Glow (14)

Kevin can be sure two hours haven't passed by yet since he payed attention to the time back then, he greeted, "Hello trainer!"





As expected of trainer! First communication and got a cold shoulder! The said trainer seriously think this guy who didn't follow the script of getting scared frozen earlier is being sarcastic

"Well, trainer, what do you do in the forceful training course?" Kevin curiously asked

[Controlling] Cool and succinct, check! Trainer put on a satisfied smile and then glanced at this player with ridicule, hehe, don't worry, you are perfectly in good hands..

"Controlling?" Kevin covered his mouth in shock, are trainers so powerful?

This time, he didn't receive an answer and Kevin is free to guess what will most likely to happen, like, his body might get controlled to do stuffs and handle all the future torturous escapades!

Is he willing to be controlled? Out of his free will? Cannot decide what to do? Will be forced to things he does not want to? Of course! he is very willing!

Not only can he be lazy mentally but he can also learn new skills, he just need to bear the pain~ Hehe, my trainer is really thoughtful and attentive

Trainer who accidentally saw Kevin's favorability towards him nearing 80 for an inexplicable unknown reason: ....He likes me??!!!! No, no, this absolutely must be erased from the guy's mind! He needs him to hate itself or it'll get punished! *tableflip.jpeg

Although it knows how charming it is, it has it's own principles and will not reciprocate the love of the other that it doesn't have any romantic affection with!

It suddenly changed it's look of perfunctory to a determined resolution!

Kevin shivered, why did he feel chilly all of a sudden?


"Huh? Yes!" Kevin who was called, quickly forgot the sudden chilliness and replied with sparkling eyes to the one who called up to him, since he doesn't know where his benefactor is, yes, it's now his benefactor~ he just directed his gaze forward which coincidentally is where the Trainer who camouflaged it's body from the very start is currently located



[Ehem, what's your name?]

"You don't know?" Kevin blinked, he thought that skill instructors will have an access to their information, at least the basics but it seems it's the same case with his system 111?

[No, I wouldn't have asked]

"What if you are pretending not to know??"

Trainer gave a look of regret towards Kevin, does this child expect itself to know him when they only interacted for half an hour? And, the administration restricts every staff to have knowledge of their clients life before meeting them unless allowed by the owner

[Well I am being honest, didn't your system say it?]

"Well, it did," Kevin sheepishly rubbed his nose, it can't possibly say that the doubt was just something random that came to mind after being pierced and is really just a random thought

"A-anyways, you can access my basic statistics!" Kevin regained his confidence completely forgetting how.. pitiful his stats are

Trainer is kinda moved, for the person he likes he's willing to show even the deepest secrets.. sigh.. such a love really arouses trainer's smpathy, it's eyes became 1 point kinder, for systems like itself that is assigned to train the clients, they absolutely won't have a permanent companion so it became an anonymous acception that they can't be too close with the hosts who enters the space

This include getting hatred and indifference from the players, sure, some of them are like Kevin who gave up and just want to live lazily but only 5 percent of them gave access to their data, possibly because they experienced some things that doesn't allow themselves to open up

So, beings like Kevin are quite rare for the Training System, since Kevin has said that it can look at his status, Trainer will do it's best to make the best regime to a more stable, effective and most efficient sets of challenges specially formulated for Kevin

Just so you all know! Trainer is absolutely a professional Galaxy worker that is ranked 5th in the skill department and is a law abiding citizen! It also gave special treatments like this to hosts who gave itself enough knowledge of their body condition!

Trainer didn't forgot to inform it to Kevin in case the male misunderstood and even have another raise of affection

Kevin only nodded understandingly, he hummed a jolly tune and stopped once he a notification suddenly popped

[First Training Update:

- Identity 15 orange vegetables in the virtual forest]

'Wow!' He excitedly tapped the notification to see if it's true and gave another 5 points to the trainer in his mind after confirming

Trainer: .....

Kevin doesn't know the roller coaster emotions the trainer is feeling right now, he is in his own world thinking if he should do the task willingly or just go through a forceful training?

He contemplated for 30 minutes and decided that he should probably do it in his own, anyways, the updated task is very easy!

Isn't it just identifying? He's an expert in that zone!

Kevin regained energy and stood up, planning to look for veggies

[Please be notified that there are only 5 minutes left before due]

Like pouring ice water, Kevin, with open mouth is thinking that maybe it's his fate to experience the legendary act of forcing people in real life!




Alright, that's it, Trainer gives up and is raising the white flag, it now fully admits that Kevin, this young pal who does not only have a crush on itself is also a huge pain in the data!

It's not that the system can read Kevin's mind but it's just because Kevin right now is too expressive, even a smartass can guess that Kevin is thinking of just choosing the easier path

[You can do it]

Kevin heard the consolation in the Trainer's voice and felt a bit warm, well, trying is not that bad, if he won't make it on time he'll still experience the legendary act of forcing people in real life! And he can't afford to let someone see his embarrassing side that might become a black history in the future, it might even be used as a blackmail!

So, Kevin huffed and pushed the sleeves back, preparing for take off!!!!