Glow (12)

"Speaking of which, there's this tab where I can see who I interacted with for the last seven days," Manager Long haven't used that for a long time since he don't think it's that needed, it records everyone he bumps into that it's kinda confusing, ever since then, he didn't bother using it, that's why he only remembered that now

An Jishi didn't know there's such a thing, even if she have played the game for a year she has been an independent player that do not communicate with others unless necessarily and she also didn't explore each and every part of the game's buttons, she was only able to find out some of it through the game guidelines that would show up once she triggers something. She was busy grinding levels and making enchantments, the fact she's one of the top 100 crafter in-game proved that she's good one way and another through a very 'natural' process! ┐( ˘_˘)┌

His eyes blinked as he looked at the history that proved his character to have met his Male God, he's confused on why Han Shua would deny it but now he first have to tell his Male God the truth




The said guy, Qiang Qing a.k.a Han Shua twirls his phone as he slowly wonders what kind of play this new guy will give him, should at least be a good replacement of Jiang Kang, that masochistic assassin is getting clingy, it's probably time to dispose of him

The data he hacked proved that guy to be very normal, he'll know if he wants something or is plainly guilty very soon..

He supported his chin as he drinks the red juice, if this little guy knows him and have some purpose with him, he'll probably rotate in his life in no time.

Hm, boring.

Qiang Qing lazily squinted as his eyes slowly closed, now, which piece shall he waste his money to?


With a heavy sigh, Kevin hugged his legs and pitifully look at his system, "Tell me 111, he is running away isn't he?"

[Humans are naturally busy, he might've indeed got a call to tend]

"Ish that sho.." It wasn't a question but a statement of unwillingness, his target probably isn't comfortable with him and thinks he's a strange and weird dude who have some intentions towards them, he is even guilty because he really does have some intentions towards approaching Qiang Qing

"Do you think we can change the target?" Kevin asked hopelessly

[I think you know the answer Kevin, he's the mission target, that can't be changed] System 111 also asked about this matter, but the higher ups told itself that Qiang Qing is the main contributor to why the world Kevin is in will be unstable and then get destroyed shortly after, they didn't gave any more details and perfunctorily dismissed itself after saying so

"Mnm," Kevin sighed, "..You.. can you change Hosts once I give up?"

[Yes, we can be unbounded if you gave up doing the mission but there is a time limit, after a contract with me, you can only have 12 days time to freely decide whether to make our bounds invalid]

[No more than 12 days is allowed, once the 25th of February passes and you have not yet made your decision, it will automatically be seen as you accepting the tasks wholeheartedly as we will then permanently be together till the mission is over]

"What if I die halfway?" Kevin opened his mouth after a couple of minute's silence

[Then, you will undergo punishment] System 111 coldly spat, it doesn't like it's host looking like this but it's not like it can keep everything for it's own, it not only would not help the world but also would be a blocking wall to it's host growth

"What punishment?" Kevin curiously and timidly asked his system

[Probably asking you to face people till you faint]

Kevin turned pale by just imagining the scene where he will be forced to talk to many people each time he wakes up

"That'll be torture!" He grimly tightens his hand clenching the pillow

[Yep, that's why you have to work hard ┐(´(エ)`)┌]

Their conversation were interrupted by a chat notification, Kevin looked over and saw that it's Qiang Qing who sent it

He cheered up and glance at the texts only to result a gaping mouth not shortly after reading the first 10 words, Kevin don't know if he should be more embarrass or more anguished towards the news he received

[[I am actually not the one you talked to yesterday.]]

"SYSTEMMMMM!!! 😱😱😱😱" Kevin sharply turned his head towards his system who stopped going forward to know what made it's host look soulless only to be scared speechless by it's host sudden look

[This ain't a horror world Kevin, you won't mind fixing your one of a kind face right?] System 111 took deep metallic breaths

[If I'm a director of a horror movie you'd probably be my main antagonist, you nearly gave me a heart attack!] It didn't forget to tell what it felt earlier to make it's host even slightly fell responsi---

"Stop your jokes 111, I know you don't have a heart," Kevin reminded gently

----Alright, it forgot it really doesn't own a heart

System 111 VS Kevin, Kevin wins!

"Back to our priority! If the guy we are talking to ain't the guy we talked to yesterday then who are we talking to!?" Kevin would love to shake the system nearing it's claws but remembering that 111 might flare up again he just shaked the pillow he was hugging, it's honestly not as satisfying as it was with the system, this was his momentarily side tracked thoughts╮(╯_╰)╭

[Is that a friend probably?] System 111 questioned back, it still have some psychological shadow towards it host who nearly messed up it's body, if it can even have some mental (more like code) problems, it consciously moved away a bit to give space to it's host

"Hmm, true true," Kevin's hair bounced up and down as he nods thoughtfully with a look of seriousness

"I should ask,"

[[Then, are you a friend of the person I talked with yesterday?]]

Manager Long doesn't think that Han Shua and him are friends, they are more like colleagues that helps each other, each one doing their assigned jobs with an appropriate care to the other, Manager Long kinda find it hard to communicate with Han Shua even if the actor look amiable and easy to talk to, there's always this thin layer separating the two of them but... looking at the screen, should he say we are friends even if it's insincere or just bluntly say the fact?

An Jishi went back from the kitchen with a potato chips and a cup of coffee, she munched one and then snatched the phone away from the absent minded gal, typed and pressed enter without hesitation.

"Wha--? What did you say??" Manager Long catched the phone that was thrown to him and glanced at the black screen that he was about to open only to be interfered by a doorbell

"Is that oldest sister?" He inquired without expecting an answer, he stood up and then hurriedly look out through the peeping hole as he sees An Jishi's mother

Manager Long opened the door and then shouted, "Ashi! Your mom's here! Pack your things!"

Fu Jia whistled, "Looks like my lil bro can take care of that brat properly!" She patted Manager Long's back hard four times

Manager Long just gave a dry laugh and change the subject, "I think you are two and a half late? Did something happened along the way?"

"Mnm," Fu Jia tiredly stretched, "The hospital was busy,"

"What caused the delay?"

"The news, have you seen it?" Fu Jia went to the kitchen and take out the products from the grocery bag she bought on the way, she lightly look at her brother and knew he haven't seen it yet

"There was a huge fire that happened just a little far from my workplace, there were so many casualties which are fortunately not too severe, dunno what happened but it might be in the news later since the police is on it, I just helped out a bit,"

An Jishi jogged down with a sling bag on herself, giving her mother a kiss on the cheeks as she finishes her coffee and potato chips, Fu Jia squeezes the kid's nose and then warned her that potato chips have lots of salt and calories and not to eat too much, she continued telling about her situation earlier

"It's worse since there was a lack of medical supplies, there seems to be some problems with the delivery of several sources adding with the abrupt injured patients.. you know what I mean," She frustratedly smiled, "I can do nothing about it, kinda sucks, I just hope the crisis won't that be long lasting and can be fixed fast,"

Manager Long fell silent and didn't say much as he just made a sound of agreement.. of course, he wouldn't know this is a huge part of the future..