. He would be the perfect example of the heir of the magical tower. He stretches his big hands towards her as Feng hands her to him.

" You look good " complimented Lucifer. She did not just look good but fantastic as the fairy of the forest. The guards open the door for them both as they enter, Feng announces them. Her eyes sparkle as the reflection of the light of the chandelier falls on her. The laughter and chatter of people wearing masks fill the room filled with livelihood. The noise drops with cheer as she enters their she climbs down the stairs she spots Cecilia but the mage was nowhere to be seen. Lucifer hands her off to the crowd as he leaves to the main stage where she sees a man that looks majestic with hair down to his waist wearing a royal cape with sage green eyes burning her down with his gaze, a sharp jawline and almost taller than Lucifer. Lucifer whispers to him as the man shouts

" Good evening to everyone in the room. I, Noah Reihlay, is your host for today. I greet everyone with the greatest honour. " the crowd cheers as he continues

" as today's main event is of great sorrow and pain. We hope the late mage watches over us as we follow his will. " Henry was a great companion and a great help to us in his honour we carry his will. I would also appreciate the young lady for agreeing to do such a great sacrifice "

all the attention goes to Kyoka as she is taken over by the host's speech. Everyone claps as the guard takes her outside. They place her in front of a pit filled with darkness inside the forest. Everyone follows her outside. Her heart squeezes. Someone from behind appears her, she tries to turn as she hears Cecilia's voice. " I told you to just give in " she shakes as she heard this before. The person standing behind her wasn't Cecilia but the elderly woman that she met a few hours ago. Suddenly her eyes are covered with a black fabric tied around her eyes. Her face is filled with terror and she says " what are you doing?"

The woman replies " yes mother's here " as she pushes her into that bottomless pit. Her stomach drops as she falls and hits the floor a sword through her stomach. The last bit of life in her is gone by the time she realises what's happened.

The bloods flows down the sword to hit the ground as new life arises with one death.