Glow (13)

[[I do not think we are friends, just co-workers]]

Kevin was disappointed that they aren't friends but the second part made him cheer up, if they are co-workers, does that mean they work in the same company? This also make him suddenly aware of something

"Do I have to go out house a-and to people..?" He fidgeted with sweating hands

[..Ask first if it's an online job] Though System 111 knew that the probability of such cases are less than 40% in the current world affairs

"A-alright.." Kevin unsurely typed, he is half absent minded so some words were mistyped wrongly, fortunately, System 111 was paying attention to it's host every move

[There's a typo] System 111 reminded as it contemplated

After the chat was sent, there wasn't any movement made by the other, this made Kevin who was slightly squirming relaxed

System 111 is an AI who cannot understand human emotions and only identifies little actions by analyzing and comparing them to similar situations, it knew it has limits in what it can do good to it's host..

"W-well I guess we won't be knowing the answer soon,"


Kevin slapped both sides of his cheeks and then went back to his cheerful self, "Since he seems to have logged out already, maybe I should do something else?"


"Did you forgot it system? I still have a reward I haven't opened yet~" Kevin chuckles

[...Even A.I forgets]

"Pft. Alright~ I hope my computer don't forget me,"

[Anyways! Here's the skill card]

Unlike the doll up dresser, the Survival Mastery card used a similar appearance of a tarot card with an archer and an arrow design, a caps locked 'SURVIVAL' was written on the top

"How do I use this?" He flipped it back and forth, there doesn't seem to be anything unusual

[It says to tear it up]

Kevin blinked and look at the system and the card back and forth, his eyes says 'Really Sure?' asking for a second confirmation

[Really sure!]

"Alright.." Kevin closed his eyes and teared the card slowly into two pieces, when Kevin opened an eye he was dumbstruck

"Where am I?" Kevin didn't hear anyone answering him and then repeated his question only to find out that his System seems to not be with him

His eyes widened, pinching his right hand with his left hand, he slowly walk around the open grass, it's not a scary place, rather than gloom the surroundings give him a calming feeling so he wasn't that scared...kinda

"Hello...?" He unsurely opened his mouth and uneasily assesses everywhere, wanting to know if something changed in his surroundings

Seeing that there's no movement at all he was relieve and also feel that this is weird, in some novels he had read before the main characters will be in some kind of torturous training by another A.I to instruct them after they used the skill card and things

It wouldn't hurt to know what type of training this is right??

As if to answer his unspoken question, there was a huge movement on his left, Kevin who was forcibly taken out in his musings jumped and warily stepped back away from the sound

'No, wait, what if it's a monster that comes out, a small monster won't be able to make such big rustling sound right...'

Knowing that he might end up dead in case it's really something that he wont be able to fight with his current ability, he sprinted towards the nearest and higher tree then climbed---

Of course, that is in the premise of knowing the art of climbing

With a distance of 15 centimeter away from the ground, Kevin said that wavy tears can help him lessen the embarrassment and fear he's feeling now

Without a time to joke around, his hands that was hugging the tree's body let go, he ran in the fastest speed towards the opposite direction hoping that his small life would be saved, what is our little main character thinking right now?


Really, the three days bonding of the system and the host is very touching...


....Very touching

With such energy, his physical body unfortunately cannot keep up, he stopped running and half crouched to avoid falling forward, both hands on his slightly bended knees while his upper body leaning forward, his delicate face full of sweat as he takes in air through his mouth

"Haah..haah.. I.. haah.. managed to escape right?" He turned back his neck, it was peaceful and there doesn't seem to be any danger nearby or any hint of someone approaching his direction

He closed his eyes and leaned on a trunk only to be surprised by the words floating in front of him, mind you, his eyes are still closed

[First Training:

-Catch 50 Fishes; Time limit: 5 Hours ]

Kevin have question marks all over his head, is he inside the skill?? This is the training??

...I wanna dieee༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

Kevin then asked a question, "If I don't finish the training what will happen?"

[Forceful Training] A pretty concise words appeared and although short, it's pretty much threatening

Kevin is kinda curious what kind of forceful training it will be, since he is curious, he should know what it is! He cheerfully raised his fist up in a comforting manner

Of course, Kevin is just finding an excuse for himself to be lazy, he is only hard working when it's something he finds amazing and kinda unique

After resting for a couple of minutes, Kevin have enough time to know that his dog ears and dog tail are missing, he doesn't think it has been two hours and he is sure of that, then it only means that this skill have disabled the effect? Then why is he still fully covered with the doll up dressing clothes?

Gasp, does the skill have enough kindness not to let him run around outdoors naked?

He is kinda moved, since he's a nice man, he should talk to this cold system, they must've been pretty lonely right?