Glow (11)

"Hurry! Give me a slap!" Manager Long was slapped before he can processes things, a red mark that looks like a hand was extremely evident on his left cheeks..

"Why'd you do that!!" He roared towards the young teenager playing with her hair twirls

"Uncle asked for a slap, I did as what I was asked," An Jishi innocently replied, she's extremely and unquestionably obedient aiya~

Manager Long rolled his eyes, he knows this girl who absolutely don't have an ounce of respect towards him is just taking advantage of his words to slap himself, should he be thankful or what? That actually gave him the realization that his male god ain't cold as ice! Kinda cute too ehe-ehe

"Ugh, what's with that disgusting smile of yours? My male god is out of your reach," An Jishi made a vomiting expression

"I am just admiring," Manager Long don't wanna talk to this niece who keep roasting him and just did an important business, what the hell did his actor do to make his male god interested?

[[Ah? Wait a minute.. there's a call I have to answer! I'm so sorry!]] Manager Long hesitantly tapped a crying emoji

He's already guilty enough to lie and hurriedly go out of the game to not hurt his conscience anymore, An Jishi popped out if nowhere, "What did you do yesterday?"

"I wasn't the one who played yesterday, it was my actor," Manager Long is depress, looks like his idol is looking for his actor instead of him

"Uh..well, at least you talked to him," An Jishi is rarely shy, she is always out of character, being always rude in front of this uncle of hers that's why it's hard to speak out her thoughts of comfort and things towards him

"Indeed, indeed, unlike you who wasn't able to talk to him hehe," He nodded, very much comforted

"..." An Jishi smiled with closed eyes and did a crescent kick, hitting Manager Long's back as he was forced to kneel on the ground, "Would you mind repeating what you said, Uncle?" She giggled sweetly

"THIS IS CALLED ADULT ABUSE!!" He punched the air upwards and spoke some inspiring words, "Who says there's only child abuse! There's also adult abuse--" An Jishi stopped him from continuing, "Shut it, you won't get hurt by my kick," She clicked her mouth in intentional disapproval and shook her head, "Wha-- I'm an old man, child, I don't have that strong bones unlike when I was a kid," Manager Long denied

"To be precise, you're just 25," An Jishi added, "You're in your prime Uncle, just single hehe,"

He breathed heavily to calm himself down, who taught this brat to be this cruelly sassy?! I'll punch them to their sense--

"In case you're once again wondering who taught me this, it's simply just Mommy," The sweet, sweet her passively cooled down Manager Long's thoughts

"Oh, oh, oh," Dang it, that's simply impossible, Sister is so cool why's her kid so punky, he grumbled, washing her sister clean of impression

He recited some calming scriptures and then navigated through his contacts, finding the name 'Han Shua', his actor's name as he tapped it, the line went in after three rings.


"Yes, Good afternoon Xiao Shua, you played the game yesterday back in the waiting room right?" There was a slight pause from the other side, Manager Long was about to ask again when he heard the other side speak, tone same as always

"That's right, is there something wrong?"

"Nothing of importance! Just that, is there anything in particular that happened in the game yesterday..?"

"I don't think so, why do you ask, Manager?"

"Is that so?" He sighed and then vaguely narrated why, "Well, my idol talked to me and mentioned some kind of accident from yesterday, I didn't went online yesterday so I thought of you who played the game for a little while but it seems that you also don't know about it.."

"Ah.. I see, I'm sorry," It was spoken sincerely that even if the content were really casual it can be ignored

"It's fine," He waved his hands habitually even if his actor can't see it

"Anyways, don't stay up too late today because we have a big day tomorrow that is required for you to attend on time, we wouldn't want any negative impression on your back no matter how little it is, you hear me?"

"Also, eat properly and mind your diet, you can't work properly with low energy battery, practice and understand the script given to you, it's an important role we cannot fail for your future, but don't get too stressed or anxious, be calm and learn to take a rest alright? if you can't understand something, ask me and I'll try to explain it as clear as I can manage,"

"I wouldn't want to be filed of abusing my staff so work hard stably," Manager Long complains jokingly, trying to ease the seedling from his speech

He transformed into his work attitude after his real intention was answered, he is very serious when it comes to money but he also cared greatly for the actors and actresses in his hand, aiya, it's hard to be a nanny

"Yes, I hear you and I'm alright, don't worry Manager, I will work hard," .

"Good! I'm hanging up then, I've still got some matters to do, have a good evening,"

Manager Long slumped to the couch, he looks like a guy who's soul will fly any second, "Now what?"

Am Jishi frowned, "Don't lie, liars are scumbags, I want to talk to male god but it's better to tell the truth, he might also have mistaken us for someone else," She uncomfortably spoke, her guts is telling her something is up but she can't point out what it is, thinking really sucks!

"True.." Manager Long also helplessly agreed, he knows that his niece have some grudges towards liars, and lying won't end good nonetheless..

[[I'm sorry, I don't really think something happened yesterday??]] He was seriously about to send that when her niece interrupted his action

"That.. by the way, I think something is up with that uhh.. Shua guy?"

Manager Long rose a brow as he remembered something--