The Envelope

As I was munching on the French fries, I had ordered on the airplane.. I heard the pilot announce over the beeper

"We will be in San Francisco in 30mins time, so please fasten your seatbelts and get ready for landing"

Finally" I breathed out as I began to rip open the envelope, I had tried to keep myself sane since the flight to respect my sister's wishes and wait, finally I was qualified to open it up

"I pulled out a paperwork... It was a resume..

Hailey woods' resume...

Why would my sister give this to me? "I thought as I scanned through the files

"Born on 5th May 1995..

Eye color: crimson...

Sexuality: gay

At that point I stopped, I made say I reread that part to make sure I was reading it right and not imagining anything in my head...

Hailey is gay!! "I screamed in my mind...

And then I saw a note attached to the resume..

It was my sister's handwriting...

"Treat her well and take care of her... And don't ask me how long I have known about your secret crush"

I read out... I smiled, my sister was pretty observant

She is definitely gonna tease when I get back home"I rolled my eyes as I unloaded my suitcase and got off the plane after a long flight...

Thankfully, there was a car waiting to pick me up from the airport..

These people really know how to treat their guests"I smirked as I got into the car...

San Francisco..." I mouthed

It was my first time being in this city.. and damnit.. it was a beautiful place"I thought as we drove through the city to the internship center...

As soon as I got down, I was greeted by a lot of they all lined up neatly to welcome my arrival

Sometimes it's really nice to have some rumors about you, it makes people to behave themselves around you and besides I don't take nonsense from anybody

Some people call me the head eating monster, others call me the bird witch...

The first time I heard that l couldn't stop laughing,the first thing that came in to my mind was "who makes up this silly rumors?

Was it a crime to have a pigeon as a pet?

I just love birds, I can't help myself when I'm around them.

"We are lucky to have you here.. Miss Green"the director of the San Francisco branch greeted bringing out his hands for a handshake.. which I gladly accepted..

"I'm honored to be here" I replied with a smile on my face...

"So how are the preparations going?" I asked as I walked down the hallway inspecting the whole building for the kick off of the internship tommorow..

"Very well ma'am, but we ain't sure of the number of people that were posted to this branch in order to make enough provisions"the secretary assigned to me informed me...

"You weren't given the number of people?" I asked as I tilted my head to look at her well..

We were but it was sent to us late this morning but we had already arranged for a small number of accommodation..

Can't you guys whip up something?"I asked

It won't be ready on time but we have already started construction"she said reassuring me...

After the whole inspection, I was directed to my Lodge.. I opened it up and took in the view...

"It was heaven right before my eyes" I sighed as I dropped my suitcase on my bed and began to unpack..

After I was done stocking my wardrobe, I heard a knock on my door..

I opened up in a jiffy thinking it was room service...

"Yeah?" I asked as I popped my head halfway through the door..

We suspected that you might be hungry, so we brought you a variety of dishes to make a choice since we didn't know your food status" my secretary politely responded..

I opened the door to let her and the Cooks behind her in as they rolled in a trolley of closed dishes into the room

"You can leave it here, thanks" I said as I showed them the door and settled down to explore the mouth watering dishes in front of me...

I called my sister right after I had dinner,

Julie"I spoke up

Hey kiddo, I'm kinda busy" she said..

By this time?" I asked as I looked at the clock and it was almost 11pm..

Did you open up my little present?"she asked instead and from her tone, I was pretty sure she was smirking on the other side of the phone..

How long have you known"I asked

Didn't you read the little note, no questions Winter?"she said

Oh come on!!" I complained...

She started laughing "The first time you came to visit me when you came back from New York"she finally answered

And you allowed me to make a fool of myself that day?" I asked

She laughed so loud.." you almost did but you didn't Winny, how's San Francisco" she asked changing nthe topic...uhhh she always does that...

Not bad"I mumbled silently..

" When are the new interns arriving?" she asked again..

Why was she so what inquisitive to know"I thought

Tommorow morning" I moaned out..

I assigned her to San Francisco"she let it out

Hailey?" I asked in surprise as I sat up at once..

Yeah,so take care of her sis"she said

Juliana, Mom!!" I shouted before she could hanged up

" Did anything happen to her?"she asked

No... can you go and visit her at least till I'm done here in San Francisco?"I pleaded

Oh come on Winny, you of all people know how difficult she can be"she protested

Please" I begged as I pouted out my lips in a cute manner as if she could see me.

" Fine but not everyday" she said and then finally hanged up..

As soon as I dropped my phone, a blush creeped up on my face as I headed to my wardrobe to pick out something nice to wear for tommorow....