It's Her?.....

"Hailey woods, that's her name make sure she arrives her on time" I said to the receptionist at the entrance of the building and she nodded abruptly

How many people have reported this morning? "I asked my secretary as I walked down to my office...

So far, 200 individuals and still counting"she said flipping through some files..

Wow.. I guess you guys are really popular" I joked as I patted her shoulder and she smiled finally feeling at ease...

I have been staring at her for a while, she always bit her lips nervously and her hands were always shaking even though she tried to hide it at times

I don't blame her at all, it's not easy standing with the head eating monster... I would be pretty nervous too if I were her after hearing those rumors about me...

"You will be heading the opening speech today" I said to her as I sat down on my desk

Me?" She asked surprisingly

What's your name?" I asked as I played with the pen holder on the table

Mollie Daves"she responded with her head bowed...

Your first time?" I asked as I walked up to her...

She looked at me and nodded...

I held her on her shoulders..

"I trust you that's why I'm giving you the responsibility and don't worry I will walk you through it all"I said giving her a smile to ease the tension she felt...

"Here's a picture of someone I want you to note down when she arrives"I said bringing out a picture of Hailey that my sister had enclosed in the envelope

What should I do with her? "She asked..

Note down the time she arrives and no matter what happens direct her to my office and don't assign her to any hostel, I will handle everything about her" I answered before heading to the window to enjoy the view...

I was in my office when the clock stricked 8am..

She was probably in the building right now

Or maybe she couldn't make it here?"I thought as I tapped my pen impatiently on my table with my legs crossed..

Few hours later...

I heard a knock on my door..

Is she here already?"I thought as I jumped up from my seat and dressed my gown before heading to the door but to my disappointment, it was just Mollie ..

"How did it go?" I asked her as I tried to hide my disappointed face, she wasn't the person I wanted to see right now...

Fine, thanks for giving me the opportunity"she said with a big smile on her face..

I walked back to my desk and sat down trying to occupy my mind with some files there..

She came"she said taking me by surprise

Who?" I asked as I dropped the papers in my hands..

The lady in the picture.

I have already directed her to come and meet you, ma'am"she said and right there I managed to hide the smile that had tried to creep up on my face..

Thanks"I said instead and dismissed her..

As soon as she left, I rushed to the bathroom try and fix my hair and makeup,I didn't want to look like a mess when she sees me...

As I was still in the bathroom, I heard my door open but I had waved it off my mind thinking it was just the wind

I got out of the bathroom with a towel in my hands and then I saw a lady taking some pictures of my office..

I smiled, it was her as I noticed her brunette hair and then something else caught my eyes..

She was carrying a green suitcase that looked familiar...

I wondered where I saw the suitcase"I thought and then it struck me

"On the airplane!!" It escaped my mouth..

She was the girl on the plane as the suitcase had the same puppy designs I had seen before.., why didn't I notice it before...her hair was a sign but I hadn't taken the hint earlier..I couldn't believe that we had both boarded the same plane to come here..

Thank God I wore a green gown,"I breathed out as I looked at the mirror one more time.. satisfied with my look

I finally spoke up

"I didn't call you in here to take pictures, Hailey" I said before sitting down on the couch..

she didn't recognize me from the plane, why would she?"I asked myself as she was busy at that time listening to her favorite song she probably wasn't aware of things that was happening around her at that time

I saw her flinch in surprise and I couldn't help but giggle

I even saw she was checking me out too like I was..she was so cute"I thought...

I tried to keep my eyes off her by flipping through her work profile to at least show some seriousness on my face but I couldn't help but divert my eyes to her lips as she bit them nervously...

"She must have heard the rumors about me already"I frowned as I noticed how uncomfortable she seemed to be..

As soon as I suggested her moving in with me I wanted to observe her quietly and thankfully no one knows I'm gay so she wasn't gonna be uncomfortable staying with me

I saw her eyes lit up ..was she as excited as I'm?"I asked myself

And then I heard her stomach rumble..she felt so embarrassed as I chuckled silently but I guessed she noticed it as she looked at me with her crimson eyes

I got up from my seat and called Mollie, I made sure I was quiet enough so that she couldn't hear me before she decides to leave the room

"I'm kinda hungry, can I get some food brought to my office in two minutes"I said before dropping my phone..

I prayed that they arrive early before she found her a way to leave the room . I really wanted to treat her to lunch at least...

Thankfully, they rolled in with the orders and then I offered her to join me..for a minute there I thought she was gonna politely reject my offer but she sat down immediately and dug into the food...

She never ceases to amaze me"I thought munching on my own plate of food too...

After she left, I called in room service

"Can I get someone to arrange my suite in 5mins?" I had already calculated that it would take her 10mins to reach the suite so I had enough time to arrange it to her taste...

I followed her abruptly as soon as she left .

I can't stay here"she had said to me the minute I walked into the suite,I resisted the urge to reach out and cup up her cheeks..

if she she knew how nervous she made me feel right now and how badly I wanted her to stay with me"I thought as I tried to convince her to stay

"Can you help me with my zipper?" I had asked her, it was all a cover up to feel her fingers run down my body and it had sent chills down my spine as soon as she touched me...

I sat back down on my bed as I tried to block off all the fantasy I had in mind which had to do with her

"What If she has a girlfriend already?" I asked myself as I showered..

As I dressed up in my night gown, I called room service

"Can I get someone up here in a minute?" I asked..

Then I heard a knock on my door

Help me arrange these clothes"I said pointing to the green suitcase on the other bed...

Few minutes later, I heard the door click...I hurriedly ran back to my bed and picked up a copy of the company's magazine and buried my head in it...I didn't want her to think I was weird for snooping into her things ..